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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. LoL George, you can fuck english till its raw - just as long as you're not pretending to be better than someone who just moved to this country and doesn't know the language yet
  2. ....and this is why you're a promoter, and will be forever. I'm an international diplomacy law student - I think I'll be making just plenty. Let me put my point in teeny tiny little bite size monosyllabic words for you (oops! that was a big one!) so you can get it: Unless you are perfect yourself, and unless you have been in the position of an immigrant starting a new life, go back to your comfy house that no matter how ghetto is still better than what 75% of the world lives in, and shut up. Wait, that might have been too tough for you: If you grew up in Jerzee and have it eazy all ur life it is bad to make fun of peeps that don't cuz they are tryin' real hard. Hmmm that wasn't in all caps though... hope that's okay. I tried
  3. Me and Chynado11 from the DC board I'll check in for both of us ~ 1:30 at the 1st floor bar Someone bring a camera cause I'm too lazy to figure out how to put film in mine
  4. Does anyone else find watching someone spin really erotic? None of my friends are feelin' this - we were discussing last night - I can just sit there and watch a DJ, and I think it's a mix of the power that holds over the vibe in the room, and the skills with the hands (wonder what else they're good at...), and maybe something about that little DJ dance they all do up against the turntables, but I find it a *huge* turn-on. Anyone else, or did I develop a DJ fetish somehow?
  5. Bwahahahahaha that's harsh! He doesn't look that scary in the pic that Kuro posted I'd like to see evidence. Hog Greely hahahahahha I can't believe you mentioned captain planet!
  6. Hmmmm right and since all Americans are just American and didn't come from some other country... let's see, when your ancestors came here, unless you are 100% full blooded English, I can guarantee they at least had some deficiency in speaking English. See, shit like this gets to me because I will be going to Italy to study abroad next year, and when I go, I know I'm gonna sound like some idiot tourist, and I'm not gonna understand everything everyone says. I am going there on the hope that people will be understanding when I f*** up the subjunctive tense or when I can't remember how to say something. It's not easy to go somewhere and just pick up the language. No offense to anyone but most of the people here grew up speaking English and totally can't do it correctly even then. I'd be surprised if most Americans even know what a subjunctive tense is. I give these immigrants a WHOLE shitload of credit for coming here and risking everything to start over - that is far more balls than most would have. So everyone who's bitching, why don't you go check out what your last name is, and if it isn't purely english, and if you can't tell me how to conjugate an English verb into any tense I might throw your way, then STFU. I'd love to know how well you'd do when dropped fresh off the boat in another country. (I'd also love to know how well your ancestors did )
  7. I wanna gooooooo..... I'ma try to make it, but my car is not so much functional right now. Grrrrr I wanna see Timo!!!!
  8. Does anyone have the lyrics for this track? I love it but I think if I could understand the other half of what the lyrics are I'd probably love it even more
  9. LoL Scottie, daaaamn looks like I missed out on the party during your set I will be in touch about Centro as soon as things start shaping up and yada yada.. i'll drop u a PM. It was nice meeting you and your girlfriend on Friday
  10. LoL hey dee, isn't that *supposed* to happen when you have that operation? JK You can learn sign language for Friday...?
  11. Well the liner is clear with little silver sparkles in it, but the curtain itself isn't... but I think it's fun with only the clear one and the mirror on the side of the room Bebby ~ *MuAhZ*
  12. Hahahahahaha she threw a candy bar at you! LMAO that's priceless! You know, maybe it had something to do with the fact u called her a cunt... that could have brought on that nose comment, just speculating
  13. Damn Kosta, and he didn't even get to the truth... if only he knew you're really a souvlaki munching, komboloi tossing, dont-know-the-real-alphabet boater greek - ohhh the damage he could inflict
  14. LMAO Ragga, I just have to note that your sig file is *excellente*! hahahaha
  15. LoL no... it wouldn't help if you weren't single.. ask my guy who opened his email at work yesterday to find a hot little scenario that i continued for him on the phone - he still encountered the same problem you're having hahaha But I'm curious... what's your plan on the ruler? LoL
  16. Cutie ~ It's a smaller club, about 250 heads, nice place, really great sound system, 21 and over Hope that helps!
  17. Plucked Guido bwahahahahhahaha that's a classic comment if I've ever heard one
  18. :laugh: Kosta, you are the BEST... I'm so glad you're back, it's been awfully boring without you
  19. :laugh: Ahhhh DG what would we do without you? Not bothering with other commentary
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