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Posts posted by pwoofo

  1. Originally posted by amalkav:

    I just put PVDs CD in my CD player in my computer at work and found out that there are Tell me why and Another way videos !!!

    He is not only great DJ.. he is so damn cute too!!! smile.gifsmile.gif I wish I can be in NY for his next show frown.gif


    there's also a video for a vocal version of 'alive' that's a ton of fun. go to lycos.com. click on the link for mp3 (in the 'find' section). it'll bring you to another page with 'downloads' in bold. there are some music categories. click on 'electronic/dance.' on the next page click on 'trance.' second entry should be PVD click on downloads and then launch any of the videos listed.

    sorry that was long...

  2. Hey, is this whole thread a take off on part of the plot from 'american pie?' a character named 'finch' pays off a lot of his female classmates to spread good rumors about him.

    sk13, your story would be more believable if the subject wasn't '____ made sweet sweet love to me.' it's been a pretty popular subject for a while.

  3. Hey filthy,

    i must be having cognitive problems- i don't see tunnel listed anywhere. maybe i'm getting linked to the wrong page, but the one i'm going to has a vertical list of places with logos on the left and a brief blurb on the right.

    the locations are listed in alpha order but the closest entry under "T" appears to be "TGI Friday's" followed by "Tavaru."

    sorry, i must be missing something very obvious...

  4. actually, i've been wondering if PVD will be as crowded as february since digweed and DT will are spinning on sat. i'm hoping that people won't be able to handle both nights and will opt for digweed.

    my friends aruge that there's very little overlap between the audiences for digweed and PVD which I'm not too sure about, but either way, if you like the music you should go.

    it's too bad about your friends getting bounced the last time, but at least the bouncers aren't as scummy as the ones at exit.

  5. spr33k1ll wrote:

    can you believe they won't even let us see our soldiers over there??? they want to take over our plane, just like they took over the stairs @ twilo...

    haha. i'm asian but i find this extremely funny. haha, almost made me laugh aloud at work.

    hey mugwump, i don't think you should take the backlash against your post too harshly- you've only been threatened a couple of times by my count. make it 10 or more and then you're onto something.

  6. Depends on what your tolerance for a bad vibe is- I went to Taucher in March because I like the much-maligned-on-this-board anthemic trance he spins, and I've heard Talla is similar. Taucher spun some good stuff and was actually out on the dance floor at certain points taking pictures with a digital camera and was super friendly.

    the crowd, on the other hand, sucks ass. webster hall just attracts a weird mix of old, uncool people who wear sport jackets with jeans and penny loafers, gangsters, and frat-boy types (i apologize if you're any of these type- i'm sure you're good people, i just don't want to see you in a club). you should not be permitted to wear plaid, flannel shirts and baseball caps in a club.

    the trance room is decent-sized, with the main floor maybe 2/3 to 1/2 the size of twilo's dance floor. it wasn't crowded at all when i was up there and the crowd consistently sucked. strange. good to go to listen to music, not so good for the total experience.

  7. very strange.

    two german guys wearing gas masks and rubber armor dancing around a box that carried, i think, a turntable. i dunno if you could call it performing. my friend kept nudging me and telling me 'i have a CD player- i could do that. i just need a gasmask.'

  8. hey,

    as long as you get to twilo about half an hour before it opens, you'll be in great shape, i think. in feb, i got there about half an hour before opening and maybe was the 20th person in line.

    i heard acosta's at tunnel on thurs (double checked his website). so acosta on thurs, pvd on fri and digweed/DT on sat. gatecrasher the week before (unless they keep cancelling like they did the two times before tiesto). arrrrgh...

  9. actually,

    i don't think this was clear, but be aware that these 'max happy hours' are: #1 asian events (ie crowd are normally 99% asian) and #2 the live acts don't usually come on until 8:00 - 9:00PM.

    you don't need the flier for reduced admission- just go to their website: www.maxhappyhours.com and click on the link for reduced admission or something. it'll ask you for some personal information and then you'll get to save $5. admission goes up in $5 increments from the time it opens. so, for women, it'll be free before 5:30, $5 before 6:00PM, $10 before 6:30PM, etc.

    frankly, the sets tend to be fairly short- three or four songs and the happy hour lasts only until about 10:00PM to 11:00PM after which the club oftentimes kicks everyone out so they can let the regulars in.

    just fyi.

  10. i believe the main gatecrasher club is in sheffield in the U.K.. They also have a location in Ibiza, from what I understand.

    They have a bunch of DJs who spin worldwide- I think Guy Ornadel is their man at limelight altho the first iteration involved someone else. Like the earlier poster wrote, Gatecrasher attracts some pretty sick talent- for instance, i know PVD and Tiesto are going to be there sometime soon.

  11. this thread is pretty sad. everyone went to PVD (i think) to have fun and listen to music they like to some degree, so why the need to bash each other?

    the original comment is somewhat true- twilo asians tend to keep to themselves and are a lot less friendly (in general) than other twilo-ers. i'm asian, so i guess that qualifies my remark as somewhat non-racist and objective.

    ezdreamer or whatever his name is and deanna seem to be the type that i'm talking about- what's the big deal if someone comes up and talks to you? if you guys don't like the

    "friendliness" at twilo, maybe you should go somewhere that suits you more. the bulk of twilo people shouldn't change to suit you- you should just find a new place.

    ezdreamer, you must be the most intelligent person in the universe to proclaim everyone else an idiot, stupid, or a moron. i don't think you've done much to clear up people's impressions of asians with your knee-jerk flaming. good job.

  12. Hey guys,

    i'm a PVD newbie and my brain is racing with anticipation. do you guys know if he still spins 'out there and back' or, like, digweed, is he spinning darker, bass-heavy stuff?

    second question: i've also heard it gets INSANELY packed even as late/early as 6AM. is this true? when does he start spinning? also, is there a 'best time' to come? earlier to stake out a spot?

    thanks guys. maybe i'll swing by the meet-up spot and say hello (if anyone will condescend to talk to a newbie). ciao.

  13. Hey guys,

    i'm a PVD newbie and my brain is racing with anticipation. do you guys know if he still spins 'out there and back' or, like, digweed, is he spinning darker, bass-heavy stuff?

    second question: i've also heard it gets INSANELY packed even as late/early as 6AM. is this true? when does he start spinning? also, is there a 'best time' to come? earlier to stake out a spot?

    thanks guys. maybe i'll swing by the meet-up spot and say hello (if anyone will condescend to talk to a newbie). ciao.

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