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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. now now, I never said anything like that... when i said hotel i meant tea party. For shame, you pervert!
  2. You know, I haven't stopped into this board for a while, but it's really quite amusing. I should drop in more often. I've never seen anyone get their panties in such a bunch as the platinum promoters. Like, someone posts a negative comment and suddenly the promoters have called in the FBI, CIA and their DJ's sister's friend's mom to help investigate what could possibly be at the root of the problem (not that maybe there's actually a problem with the club? ) I mean, all things given - it is *just* a venue and if someone posts something negative about it, calling them a slutbag isn't gonna make the venue improve. Have any of you considered, having received so many negative comments, possibly trying to ameliorate the issues this club is posing for potential customers? Just wondering. And if you truly believe there is nothing wrong with your venue, then why do you get yourselves so heated about what someone else says?
  3. Afterhours should be at vinyl with DT anyways... and then we have to hotel room hehehehe I am def. there for Armin - cutest DJ around anywhere! One of my faves!
  4. I just found out today that I can't either I have this stupid fawkin final exam from 4 to 6 then I have to move out of my apartment - by the time I get to NY it will be like 1 a.m. and I will still have to unpack the car. YUCK.
  5. I LOVE kneeling in bird seed! And falling on treadmills too. You should try it sometime
  6. BWAHAHAHAHA OMG I am literally screaming with laughter!!!! "Plug my tunnel" I'm crying!!!!
  7. Hahahah NICE choice I might say - my dance team is a cross between the rockettes and cheerleaders - the skill on those girls is quite admirable Don't forget to take me with you, I want to steal some of their choreography for new routines
  8. nah thanks - I have opportunities for better
  9. Are you sure? I think it would be kind of funny to see some kid whistling his ass and just have his face slapped across the room
  10. Blueberry morning, but being totally 5 years old in my cereal selection, cinnamon toast crunch, disney majix and honey comb are close behind
  11. As far as I know, the new club is nothing but plans on paper at the moment, and I haven't heard any dates for planned openings or anything yet. Send me a PM or email me at reachproductions@aol.com and I'll put together a list of places you should go, a la Vinyl and Centro, etc. while you're here (I just don't feel like typing it up right now hehe). As for tunnel, the owner basically became a victim of mayor G's war on clubs as it were - Gatien (the owner) himself was no angel - his clubs had been shut down before for tax evasion, drug sale, etc. etc. and he was closely monitored all the time thereafter. Basically, he was seen as a dirty nemesis and finally the city found enough reason to make concrete threats about his continuation in the business and he sold both Limelight and Tunnel. I'm pretty sure they finally nailed him for back taxes and unpaid whatever - but I may be wrong on that. Limelight will be reopening in September (yay!) but Tunnel will not - they are converting it to a banquet hall.
  12. OK not even touching the drama, but.. atomic crapples? BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA :laugh: omg that's classic!
  13. Hey Millie, are you coming to New York to see him the 10th??
  14. If it was open, I'd tell ya to check it out - but it was closed down this summer thanks to major Giugliani and friends The former owner, Gatien, is supposedly looking to open a new club soon, though.
  15. :laugh2: early morning amusement....
  16. :laugh: I totally missed u Friday! I had a DJ crisis and I couldn't get to the meetup - I got your IM after I got home from new york. suxxxx.... hit me up later - we'll chat
  17. Haha what's up kid? No backup necessary as of yet - I think Highmay just has a little case of SBU at the moment. I am looking forward to your visit!!! KiCk AsS!!!
  18. :laugh: Hahahaha bro, I will pay you for that!! Nice move!! Sia - Way to log off my comp, DUH! (Highmay, I happened to notice who I posted as myself - hence my reply before yours, but thanks for the tip anyway ) Now wake yo ass up so we can go running.
  19. :laugh: I see you are fabricating some truly excellent plans for world domination there, Joe...
  20. Bro, at least u didn't have to skip Boo and Way out West bc you had to go back to WAshington, DC to do garden mulching volunteer work. Lucky SHIT!!!
  21. MY BAD!!! LoL SOMEONE didn't log out of her SN on my computer ::coughcoughsiacough:: but the above reply was actually from me. Goodnight!
  22. vixenfoxxy


    omg bro, that's disgusting... hahaha 7000 posts, you and trancend should like, own CP by now.
  23. I know u want to.... what else bro?
  24. Doesn't that just suck for you?
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