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Everything posted by djmoonshine

  1. djmoonshine

    HOT or NOT...

    odd thing to notice, i know, but her hands are ugly. lololol... shes not ugly, but shes not hot either... she's alright.
  2. hey... umm i go to suny binghamton...
  3. dammit... i knew someone would bring it up... just didn't think it would be gyro breath.
  4. sounds awesome.. i love taking over piece of shit clubs and not giving a shit about the cornballs that go there and just having fun... too bad ill be at school... have fun though~
  5. stupid question but how are you so well versed on the subject??
  6. 1. red 2. blue 3. cream/off white... odd choice i know, but i like the way it looks on me...
  7. ugh.. i curse so effin much!! i couldn't even imagine trying to stop... i'd def. look like an idiot trying to search for something else to say... not because my vocabulary isn't vast, but because "Dammit!" doesn't have the same emphasis as "Fuck!" but then, maybe it can and I just like the sound of fuck... Either way, I'm curious to see if i could try and not curse... Maybe I'll make an attempt... it would probably be easier if someone around me didn't curse... I'm surrounded by dirty mouths!
  8. i dunno... i don't like rain cause i hate grey downcast days... they're kinda depressing...:worry2: buuttt... when it is raining, i guess it's not too bad to sit inside and watch movies and stuff... since i don't have a sweetie, it's usually with my girlies... i def. like sunny days more... but sun showers during the summer are really cool~
  9. yoo really i dont know what it is, but i find that i am so much more productive at night... so im usually up till day break... anyway, when i have to wake up early, i am the grumpiest girl in the world... people are seriously afraid to wake me up... lololol glowgrl~ i def. agree with you about people jogging... how great is it when you see them jogging and you're right about to go to sleep? :grin:
  10. i don't know anyone really from here either, but I think I'm gonna have to go with foxyminx and say magilicutti... just the sound of his posts i guess ~ smoothness... :grin: i also have to say that i think nurse glow is amazing~
  11. omg... thats what i fuckin took last night and it was the shittest roll ever... my peak was great but it lasted for what seemed like 5 minutes and then it was over...
  12. he played the original... ill have to check out the tiesto remix~
  13. Hmmm... gonna have to disagree with you there my friend... I'm taking a class as well in school about terrorism and war, which was developed after 9/11. We've read an assortment of books, as well as recieving various lectures from world renowned professors and it is true that these people blowing themselves do really believe that they are going to heaven where they will be surrounded by virgins. To them, these acts of martydom is showing their ultimate faith to Allah. But these are men who affiliate with Al-Qaeda and they've distorted words of the prophet Muhhamad to condone their actions. Whether or not every Muslim in the world believes this or not, I'm not sure because I don't know enough about the Koran and such, but I do know that these extremists did believe that when they drove those planes into the towers. Yes, we view them as sick fucks and extremists, but i dunno... After taking this class and learning more about the background of our relationships with countries in the Middle East, it makes you think that maybe the United States had a hand in creating our situation today.
  14. ~whether or not roxy was up to par last night, it never seems to matter since i dont get enough of it... my first night back from school and it was perfect~ :grin: anyway, nice seeing everyone last night... baby d, glowdancer, fiery and the stage crew... see you all next week~
  15. not too bad... i agree with everyone else about the first dj... but late in the night vicious played song to the siren, which im obsessed with *i think it's so pretty and i love the words* so that was my highlite... bascially its just good to be home and see all the cp heads~
  16. im home... and bored but too damn tired to do anything but veg.
  17. :peeright:ATTACK OF THE UNDERAGE NEWBIES!!! hey boys... why don't you take it to the playground or something?
  18. soo much better... shes natural looking... that other bitch was wayyyyy too fake... her nipple was like demented... her boobs weren't the same size (even though no ones are, but it was way too much of a difference... )
  19. :laugh2: oh newbies... stfu... apples is on a roll and youre takin it all serious and shit...
  20. like misk, you just described my current situation and it def. is the most frustrating thing ever... it's like you should be together cause you mesh so well but you cant because of other reasons... *sigh* good luck girlie... :worry2:
  21. awww... what im thinking about are her two little babies that she has... hopefully nothing happens to her.... for their sake.
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