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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Just go up to the guestlist person at the door and ask them for my list and they'll give you a little reduced slip thingie. Dress code - I would suggest dressing nice, no jeans, sneakers, etc. just to be on the safe side as always. AsianVixen - the party is being run by a group of various promoters, there are several partners in the party. I can give you the run-down of those if you'd like.
  2. OK I'm going back to DC this weekend to visit my friends and bf, who, as it happens, recently moved to the states from England. This morning, he informed me that on Friday night, England is playing Nigeria in the world cup and we will therefore be going over to the house of the friend with the largest TV to watch the game, rather than going out. Now, my immediate instinct is that I'm being dissed, coming all that way and we're not even going anywhere (we're both avid clubbers). But then I'm thinking maybe this is normal guy behaviour and a big deal for all of England, including its recent escapees... Is that the case, or am I being kicked in the teeth on this one?
  3. I'll be hosting the party ~ If lists are open that night (I forgot to check if they would be) It will be $40 on list - my guestlist name there is "Glitter". I may also be able to bring back advance tickets at $40 each when I visit DC this weekend. If any of you want the tickets reply here and/or drop me a PM/email at ReachProductions@aol.com and I will bring a bunch down and pass them off to you
  4. sorry Gonzo but I don't think anyone's gonna be impressed. The point is... for those of us who have lost someone because someone like you thought they could make it a few blocks after "drinking like a fish", it isn't okay when anyone drives drunk. And yes, those of us who've gone through the loss (Kurt Sweeney, still missed...) we DO yell at and rail on everyone who drives under the influence. Sorry, you're not special, you still suck for doing what you did, no one's impressed, so get back on your ship and review those discipline principles that were pounded into your head plebe year. Thanks.
  5. Makin' it happen... Ask for Aly's List at the door ~ reduced and all that, then... come say hi!!! ;)
  6. :laugh: harshhhhhhh
  7. Go crash someone's prom then... drop into that shit wearing a pink tuxedo and show all them high schoolers how it's done
  8. OK let's work on this a bit... first off, my partner's correct email is Sevan546@aol.com, second - the bookings are the result of a team effort on the part of many partners, especially Frankie Santos from PRM whose contacts ahve been a great help in the party.
  9. :laugh: Your comments are the BEST! :rofl:
  10. Gay boys are so pretty.... I want one! Only like, not gay, and stuff....
  11. Entering the "nonphotoshopped" category - My friend took this pic of me dancing around at Glow - and he must have gotten me at some weird moment 'cause it totally looks like I'm having an orgasm or something I can't believe I'm posting this...
  12. Voice of reason... thaaaaaaank you. Sorry kids but I still maintain that although my sympathy is with Jon in his having to deal with this difficult situation, the fact remains that the dealer got what he deserved. Doesn't mean he's a nasty person or that he doesn't have a great personality or a wonderful disposition, but those things don't make him any less guilty if he's holding 20 kilos.
  13. I have a 1988 Fox GL - it's the one in the pic above... its name is Ralph
  14. Hmmm... maybe we can set you and your VW up on webcam teleconference for the event
  15. YaY Buster!!! For all those who don't know -- Buster is one of DC's finest Everyone go check out his stuff!!!
  16. Jon, like I said on IM, my heart goes out to you, and I wish you and your friend all the luck in the world. My own cousin is currently on line for the pen, and it isn't like I don't know how it feels. I am only saying what I am saying because it's the best advice I can give you - you asked "what now?" and that is my answer... I feel it's better to channel the hurt and anger you feel towards the informant into positive contributions towards fixing the situation in any small way you can. And as I said on IM as well, I am sorry if I offended you, that's not the way I meant it, and I do hope that everything works out for the best.
  17. The day I find a guido who introduces himself as spencer, I will bust a gut laughing - that would be hilarious. Yo apples - don't forget to have that chicken kebab shoved up yer arse
  18. Thanks. (clearly I'm not "hip" to the "drug lingo" yo....) Joe, I don't think anyone's disagreeing with the fact that it sucks that his friend ratted him out - but we also haven't heard from his friend. Were they rooming together and the friend got sick of having coked out weirdos banging down his door at 3 a.m.? Was something going on that would cause that kind of thing to happen? Let's face it - as much as it blows that this friend ratted the other dude out, he wouldn't have had anything to rat out if the 20 kilos of coke weren't in the kid's possession. Guilty as charged. And besides, what is there to do now? Go find the informant and burn a bag of dog shit on his porch? I mean, really... The best thing he can do right now is to accept this in a mature manner, understand that although his best friend may be the most wonderful person to be around, he was still involved in some sordid dealings, and that's tough to handle, but all that can be done is to take some time out to think it over, talk it out with mutual friends or family or just whoever, and eventually, it will all be rational. Like I said, it could also help a lot to show support by: *Visiting in jail, if that's where he is *Offering support to other friends and family *Appearing as audience to the trial *Initiating a letter-writing campaign to the court on his behalf if this is a first offense, attesting to his character and citing a lapse of judgement - these things are taken into consideration in court cases sometimes, as in the case of my cousin. But blaming the kid who informed on him or sugarcoating the issue won't do shite... I am a firm believer that "proactivity heals" and calling the third party nasty names isn't going to do anything to help the situation.
  19. In the words of the almight PhuturePhunk.... RAWK RAWK RAWK!!! Where all mah VW owners at??
  20. First off, wtf is yayo? Second, whatever yayo is, I can deduce its illegality... so uhm.. what do you have to be pissed about? His being bagged keeps some people from destroying themselves - net benefit = positive. I can understand your being upset that your friend did something stupid, and got screwed, but uhm... #1 it wasn't you and #2 it wasn't your fault, so I think you're best off accepting the reality of the situation, be glad it wasn't you, and if you feel the need, show your support by visiting in jail or showing up in the court room.
  21. Jon, since when is Barry or Spencer a guido name?? I think Vito or Gino or Donnie or Joey or something would be more appropriate... To be honest though, I'm not feeling this at all. It seems like a waste of a phazon - there's not one DJ I would pay to see there No offense or anything, but it's just below potential, i think.
  22. waaaagh waaaagh waaaagh DG you're a whiny bitch I can't make the movie thingie work. Bah.
  23. <--Die-hard fan of Joey Balls and Carmanooch - Guidoland forever!!! hehehehee
  24. I *knew* somebody was gonna say that!! hahahaha Well gemini, unfortunately, if you're turning 18 on saturday, it might be tough to find some place to go - most clubs that are 18 on Friday nite - Exit, Factory, Roxy - are 21 on Saturday nights - I think even Exit has gone 21 that night, correct me if I'm wrong (and Roxy has traditionally been a gay party on saturdays). Your best bet may actually be to go out on Friday nite and show up just around midnight at the club - as of midnight, it will be June 8th, and they have to accept your ID. If you'd like to go to Exit that night, drop me a PM or something - if you have a group of people going as a party I can have you comped.
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