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Everything posted by vixenfoxxy

  1. Oh riiiiiiight, like that's ever gonna happen! Don't forget - you're coming to Howells Friday so we can fight if we need to!!! I'll kick ur PR ass - just wait till u see what awesome fighting power is encompassed in just one whitebread long island girl!! Grrrrrrrrr
  2. I *know* you didn't just tell my brotha to shut up
  3. LMAO that is actually such an embarrassing story but Ill tell u anyway 'cause I suppose it's not like you can't use something else to laugh at me for. I was working out one night on the treadmill before going out and I was listening to this awesome CD, when it started skipping at random. So in my frustration I emphatically grabbed at the discman where it was sitting in the little drink holder thingie, and in so doing, i accidently put my foot on the side of the treadmill, off the conveyor belt. So of course, the foot that was still ON the belt went out from underneath me and I ended up catching myself on the grip rails as I fell, but that left me hanging over the belt with my one knee on the conveyor - and it totally just burned the skin right off my knee. So now I will forever have a purple scar on my knee, and that was one of the most EMBARRASSING moments of my life!!! Now go off on your merry way and tend to your baby mommas
  4. See Ragga? Now that's what I'm sayin' about this desk job crap!!!
  5. OK Girl, I will IM you later! Joe - Would you believe, in a strange reversal of roles, that the people I work for now are trying to keep me *out* of the cage because it "doesn't coincide with my new position as a marketing director" No fair! Dude, start a "put a vixen back in the cage" campaign!!! Will you be joining us at Scot???
  6. This week, only one of those two DJ's will be spinning - I can't recall which it will be - and I am bringing a DJ from Washington, DC - Darryl Trell.
  7. Bridgeview yacht club is not on the national register of yacht clubs... it is a fraud. Don't believe these people!!! Real yacht clubs are the only ones that should be called yacht clubs!!! OK I'm done Just had to add my $.02
  8. LoRe check ur Private messages ... I will comp you for your birthday and set the rest of your people up on a list for you if you'd like to do Spa. I can also do an Exit saturday - comp + white room, and I can get you table reservations at either venue. Heretic - Can u send me a schedule of when you're spinning and all that? I'd love to check out one of your parties and I'm gonna be back home in a few weeks (I think I my white toast self might get killed in harlem late night though, so perhaps another venue? lol)
  9. OK guys, enough nasty responses.... If you'd like, I can set you up with a special party deal at Spa - PM me or email me at ReachProductions@aol.com and I'd be glad to set you girls up with something for Saturday ~*Aly*~
  10. WAAAAGGGGHHHHH!!!!! I miss my LIMELIGHT!!!!! :( *sniff sniff*
  11. I think it's this: 1-5 or 10: Newbie 10-50: New to the board 50-100: New Skool 100-250: Clubber 250-500: Old Skool 500-1000: Old Skool Legend 1000-1500: Club God 1500+ Make your own title
  12. Yeah if anyone wants to hook me up with a maritime law/admiralty law internship this summer, i'd love you forever!!!!
  13. Not true. I hate having anything up there - that's exit only, and it hurts when anything goes the other way, even fingers. Don't believe me? Stick a finger up your butt, I swear, you'll agree. So Gabo, to answer your question, major setback.
  14. Hehehe thanks gmc! I just have to bargain the good car out of my dad... ain't no way I'm winning anything with my volkswagen! The Alfa Romeo, on the other hand, could do a little more for me. Can I be the chick with the checkered flag for the rest of the races?
  15. Question - is that $625 each turntable, or $625 for both?
  16. Athiest... because the catholic church was chauvanistic/misogynistic, and I saw the same traits in sooo many other faiths, and the whole thing just looks to me like a big control mechanism to keep people happily under the thumb of the elites. Ew. Although I do find Shinto to be a rather appealing possibility should I ever decide to take up a "religion" again. Right now, I am and always will be a parishoner of THE BEST MUTHAFAWKIN CHURCH ON EARTH.... LIMELIGHT!!!!!
  17. You're ON Hey this could be a big CP thing - CP track and autocross!!! I am also an EXPERT with stick shift
  18. OMG OMG OMG Goldenman are you gonna be there?????
  19. Hey Kuro it's been ages since I've seen your bald japanese self in DC!!! See ya tonight Sialater- IM me biatch, what time are you going? oh yeah and uhm... *click* bwahahahahhaha
  20. Thanks for your suggestions everyone!! I'm lovin the FL stuff and the harder stuff, but i'm gonna grab some of all Good stuff
  21. I want to add some new breaks stuff to my playlist.. anyone have any good tracks they'd like to recommend? I need something new to listen to Thanks!
  22. Hahahha dude, you just prostituted yourself out as the resident boater... you're bein' used for the Greek network connects!!!
  23. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LMMFAO (there are supposed to be two m's hehe) You STOMPED my poor little toes so hard i'm surprised they weren't shattered!!! I totally saw little glittery purple stars before my eyes! Aboriginese people must not be known for their grace and lightness of step LOLOLOLOL Scuse me I have to go hunt some foxes now LMAOOOOOOOO
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