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Posts posted by tranceou

  1. Originally posted by starstuff

    Again, doors open at 10pm. I guarantee that they DO NOT hold the line for two hours.

    You should not expect to show up at 11:50pm on a Ferry night and expect to waltz in by 12am. There WILL be a line and due processing - IDs, security, etc. If you want to save the money, spare the time to get there early.

    We shall see. If I show up at 11 pm and wont get in by 12 am I am finding your ass on a dance floor & :spank:

  2. Originally posted by girly

    there has been a new site that took the place of naughtybooth, do you know of it?

    WE ARE BACK!!!!!


    And I am outty from here. Better sites await. Nice chillin with you for the duration of the "draught" brought to us by the absence of naughtybooth.com

  3. I earned the right to complain about Roxy. Well at least Roxy on Fri nites. I just dont like the place, thats all. Also Bukem and Conrad delivered a killer set there.

    Originally posted by jaysea

    i dont know why u people compain about roxy..

    have u ever seen the line on a saturday to get into that place?

    its crazy in there, and peter turns it out!

    your the idiots who will pay 50bucks to see some shitty dj, if thats the biss i ran at my space, fick, id charge 60! lol

    easy money,

    soon, big names will not draw, soon,

    lol one day, we can dream, lol


  4. Originally posted by Drunk

    Well this convo is beat, but here were your own words.

    Not that beat if you actually went to find the post.

    Apologies it was said in the heat of the moment. I will rephrase that and say imo Be Yourself is not the best place to check him. Now we are all politically correct.

  5. Originally posted by jerz44

    I read somewhere last night that the owners of Naughty Booth alreay have a new site that is up. Unfortunatley I forget the name... Anyone else heard this or been to the new site?

    Bassboy seem to have the idea!!

  6. Originally posted by Drunk

    He's not my idol, though he is a friend. Any DJ steps it up a notch when they're spinning somewhere else. DT is no different. So we don't disagree entirely. That doesn't take away from the fact that he still turns it out at home, so to say it's waste of time, is ignorant, especially if you don't go and make your conclusions on what you hear from other people. 800-1000 a week are impressive numbers from a club that doesn't even serve alcohol. He's doing something right at 6 Hubert Street.

    Where in my posts did you see me say it was a waste of time? And that is the problem that DJs think that just because it is their turf they dont have to "put out" (no pun intended). And to tell you honestly, I dont think this is entirely true (about the fact that Dj spins better somewhere else). Fact: Paul Van Dyk does not put even 60% of energy and skill in his NYC sets as he does in Berlin (his home town). It is been critisized by clubbers here that actually heard him there. And that is true about many djs that come to NYC. (something about our town either scares them or they dont care). Is DT doing something right? No question about it. Like I mentioned before, I think he was the only DJ ever to be offered residency in all 9 clubs in Ibiza and we all know how heavily it is influenced by UK dance scene. When DT retires I am sure he will be missed on the scene.

  7. Originally posted by mattm2o

    He is the resident DJ @ Ryby Skye in San Francisco

    He was just made a resident DJ @ Turnmills in London

    Sounds good enough for me. For a place in highly-competitive nightclubbing like Londond to stay open for 15 yearss means they are doing something right and that includes the talent. Good luck to the dude.!!!

  8. Originally posted by jaysea

    everyone here knows that arc is not closing,

    mike has leased another venue,

    that probally cost a few mill, to secure a space, and give like first and last week's money, atleast 4million.........i would say, since it was confirmed it is in manhattan.......

    not to mention, DEcor, sound, shipping it to a new location, hiring a new staff, light's all that shit, add's up

    ny is not cheap.

    40 is what all u guys were paying to see him at twilo, roxy is twice the size, so add a growing ny, and u get a 50dollar door fee......cha its bullshit,


    We were paying that much in Twilo? DDAAAAAMMMNNNN. I think it was cheaper no?

  9. Originally posted by Drunk

    Wow, was that an attempt to be funny? Or evidence of how braindead you are?

    I'm good friends with security and staff there, so I know what numbers they did. As for DT speaking, not many who go to his party really give a shit. So I think the PMS'ing is on your end. Midol, try it. :aright:

    I take it you regularly on it. Once again what is so upsetting about what I said before? Because someone is criticizing your idol? I dont. I give him props for the years of hard work and making it in the effed up town. He runs a sucessful party night, numerous cds, etc. No1 is robbing him from it. The only thing I said is the following: I think his performances overseas (never seen him in the States except here) are much better thats all. Now if you cant see that than you are the one who is not only braindead but also ignorant.

  10. Originally posted by Drunk

    Trance sucks. :laugh:

    Oh uhm "I am deeply hurt" :finger2::lame:


    As much as every1 thinks they "know" every1 here seems to have not only selective reading problems but also they seem to thrive on their own ignorance. Trance sucks? good thant I wont see you at the parties that "suck" Stay in Arc, Be Yourself and be happy...you ignorant gutless piece of....

  11. Originally posted by Drunk

    Arc does average 800-1000 on Fridays retard. There were 1900 people at the anniversary.

    Maybe thats why Arc will be shutting down due to overcrowding of the building. :idea:

    And you personally counted them? Whatever the numbers are "retard" does not change a thing about what I said before.

  12. Originally posted by daver24

    The wmc is off the hook, anybody who is bitching is not going and just hating on it because their not gonna be there, or because they have been and don't want to get drugged out for 5 days in a row,(Respectable decision) but if u like dance music its either ibiza or this once a year crackfest

    just my opinion....

    Dave R

    .....look for the album.....

    & BTW no1 is bitching. We just expressed our opinions why its not as what it is hyped up to be.

  13. Originally posted by daver24

    Acosta does suck, but not all trance does, Dumonde is fucking ridiculous, pvd-talented(not my favorite but respected around the world), Marco V is awsome, ferrry corsted should be shot, tiesto is awsome when he doesn't play gay happy shit, keep an open mind whoever made this thread, NYC house is sick(my shit) but there is a world outside NY

    Ah you just made my day with DuMonde comment. So there are people here that listen to them. And I think Tiesto's Nyana is his best compilation ever. He explors techno sound which is awsome. Ferry I heard is moving away from his traditional Dutch trance. Marco V is still DA MAN. But DuMonde IS "GOD MUSIC"

  14. Originally posted by axe

    I am 30 ... how old are you 20? "HIS party was made by people like me" What are you on :laugh: :laugh:


    And how long you been "clubbing" just out of curioustiy? And just because you are on something all the time does not mean EVERY1 in the scene are on something so shut your trap tie your balls into the knot and crawl under whatever rock you came from you ape. And by whom his party was made than if not by the fans?

    God how I hate dumb shits like you who cant see past their own little dicks!!

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