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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Mischaaaaaaaaaaaaa I'm stuck in DC and I can't get to NY 'cause I'll fail out of Georgetown!!! :cry: :cry: This is MISERY!!!! Stay another week pleasepleasepleaseplease??????
  2. Well look at it this way... at least you're not driving a 1988 VW Fox. Oh oh, and that's only when I'm in NY. When I'm here in DC, I am taking the bus I def. feel your pain though. Conversation as my mom picks me up at LaGuardia arpt. last weekend Me:"It's so great to be back in NY! I can't wait to drive my car around!" Mom: "Oh yeah... uhm, about that... it's in the shop again." Riiiiiight. All the power to monthly payments! I hope this works out for you, I'm sure none of us CP'ers will be the poor sucker to buy the car off you though! Good luck!
  3. If it's a Friday night, pm or im me and if I'm going, I'll meet up with you somewhere and get you a bracelet. Make sure you're dressed at least decently though (no sneakers, yada) or the door ass will get all huffy. Saturday nights they usually have little plastic "access cards" which I also have but I rarely bother going on Saturday nights unless it's like, an emergency. I can hand you off one of the cards whenever though.
  4. Has anyone else heard this? I heard it at random in this ultra-trendy lounge in DC that I really hate - but the track just MADE my night! I must have it. Does anyone know whose remix that is and where I can get it??
  5. This got moved to drama? Riiight, I've never seen anything this dramatic before in my LIFE... c'mon folks...
  6. Rizzo and the Artist Formerly Known As Workenonlife for king (best drama) Queen... hmmm.... Barbiegirl on the Jersey board - most of her threads are still there but the Jersey people have their undies all in knots about who she is really is. Knave - Robocock. Lame. Just lame. Go put on the dunce cap and sit in the corner.
  7. Hey Hey wait! Does anyone care to discuss the merits of the Yugo versus that of the Ferrari? :laugh:
  8. Another one?? <<Kurt Sweeney - Miss You>> MSoprano's right - it's never the asshole that drives drunk...
  9. Dammit, I thought this was gonna be something funny...
  10. HAHAHAHA omg Highmay, I had that quote in my sig from Burke about spinning you on the turntables instead of a record for like forever - that was the funniest thread in AGES!!! How was Vinyl last night? I miss New York Hope you had fun! (we're so going when I get back next week!)
  11. *takes a moment to stop rolling the floor and laughing* Okay right, so what you're saying is that these people are better than the #3 ranked DJ in the WORLD? Okay. Sure God, thanks for dropping in. Listen, I'm not gonna sit here and tell you you're clueless. It's entirely possible that you like Draper and these more than you like Tenaglia. But this isn't a question of who you like vs. who you don't that makes a DJ good or bad. It's a question of whose skills are better, and Danny Tenaglia is a GOD behind the decks. I like Denny Tsettos a lot, I have a couple of his CD's, and I think he's a good DJ, but there's no comparison in his skill level to Danny Tenaglia, or even Paul Van Dyk, S&D, etc. etc. They are just better DJ's. And if the DJ's you named above were really so great, maybe they would be ranked up there in the top 10 too... but uhm.. they're not. Draper serves his purpose. He brings in the shitty, 12 years old rolling-my-ass-off-cause-i-heard-it's-cool, after school brown bag lunch crowd that David and Adam just love so much, and yes, they all love him. Maybe you aren't included in what I am about to say, but 90% of those people have no clue what they are listening to. And 90% of the clubbing population on the whole (that is, those of us who have matured musically - not to say the exit heads can't join us one day) would far prefer to hear Timo Maas, Satoshi Tomiie, Danny Tenaglia, Paul Van Dyk, Sandra Collins, Richie Hawtin, Danny Howells, whoever... because there is this incredible deftness of skill, and talent for track selection and feel for energy and the subtleties of the music, that you just won't find at Exit after 4 a.m. Sorry. It's the cold truth. And all this doesn't even touch on the awesome DJ's out there who have equally as much skill with genres like breaks, gabber, dnb, jungle, etc. etc. It honestly appears you haven't really explored so much in the scene. So even if you've been clubbing longer than all of us put together, just like getting a whole room of exitheads to freak out doesn't make Tony a great DJ, being in the clubs longer than everyone else doesn't make you a good, skilled clubber. Maybe you need to expand your horizons and check out some new things, or some old things, a few times more and you could find yourself wonderfully enlightened. That's not to say you have to stop liking draper after that, but I think you might be surprised...
  12. Refer back to one of the 18 other posts where we proved that just because someone has crowd hyped doesn't mean they're a good DJ. I don't think we so much need to go through this AGAIN.
  13. Dude, you have def. been hanging out in the same place waaaaay too much. Hahahaha I've gotten that from DJ's and promoters but never the owners (99% of them are really frighteningly sketchy though, I think I would probably run in the other direction if any of the owners I know offered me a ride ) Next thing, they're gonna put your name on a gold plaque on the wall
  14. OMG hahahah has anyone ever made the homemade playdoh? You know, with flour and salt and water and food coloring? My mom used to make that 'cause you could bake it and it would turn into like, rocks... those little playdoh sculptures were indestructible. But one day, when I was like, 6, I realized that the playdoh made at home tastes like something pleasantly salty, so I figured there'd be no harm in munching on it... that's right - I ate the homemade playdoh. Then I went to my grandpa's house for dinner and his stupid bitchy wife made minestrone soup and I ate it, but the amount of salt in the playdoh I'd had as an appetizer was beyond what my body could handle and I puked out her soup right in front of her. Hahahahahhahahaha just thought you'd all like to know that
  15. If they do that, I might murder someone... I keep holding out on a thread of hope that it won't happen.
  16. Throw in a few jars of quality caviar and you've got yourself a deal
  17. Hahahahhahaha this is soooo true! Scary isn't it? I have one more: You know all the back ways through the club (around the hallway behind that door no one opens, behind the office and up that stairway in some back corner that no one goes into) so you can get around the place without weaving through the crowd. Uhh... there's probably more but I just took a final and my brain is mush. Naptime!
  18. Yeah? Come over here and do something about it -- we can take this outside That's an interesting avatar you have there btw - that's quite a gnarled ass on your monkey hehe
  19. As far as word on the street has it, the tentative opening date was supposed to be sometime in September, but I would assume that's really tentative at best? I can't wait though (hey Joe, I think that comment of yours might be meriting a smack but I can't beat you up till Tunnelbandit comes by to unlock my cage for my morning walk & stretch )
  20. Welcome to Clubplanet Most of us are hospitable but I hear tunnelbandit bites (yeahhhh I'm sure I'm gonna get it for that one)
  21. YESSSSS!!!! I was in NY for the last one, I wanna see this sh*t!!! I love thunderstorms! Is anyone else just loooooving the weather right now though? I love hot, humid air. It's the BEST!
  22. Hahaha omg look who has rejoined the board!!!! Here's another question on this shirtless double standard -- why can't GIRLS take off their shirts? I mean, just in general, what's the difference? Guys and girls both have similarly structured parts in that area, just girls have bigger ones, and our society makes this big deal over it. In most native societies, both men and women go topless. Hmmmmmmmmm something to think about hahaha
  23. SCORE!!! It got the picture it got the picture!!! lmao
  24. SCORE!!! It got the picture it got the picture!!! lmao
  25. I know Myke, and I have had the priviledge to work with him numerous times. He is always very profressional, proactive and prompt, and I would work with him again at any opportunity. He keeps his word and gets things done. I am not so sure about the reputation of knuckles promos on the other hand. Just a little tip, btw - Myke will be running another party elsewhere, at a classier venue, where his quality and style will be more fitting. I wish him all the best. ADN
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