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Posts posted by dreamtemple

  1. For those who read Pen's post. That's not fucking true. It's not even slightly true. She wasn't even on the fucking holiday. And i don't appreciate people writting shit about me on here. There's no point.

    Pen: I don't give a shit where you got that from and I don't care. But what was the point? Fucking pathetic bitch.

    Yeah, you guessed I'm not happy. I don't go around acting like a total slag on holiday, if i want sex I'll have it, but not with 5 fucking people in that space of time. Why would I want to? Is it even possible?

    And just incase Pen doesn't set eyes on this, I've sent her a pleasant little e-mail stating my views.


    Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

    Stay tuned,

    Stay shiny,

    Stay twisted smile.gif


    [This message has been edited by dreamtemple (edited 02-27-2001).]

  2. Think I might be addicted to technology, and so will need intensive counselling and group therapy for it. You see I have to go away for about 3-4 weeks (maybe more) as something has cropped up. While I'm away I'll have no access to the internet, no mobile phone, no fixed_line phone, limited TV access and no radio. I'm also not allowed to take my walkman with me which mean my extensive collection of tapes will not help me.

    The thought of being cut off like this is seriously scary. I don't know why. I love reading so it's not like I'll be bored. I'm just dreading the though and it makes my heart rate go up and i feel like I'm beginning to panic. Sad huh? addicted to technology (i think it's the lack of phones that's freaking me out).

    so anyways, just hoping I wont go totally insane with it all. For now, bye peeps. ~x~


    Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

    Stay tuned,

    Stay shiny,

    Stay twisted smile.gif


    [This message has been edited by dreamtemple (edited 02-20-2001).]

  3. Originally posted by lozza:

    yeahhhhh! a fellow UK member! cwm12.gifcwm20.gif

    OMG! woooooohooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! there are so damn few of us brits. shame cwm29.gif


    Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

    Stay tuned,

    Stay shiny,

    Stay twisted :)


  4. for the past few months my friend has been having what he can only descibe as electric shocks pulsing through his brain.

    These happen 48 hours after taking a pill.

    they last for a few seconds at a time and he has maybe 10 in a row.

    it also feels as though energy is running through his hands.

    he has less of them if he has a good sleep.

    they get better if he eats straight away.

    this is all the info i have on it. if anybody could give us an informed answer to what it is because he is very worried. Also if anyone else gets them because he thinks he's the only person.

    cheers to all


    Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

    Stay tuned,

    Stay shiny,

    Stay twisted :)


  5. I can't wait for Mr Right to come and sweep me off my feet. But when he does eventually get here I want to be able to have the most mind-blowing sex possible with him. And since they say practice makes perfect, I'm gonna practice with as many Mr (and a few miss) Wrongs as i possibly can. sex is sex, Love... well... that's a dream come true.


    Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

    Stay tuned,

    Stay shiny,

    Stay twisted :)


  6. Forplay is soooooo good! and to whoever said "what about the times when you're so horny you just gotta fuck"... i agree. But think about how much more horny you get when you prolong it all for longer, and longer. It's always possible to wait a little while longer and to turn someone on even more in the meantime. cwm27.gif


    Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

    Stay tuned,

    Stay shiny,

    Stay twisted :)


  7. Mmm, dreamy's been dreaming again!!!

    Lets say it involoved a few of my favourite things: ice cream (the food of the gods, and dam nice when it's on someone). And men in suits. and a lot of good hard sex. Only question is "Why can't i remember ALL of my dreams? instead of just exracts!" frown.gif


    Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

    Stay tuned,

    Stay shiny,

    Stay twisted :)


  8. Originally posted by ancientskewl:


    Hey Dreamy...are you saying that you don't prefer a tight six pack? I've noticed that muscles and six packs are more for the man's sake than the woman's. JMO.


    I never said that! It's just on some blokes it looks good, i can imagine a few guys i know who would look laughable if they attempted a nice firm sixpack. Looks arn't of great importance to me, so if all looks like it's meant to be there I'm happy. smile.gif


    Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

    Stay tuned,

    Stay shiny,

    Stay twisted :)


  9. Well it's nice to know your name. And for the record, mine is Lou. (hello to all).

    I can relate to the "what the fuck did i do last night syndrome" as i too did this one only a few months ago. Sadly it lost me a great friend for about a month. Basically i had a go at him in a club, called him a dirty brown head (he was a heroin addict for 5 years but was clean at the time i said this so it wasn't very nice) and ended the conversation by telling him his friendship was useless as he couldn't be open.

    Like you I desperatly tried to find out what I had done but no one knew or could tell me and this friend would not speak to me.

    Eventually I managed to sort it out simply by going all the way to his house unexpectedly (a long treck for me), sitting down and explaining it all. We faught a lot, we cried a lot, we laughed a lot. and now it is sorted. i don't know if this will work for you but this was my experiance. It's at times like these when i wonder what this generation is up to. We think the best night out is to get chemically insane, loose memories, act like a mental case, and feel terrible for the next three days after. I'm not preaching, i do it myself, just makes me think.

    Anyways, don't know if this helps, hope so, and we all love you


    Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

    Stay tuned,

    Stay shiny,

    Stay twisted :)


  10. It really does depend on the guy, on some blokes it looks so out of place and just icky. But then on others it's kinda cute, and on yet more it just looks right.

    All i can say is that sometimes, on long train journeys, it gives you something warm and cuddly to use as a pillow. And sometimes there's nothing better to snuggle up to. But just my opinion.


    Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

    Stay tuned,

    Stay shiny,

    Stay twisted :)


  11. Final update on my saga: yesterday I informed the blokey that it would no longer be possible for me to spend time with him as I was getting mixed messages and becomming confused. So that's good. However his words to me were, "yeah right, I'll see you this weekend then." this is bad. As he has been unable to get the message (i've explained it to him about 5 times now, he says I can't live without him!) I've decided the best thing to do is just ignore his phone/texts totally. so that is it....

    END OF STORY! smile.gif


    Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

    Stay tuned,

    Stay shiny,

    Stay twisted :)


  12. Okay.... getting worried now and feeling small. But maybe I'm in proportion?

    I'm a 32B, but then I'm 5"2 and a size 6 in clothes (that's UK sizes so someone else will have to figure out what that is in the US) So my theory is if I was any bigger I would fall over and I wouldn't be able to get up..... hmmm..... think I'm gonna have a boob job in the light of the general consensus being a C.


    Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

    Stay tuned,

    Stay shiny,

    Stay twisted :)


  13. Wish i could say something to help after you made me face facts recently. (cheers for that by the way! ~x~) But i don't know what to say to help. If only your friend could see the post and realise how much you care. but hang in there. hold on to the edge of life by your fingernails and eventually someone or something will come along to drag you back into the sunshine again. At least that's what I've found. Untill then I offer you a big cyber_kiss ~X~ and an even bigger cyber_hug ((((((((((((((mrdick))))))))))))))


    Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

    Stay tuned,

    Stay shiny,

    Stay twisted :)


  14. you know how they say dreams are your minds way of sorting things through and stuff? well my mind must be x-rated if we go by the dream i had last nite. baby!!!!!

    so c'mon ppl, tell us all about your horny dreams and maybe i'll share mine one day.


    Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

    Stay tuned,

    Stay shiny,

    Stay twisted :)


  15. Originally posted by cmb1975:

    i believe in every woman there is a sense of bi-sexuality. however, alot of women are not ready to recognize it...it took me a long time to own up to the fact that women turn me on.

    have to agree with this. it's my personal experiance that it's inside us all (however deep). it wasn't admitting it to myself that was a problem, admitting it to mates (when guy's asked "what do you think of her" etc etc) was.


    Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

    Stay tuned,

    Stay shiny,

    Stay twisted :)


  16. yeah porn is good. Personally don't really like the movies (but they do make me laugh my arse off, it's the plotlines!!!!). but i quite like the sotries ppl write in to magazines about things that have happened to them. There was a particularly good one about some bloke and his female boss going at it in her office. Think that's cause I have a thing about men in suits.


    Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

    Stay tuned,

    Stay shiny,

    Stay twisted :)


  17. Mr Dick you're so right. I'm jealous. I'm still love and I want him back and I can't have it. oh well, roll on the summer (just like to say I'm v. excited cause today is the first sunny day we've seen in London since about november and I just saw someone walk past my window with his shirts off.)


    Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

    Stay tuned,

    Stay shiny,

    Stay twisted :)


  18. got told by someone that if you stick a microdot in your eye then that eye starts to trip out before the other one and it's quite strange. Anyone prove or disprove this cause I'm interested but wanna be sure.


    Top DJ line-ups, do not necessarily, a good party make.

    Stay tuned,

    Stay shiny,

    Stay twisted :)


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