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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. I shall be present (but I will be bailing out before Draper, lol) Is there a meetup somewhere? I haven't met all you guys yet!
  2. They forgot a few... Man who drop watch in toilet at party have shitty time. Man who finger girl with period get caught red handed.
  3. awww that's so cute! I would totally adopt the dog if I called about that. Good idea!
  4. Jersey shore :laugh2: I will be there!! And crxtacy, it is summer maddness. If anyone needs advance tickets let me know
  5. Anyone ever consider that the structural integrity of these towers was extremely compromised by the 2/3's width of support beams that would have been torn out by jetliners crashing through the sides of them? It just seems to me that landing a several ton helicopter on a structure about as balanced as a felled tree would not be a good idea, and I'm kind of surprised no one is making a note of this...
  6. whoops! omg i'm totally gonna get an asswhupping from baldandjapanese for that one! but Shady... are you *sure* that red isn't the coolest color??? I have to drop u a PM about New Yorkkkkk... I'm finally back here so I can start gettin shtuff done
  7. Why don't ya come over here and make me? I'll beat yo assssssssss
  8. Wow, this has become quite a controversy! I'm really not interested in stirring up further drama, but I do have to put in my $.02 for Sia. Having been on the side of the promoter, I understand where she's coming from. It's her job to put a good word in for the club, and if you don't agree that's perfectly understandable, but it's discouraging to the people who are working the party to hear those kinds of negative comments. If you look at it that way, maybe it will help you understand why the anti-glow stuff was detected as "negativity". <<Disclaimer: I'm not saying we should all love Glow. personally, I think Glow and Panorama have some positively vile business practices going on there, and their egos need some *really* intensive downsizing, but they do occasionally bring in some good talent (Armin & Ferry, Picotto) along with the multiple DJ's I was really not so impressed with.>> At any rate, it's just frustrating for someone who is getting paid to say good things about a party to have to defend something over and over again. Trance, house, tribal, breaks, techo....it's like arguing whose favorite color is cooler. Can't we all just get along??
  9. Well I definitely understand your point with all of the above, and I deal with the same BS to a certain degree save that I don't have to deal with promoter payouts (thank GOD that's a thing of the past) but since ya posted it, ya got stuck with my reply hehehe
  10. LoL but u still gotta admit that pangelid's comment was pretty hilarious!
  11. That's so not true. I've seen plenty of attractive Asian guys.
  12. LMFAO my name is officially censored now! :laugh: That is... R ~ E ~ A ~ C ~ H productions at aol.com LoLoLoLoL
  13. I saw Gabry at Insomnia I guess it was in September - were u there?? I'd like to hear that set - can u email it to me? ****************@aol.com I wish I could go to DC this weekend, I just moved back from there last weekend. unfortunately, I committed to some various family stuff for this weekend so I can't go when's he in Boston??
  14. Wow, that's a frightening personality problem if I've ever seen one. Repeat after me: Racism makes its proponents look like class-A wankers..... (keep reminding yourself of that)
  15. I didn't mean Roxy either You are right that he needs a techno crowd, and I never said you didn't have the connections to talk someone out of a booking, I'm just saying that in the event a proper venue and crowd should be available (not saying that is true at the moment, but it is possible), whether or not you agree with the booking, it isn't all that fair to the rest of the club world for you to decide for everyone else who will and will not hear him, and where. As for your lineup - quite nice, except I wasn't all that wild about Gabry Fasano when I heard him spin. I don't know if that just wasn't a great night for him or maybe he just wasn't my thang?
  16. LOLOLOL dreamdrops, you're too funny. First off, where did I specify Exit in my post? There *are* other venues in New York, you know.... But let's talk about Exit a moment. I understand what you mean - the party has been ruined and clearly there's no hope of a truly musically oriented party there - the crowd will just be all wrong, to start with, yada yada. But maybe the rest of the world outside of dreamdrops would be willing to go there to see someone as awesome as Mauro, even if that should mean putting up with some idiots in the process (which is sometimes a sacrifice that music aficionados make, rather than being haughty and prissy and unable to get past their own image) - but I guess it's up to you to save the world right? Decide for the rest of us? And I'm sure if he decides to book there, you'd throw yourself across the doorway and steal his records so he can't spin? I mean, I'm sure you have your connections, but maybe it shouldn't be your decision, either?
  17. George rocks. Everyone stop hating! yo z - I need a gym buddy too hehe
  18. You're just bitter and jealous - although I can't figure out if it's because you didn't fall off the treadmill and I did (we can't all be so smooth) or because I didn't invite you to the yacht club. Don't worry, you'll get over it all some day
  19. I'm curious to know how you all came to clubland. What music did you start out listening to, what did you like through the years, and what changed? My first cassette tape back in the mid eighties was Paula Abdul's Forever Your Girl. I *still* love that tape! I was not so much into pop as a kid mainly because my sister said if she ever caught me listening to the New Kids or Vanilla Ice, she'd beat the crap out of me (and I knew she meant it!). MC Hammer was approved though so I ended up liking cheese hip hop - Hammer, Kris Kross, Snow, yada yada... in Jr. High School I moved on to ska, and I went to all the underground hardcore and ska shows. In high school I got sick of the grunge underground and did a complete 180, and I got really into hip hop and top 40. I got the idea that I could go dance to this stuff at clubs, so when I was 17 I went to a supercheesy Long Island teen night - the experience was laughable but I got hooked on clubbing, and I started delving into house music beyond what KTU was playing. Now... no turning back!!! Although I will admit, I still have a soft spot for power pop and certain ktu/hot97 items Let's hear yours!!!!
  20. Guys, I'm pretty sure that's a hoax. Last I heard, that email is prank, and the file is just a normal .exe file that runs nothing important on your computer but is still a part of its program. I would double check on a credible website before deleting that file.
  21. btw, to reply to your post - I agree. People complain too much. I think people all too often deny themselves the opportunity to enjoy some incredible events, great clubs and really fun times just so that they can seem more experienced and more discerning. Granted, there are times to bitch and parties that are just plain awful, but most times I wish everyone would just stfu "vinyl is done...I was there when it was good" only in YOUR mind baby - you're the only one barring yourself from enjoying it, and no one thinks you're any cooler! Clubbing is meant to be fun, not a rat race. If anyone wants to challenge that - just try living in DC for two years One good club, three good lounges.. that's IT. You'll be BEGGING for your New York scene back!!
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