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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. I agree that there are some really shitty situations out there. Greedy club owners (as if I need to name a name) have caused my party more bullshit... ruined something that could have been really good... As for unreliable promoters, you have to find someone with a brain. I mean, good luck on that one in this industry, but there are some good promoters out there, and they really try their hardest to do things right, but they are exceptions to a rule and even they can't always come through on things (though for them, it's a rarity and the result of some extenuating circumstance). To the rest, I have to say, it's all in your own attitude. I mean, avoid DJ's that are clearly shitty a la Draper, but if you're at a club that you're about to label as shitty, listening to a DJ that you are about to criticize, etc. etc. you need to stop yourself and say "or... I could just look for the good in all this, stfu and enjoy myself" because otherwise, you're gonna go through life miserable and you'll look back on nothing but bad memories. Working at GLOW in DC, I heard some really shitty DJ's, but I look back on those nites and at least I can say "yeah so George Acosta is a class-A wanker but at least my friends and I got to laugh our asses off about how lame he is, and he did drop those few good tracks that gave me the chance to dance my ass off a bit." If you're getting into fights about bumping into people that's totally your own fault. I mean, yeah, it is REALLY irritating when someone stomps on your foot but if someone gets pissed at you about something like that, when they turn around, just smile and say "i'm sorry! are you okay?" and I have never, ever had anyone remain angry after that. In fact, they're usually really surprised to be respected like that and make an effort to accomodate your passing by thereafter. IMHO by Vixen
  2. You know, I actually wasted a lot of time reading through this whole thread, and I'm kinda glad I did 'cause the ceasefire between bandit and jenni was fawking hilarious... the sidekick comment was classic :laugh2: Too bad the rest of the thread sucked a nutsack...
  3. We're working on it. Last we tried, we were informed that there were problems with his visa so we could not book him (lest we have another fiasco like the one with Armin, which was really too bad, but it couldn't be helped). This may have been cleared up and we'll look into it again.
  4. Hey u BETTER come say hi this time!!! Send me a PM - let me know what ur plan is
  5. Dan Sampson ~ My faaaavorite new arrival from Echo in London. He is in DC right now but look for him this summer - he's VeRy talented - receives all kinds of great reviews and has even been compared to DT, among others. Can't wait to see his career take off!
  6. UHM, excuse them very much but WHERE are the ALFA ROMEOS????? hmph! Clearly not worth my $250,000! This little baby down here though? Vectors ROCK! They are such naaaaaaasty lookin little things! (and I mean nasty in the good way!)
  7. I don't get it What's wa wa womp womp? Like, what's that supposed to be?
  8. Mistress Barbara! AWESOME!!!!! I will be there for that!
  9. Dude just a tip... maybe it has to do with the fact that girls aren't so dumb as to think they're going to go to a club and find their dream guy there. Most of the guys there are out for some ass and won't remember who you are three hours after leaving the club. That's why none of us are interested. There are even some of us that are just there for the music (whoa...) and aren't out looking for guys.
  10. omg how embarrassing! HAHAHAHAA but wtf - on the cellie in the rest stop bathroom?GROSS!
  11. OMG i'm laughing so hard I'm cryinggggggggg hahahahha!
  12. You know those cheesy commercials on TV for the order-by-phone "romance music" compilations? Two tapes or two cd's for $19.95? Well, what do we, as clubbers, use in place of Barry Manilow? I just recently found this ambient trance remix of rapture that just begs to be used as background music for a long night of candlelight-and-chocolate-syrup, ultra-intimate sex. What are your favorite tracks for those super close moments?
  13. Yeah how much do those cost? Is it like... crying your eyes out the whole time painful?
  14. Well, i think it depends most upon you - are you attracted to her? are you comfortable being intimate with her? do you think it will cause weirdness in your daily relations? If you're clear on these all criteria, I say go for it. She's really pretty, and providing you know she's clean, indulging fantasies can be fun. And being that you're the object of her fantasy, I'm sure she'll go out of her way to make sure you enjoy yourself... so like I said, if you're cool with it, then do it!
  15. Hey Pete, This is Aly from Reach Productions in NY - I just wanted to let you know that I got your demo, and I haven't forgotten about you at all - I was just in the process of finishing finals and then I had to move back to Long Island. I've moved and gotten almost settled, so I will be in touch soon about our promotional situation (which is rapidly changing - for the better!) and about your demo. In the meantime, feel free to drop me a line at reachproductions@aol.com Thanxxxxx Aly/Reach
  16. I am home. I am coming to raid your garage hideout. Hide all contraband.
  17. No don't name it Chewy. First off, that's played out. Star wars has been and gone. Second, it reminds me of a snickers bar or a charleston chew or something. Third, the iguana is a girl right? If it's a girl I think you should name her Disco Mina (long story.. but we derived it from Disco Sue... either way, that's cuter!) which sounds cooler next to jayjay pirate jack... Let us know what you eventually decide to name it!
  18. Mmmmmmm Aussie accents are sooo sexy :: Oh wait - what were we talking about?
  19. YaY!!! I'm gonna get accosted by the tall Asian!!! I'll be waitin for it!! hehe
  20. Me tooooooo!!! "Andreeeeeew! Next time, when I say to buy caviar, be advised that I do NOT mean this supermarket muck! Caviar should be round, and firm, and of proper size, and it should *burst* in your mouth at *precisely* the right moment!" "But I'm RICH! I'm not bored! I'm perfectly happy! EVERYONE wants to be ME!!!!" :D
  21. ooh ooh and i almost forgot - Flash Dance and Money can't buy me Love and DiRtY DaNcInG!
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