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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Hey! I haven't seen you on the boards in a while! Looks like my fellow Hunter Thompson fan is back where have YOU been?
  2. Just trying to get an idea what this place is like, its reputation, etc. etc. Anyone??
  3. LoL Don't pout It'll all be okay hehehehe Drop me an IM later ~
  4. That has to be THE most ridiculous thing that ever came out of your empty head. Like I said, I have nothing to worry about from you. I don't care who you know - your connections mean shit if you don't use them to make a positive contribution to the scene and thus far you haven't. (nor do I care what david marvisi thinks of me - maybe if he had some connection to my future law school or something i'd give a shit, but i'm not making a career out of this). You have bored a lot of people with your conjecture and I heard from several people today who have previously caught you in your hypocrisy about how much you supposedly know, so it's clearly not just me. I don't need to sit here and refute your off-the-mark comments because you are repeatedly missing my point anyway but I suppose I wouldn't expect much else. Now back on the subject of tired jokes... oh wait, they've all heard about you already ~*DN*~
  5. Probably because he's an insecure idiot and thinks that everyone will think he's cool if he spews this crap. Thanks for seeing how ridiculous that was
  6. LMFAO Highmay - YOU sound like the amateur YOU are. Now for all those that don't know yet - Let me just blow up Highmay's spot here for a second. I listened to Highmay's useless, self-creating drivel about how much he knows about the club scene for HOURS and HOURS - and out of this load of crap and from the really basic questions he asked me, I learned that he is ABSOLUTELY CLUELESS about the inner workings of the scene. His total experience in the industry I do believe encompassed two failure weeks of promoting and his clubbing is mainly comprised of two years spent at nowhere else but Exit for Draper and Factory, before he even figured out that any other DJ's existed. Right. And this kid knows everything and pretends to go around the messageboard like some kind of expert telling all about everything and we should gather up his words like little pearls of wisdom that we should treasure forever. GET REAL, HIGHMAY - This is why I laugh about you with everyone else - YOU ARE A JOKE. EVERYONE SEES THROUGH YOU. Now let me drop you a real clue. David Marvisi put money into Limelight - a significant amount of it - And yes, Blair is still involved, but so is Marvisi, so watch it. And yes, Spa is very successful - we get some lovely payouts from there on saturday night. But have you ever gone there? It's SOULLESS - it's a bunch of rich single and not so attractive guys hunting plasticy women in $5000 outfits that their parents bought them. John Blair runs some incredible parties and receives my utmost respect as a promoter, but he has David Marvisi to deal with at Limelight, so I don't see LL coming back the way it ever was. Hell, I wasn't even there when it was in its prime - I was about 14 years old. I am not going waste my breath on further replies to you "muthafuckinhighmay". You are as transparent as my shower-curtain liner and talk out your ass more than Ace Ventura. I never claimed to know everything about this industry, but I'm back in it to help someone I care about and try to make a difference in a scene that I love. Whether I fail or succeed, the point is I still tried and did it for the right reasons rather than sitting back and chewing people's ears off with my worthless conjecture. You aren't worth my time, and I could go further but I honestly don't need to. Ciao. Ms. DiNascosto
  7. DEATH TO DAVID MARVISI!!!! KILL KILL KILL Why, why WHY must my beautiful Limelight be sacrificed as another wanna-be-rich, poser ass "I think alice deejay is house music" venue... I mean KNOCK MOTHERFUCKING KNOCK!!! We have ENOUGH OF THOSE ALREADY!!!! BUT GOD FORBID BUTTPLUG MARVISI THINK OF ANYTHING CREATIVE AND SOULFUL!!!!!
  8. KOSTA P.... well look who the fuck decides to drop in.... Where has your greek boater immigrant ass been hiding lately? Did you get caught under a giant piece of spanakopita or something? I think someone *coughkostacough* needs to lay off on laraver You Jersey punk bully I am back in NY now and I expect you to be makin' an appearance for me sometime this summer It's about time, don't u think??
  9. Welll ya know... I had to toss a little defense up for the Itals after jon's comment... but you're still #1 with me, and Greek guys are still hotties LoL JoeG my fellow guinea - knows where it's at
  10. Awww thanks Millie Spinsaikel just a big crush on me and won't admit it so he pretends to hate me instead haaaaaa
  11. HAHAHAHHAHAHA omg that was classic
  12. LoL omg yarin that was soooooo corny hahahah
  13. In the words of phuturephunk... "RAWK RAWK RAWK!!!" hope they enjoy tempts hahahahhahahaha
  14. LoL he "Retired" it.... that's the funniest thing I ever heard. Played to death might be more like it... That's meant as no offense to you, btw, it's aimed entirely at Draper. As for LaLaLand, I never said that was necessarily a good choice but i couldn't resist the dig at Sir Tony...
  15. Perhaps it was in a garbage can in the kitchen that just so happened to be located in an area of the kitchen that was close to the entrance?
  16. Praciticing my folding! I think I should be able to squish myself down to size
  17. Can't wipe their own asses HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA :laugh: :laugh: truly classic!
  18. Good luck on this Buster!! I may be in DC on the 30th again, provided I can put NY back on track, so I'll try to stop by
  19. uhm.... prob. cause Draper doesn't know what that track is. Either that or he was too busy dropping Rhythm Ready for the 4,000,000,000,000th time and didn't think of it
  20. Ahhhhh starshaped, if only you knew how GOOD you have it over there.... This club IS a joke, every attempt to save its sorry ass has failed, and I hope it burns to the ground. I think I need to move to London.
  21. Well that depends.... If we are talking about... Exit? I'll take the Brick, please. I almost murdered about 20 security personnel AND my own partner last night... FrUsTrAtiNG!!!!!
  22. It's CANNOLI you souvlaki-munching, feta-crumbling fudgepacker - I mean, Greek boy...
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