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Posts posted by pwoofo

  1. i think the judge only spun for about an hour and a half actually, right? as far as i remember, they announced him at 1:30, and then they started spinning techno latin music at about 3:00 on the dot. that was just an abrupt weird weird ending. that last song he spun with the piano melody was great, but the ending kind of ruined it for me.

    should be REAL interesting if roxy can draw some big names. like people have been writing, that chill out area is awesome. right by the dance floor, very living room-y. wonder what the hell it'd look like with five thousand people packed in to hear pvd or S&D.

  2. i just showed groove to a friend this weekend and he really disliked it. he said the only good part was seeing digweed spin. i dunno, i also found the movie unbeleivable. maybe because the budget was so tight that the same twenty people appear in every scene and that the dance floor never has more than about 30 people on it, trying to look like 2000. whoever said it looked like an afterschool special was on the money.

    on the other hand, anyone have any impression of better living through circuitry? heard it's a little old-fashioned- rave scene seen through the eyes of a crusty old documentary maker.

    also, wasn't there supposed to be a film released soon about the winter music festival?

    thanks in advance for any info.

  3. i really liked the judge's set. pure energy and he brought it real hard for most of the night. if i'm not mistaken, he spun a lot of trancey stuff- 10 in 01 by members of mayday, a great mix of 'superstring' by cygnus x, and 'no alternative' by, hmm, dunno.

    it's disappointing they took away the larger screens of computer animation. the best images were probably from the sandra collins GC.

    i was disappointed with the big crowd- i'm hoping future GCs won't be so packed. i wonder if this is the 'twilo closing' ripple effect.

  4. the scariest thing i ever heard was that george michael said joy division was the greatest influence on his music. umm, i kinda thought 'faith' sounded an awful lot like 'atrocity exhibition' with a little 'atmosphere' thrown in.

    anyone ever see that great photo of ian sitting on that speaker with his head in his hand? always wanted to put that up but never thought people would appreciate it.

    mugwump, i've actually thought about the same sort of stuff (JD to new order to dance music). strange- how often does that happen. i forgive your dog for constantly posting.

    i'd actually extend your timeline even further- during the acid house manchester scene in the 80's, you had oaky mixing a lot of the happy mondays' stuff ('step on' jumps to mind). and from the manchester scene, there came the shoegazer scene with curve. and curve, of course, had PVD remix their 'chinese burn' song from their forgettable 'come clean' album.

    funny how the world works.

  5. Originally posted by back2basics-:

    Tell that to the people i know!! Nah they are all good songs.. except maybe this..


    Jambalaya and a crawfish pie and fillet gumbo

    'Cause tonight I'm gonna see my ma cher amio

    Pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gay-o

    Son of a gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou.

    holy crap, that's bad. actually, most of the carpenters stuff i know are from their 'greatest hits' and from that cover album that came out a while ago. couldn't get that cracker cover of 'rainy days and mondays' out of my head for months. even better was that johnette napolitano cover of 'hurting each other.'

  6. mugwump probably wouldn't be half as bad if he stopped using separate lines for every nonsensical sentence he writes- paragraphs were invented for a reason. also, his dog newspaper article was mildly amusing the first 30 times he posted it, but it's getting old and is now more painful than a migraine. it would further help if he stopped referring to himself in the third person as well- ie 'mugwump kisses clubman *MUAH*'


  7. hmm,

    i thought tiesto was great at GC at limelight, if for no other than 'seven cities' at about 5AM. ahhhhhhh. i hear you about the technical issues, but his track selection was pretty good, i thought.

    one downer was that scott bond (i think) and tiesto both spun 'buzz in the nation's capital' (that martin luther king speech set to music). like people have said, they should have synched better.

    anyone know how Tiesto in DC last sat was?

  8. hey,

    i saw that post to and it was pretty confusing- those dates are for when someone named (i think) russ reign is spinning. those dates are part of his sig but when you add that to his original post, it looked like tiesto dates.

    i checked black hole recording's site and tiesto not schedule for nyc in the foreseeable future.

  9. early at PVD i noticed bouncers grabbing random groups of people, bringing them up the stairs and into the back. this happened to a couple of friends and they told me the bouncers told them to empty their pockets. if they didn't have anything they could go back down the stairs. the bouncers told them that there were cameras in the club and any time they see 'suspicious' activity they'll search you.

    vagrant's right that what constitutes 'suspicious' seems to be anything nowadays, because my friends were just standing by the steps talking to other people. no exchange of money, no substances, just talking.

  10. i know most people were happy with what PVD spun last week, but after digesting some posts from the twilo board i really get the feeling there are a lot of people who like melodic trance and that not everyone (myself included) was happy with his new style.

    it's strange to me that an internationally acclaimed DJ who has a huge following caved into a group of very vocal fans and changed his style so much. i mean, if there's something really wrong with PVD's 'cheese,' why are his nights the most consistently crowded at twilo and pretty damn crowded around the globe?

    i also don't understand why everyone wants every dj in the world to sound like digweed. if you like darker stuff and hate PVD, that's cool. just don't go to PVD. why try to change him into a digweed clone?

    the last hour and a half at PVD was great, but everything before that was just kind of beats. shouldn't that be a sign of something? i mean, i didn't see much enthusiasm until that last hour and a half when he was busting out supposed 'cheese' like 'for an angel' and mike kogin's 'enjoy the silence.'

    bring back the epic stuff, PVD...

  11. actually, the crowd did suck and it was completely empty, but i thought the worst thing was that people kept posting on clubnyc that the cover was $45 and it actually ended up being $30. my friend even made the mistake of buying tix thru clubnyc's site for $40- the ticket window told him that CNYC wasn't even authorized to sell tix to the event. he's going to dispute the charges.

    btw, this is totally a shot in the dark, but can anyone who was there ID a song for me. really fast female vocals at around 4AM went something like 'it must be love love love.'

    god, that describes 50% of all dance songs ever recorded...

  12. Originally posted by blueangel:

    Well I'm glad I chose that night to come back to Twilo. PVD absolutely took the challenge and took it to another level!! The man reminded me why I loved him so much!!!!

    I left at 9 a.m. only because I had to take care of a friend, but I so wanted to stay til the last possible second.

    One more thing . . . believe it or not the crowd at Twilo was NOT all that crowded. Not as much as it usually is. I thought it was because that Friday was Good Friday and DT/D was next day . . . but if it was due to the managment and that's how they're going to keep the crowd level from now on . . . then KUDDOS to them for a job well done.


    whoa, is your boyfriend michel/mitchell (couldn't hear right)? and you guys were upstairs at 9, right? that's so strange. i know one of the people you were taking care of... thanks for helping them out.

    if it wasn't you- oops.

  13. Originally posted by bang_66_:

    My only complaint is that I didn't dive to get that vinyl record "For an Angel" that he threw at the crowd. PVD was simply outstanding and those lazers pushed that night for me as one of the best I've had at Twilo. Those lazers were way better than the ones I saw at Tiesto (LL).

    i still think gatecrasher's lasers are better. and at sandra collins, who can forget the screen with the computer animated trix bunny eating alphabet cereal composed of only 'K' and 'E.'

    PVD was nuts. according to my watch he went to 10:00AM on the nuts. i briefly met Myrlin and in my hyper state asked him 'what happened to 10:30AM?' instead of thanking him. good job, wherever you are wizard-man.

    kitty19: the last hour he spun was far from what you call 'cheese.' definitely a different vibe from february and like everyone said decent sized crowds after 5AM.

    one cool thing about when PVD threw the 'for an angel' record into the crowd was he looked concerned about the big mass of people wrestling for it and looked down. also, anyone see when that guy hoisted this girl on his shoulders so PVD could sign a couple of albums? that was great.


  14. Originally posted by roundersnyc:

    If you have been giving it thought and are still iffy about coming to TUNNEL tonight to see George Acosta please do not hold back it is going to be absolutely off the hook. The entire place is going to be decorated nicely so come check it out it is more than worth it

    Anybody who is going to this one time event who would like to meet up please email me at my aol name.....JGAG247@aol.com and we will arrange a time and place to meet up. Also if you need a list tongiht just say rounders and the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guest list</A> </A> table.

    there's a <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/guestlists/" TARGET="_blank"> guest list</A> ? dammit. i thought the only way to get reduced was to buy in advance... this whole event is so strange- $45 for acosta? what the hell, twilo doesn't even charge that much for PVD or digweed.

  15. actually,

    in another thread on tunnel, another user (sorry, i forgot your name) had mentioned that his sources say that FedEx is buying tunnel. makes a lot of sense, actually- why do you guys assume that space would necessarily be used for a club?

    it's right by the west side highway. a good location for some shipping-related business. plus, the community board would probably give it less crap than a club. unfortunately, i think tunnel's going to bite the dust as a club.

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