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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Yay! Fun night! Lemme know if it's ok to put some of these on one of my website galleries when it launches (read: check yo PMs)
  2. Technically yes, you can burn CD's but... I really hate using CD's. I prefer to feel the vinyl under my fingers. Also, a lot of my friends are producers and I work at a law firm that represents a lot of EDM artists, and just seeing it from their side I don't download things unless it's either a dire emergency or they've given me express permission to do it. I DJ at the radio station at my university, so I don't get paid for it. I do, however, get to nip the promotional vinyl 'cause I'm one of two people that actually spin house at the station. Everyone else either just plays tracks or spins hip hop or DNB. That in itself is good though, it's saved me a lot of cash. But if you want to work at a station why not just apply around? see what you can dig up
  3. No way, the NIZZASTY chinese food I had at the takeout place near my office totally took the cake... it was SO gross
  4. :rofl: dude, you forgot that I also do that special 20 minute polka set with costume thrown in for an extra $5 performance charge...
  5. I've been DJing a little over a year and I've already spent about 2 grand on records - and that was lucky 'cause I got a bunch either free or really cheap from my radio station. But be prepared to spend a lot of your money on it.. at times I've spent so much on vinyl I'd spend the rest of a week eating V8 and chocolate milk. But damn, it was worth it! Vinyl eventually runs you up more bills than the setup itself.
  6. Can you post up some of their stuff, sopha? I don't think I've ever seen anything by zac posen.
  7. Ever get the urge to look around at 'em, even if you're totally unattached, just to see what you might pick if the occasion should arise? I picked up the bride magazine at the doctor's office recently and they had some beautiful italian gowns in there. Anyone have favorites picked out, or a pic of their own wedding dress?
  8. Is it just me that doesn't find jennifer anniston attractive? I think she looks like she belongs driving a minivan to little league practice...
  9. I don't want to disable the signatures, though. The majority of them I don't mind, it's just when they're half a page long I think it's a tad excessive... and not so much to ask that maybe half of it be lopped off, or changed in some way that all the names are still there but consolidated?
  10. Didn't that song get played out a few years ago?
  11. ...I know you created your word and you're thrilled with and all, but your signature is a little excessive. Like, it takes me half a day to get past your posts, so do you think you'd mind at least shortening it by say.. half? We all see that everyone's said your word so... change peas??
  12. Thanks Crackorn - excellent comment doozy... hahahah
  13. Judging from the results, it looks like the public has spoken!
  14. ...and J. Crew remember, when it comes to preppy, pink is okay for guys lol come to Georgetown, everyone here is like an experiment in preppy cloning
  15. Not that we aren't at all a tad self-consumed, but who decides that anyway, and how is it quantified?
  16. Hey Diva, check your email - I sent one through the address on your website As far as DJs to check out goes - keep looking at this board. Nietzsche (aka Revaluation), Buster, Ray Kang, Kuro, Sung, and many others on this board are great DJ's and play at various clubs around the area. They usually post threads when they have an event lined up. As you'll see in the email, I also DJ and would be happy to talk to you about the female front if you'd like. Thanks for taking an interest in the scene - I think it's really important that people like you are willing to get a perspective on how the DJ/music scene is, and then share what you find with the general public. That sort of thing, I feel, is what will help bring so much hidden talent to the spotlight where it belongs
  17. Well it's not even that I don't agree with you that 1223 has declined. I didn't live in DC until 2000 but even then it was definitely different. I'd say it suffers from the same problem as any club that gets a reputation for being "the place to go" - everyone tells everyone else then all of a sudden everyone else gets let in and it's just not quite what it was when there was a crowd that worked really nicely together. And that doesn't happen just at the upscale nightclubs either. Some people on the board may disagree with me but it happened at Vinyl in New York also, which was for a long time the best friday night party music wise and crowd wise, but as more and more people heard about it, it got far less underground and now it's totally guido-ed out, Danny T is on the mic telling people to stop fucking up every two seconds, and that flow that the night had isn't quite there. As for this: I'm not really sure.. while you're right about 1223... and I feel like the scene is still doing still doing alright... I can't decide if it was better before or after I moved to Italy. Five has excellent nights, saw a great DJ there last night, and there are some others that do nicely, but I'm hoping that the return of Buzzlife to DC will pick things up a little.
  18. I especially like how this article mentions so much about the music and the DJs... which are obviously far less important than the bottle waitresses and door goons and, aren't we exaggerating just a *wee* little bit saying that 1223 was ever like Ibiza?
  19. Joe, one day someone really *must* teach you about appropriate vs. inappropriate posts...
  20. Would that be why la Juve whipped REAL right out of the champions league?
  21. Hey, welcome to the board Being as how you already seem to have a sound crowd set up, I'd suggest you go straight to the source... head over to the clubs during off hours and see if you can talk to a manager or owner who can either set you up on your own, or at least send you in the right direction to speak with a promotions manager. I don't know of any club anywhere that wouldn't be interested in someone who has a set crowd to bring out, so you should do just fine that way
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