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Posts posted by canadiankitty

  1. Hello! I'm heading to Vegas May 27-29 and I want to hit up a club or two. I'm thinking Ice, or maybe Pure? Now, I've never gone clubbing in any of these major cities or anything so I'm not that familiar with guest lists and bottle service and all that jazz. Can someone explain it?

    We are looking for some bumpin house music, good crowd, just a fun time. We are on a bit of a budget, how much is door cover, and drinks? Also, what kind of dress codes do they have at Ice and Pure?

    We are staying at Bally's, are these clubs close enough to walk to?

    I hope someone can help this little Calgarian out, and I hope to see some of you partying hard during the Memorial Day long weekend!


  2. A couple of my favorites are Groove (yeah a bit cheesy, a rave with Digweed for $2?! But it's cute)

    Human Traffic is the BEST clubbing movie ever. *hands down*

    Spun is good as well. Requiem for a Dream is a bit creepy, but I liked it a lot.

  3. Silverbull it sounds like you know what I'm talkin about!

    I would definitely prefer house over anything else. Where would I get information about Shelter? Will it be posted here in the following weeks? Are advance tickets sold, or only at the door?

    Oooh! This is so awesome. So far we were thinking of going to Ikon, but this sounds much more up our alley. Thank you so much! :)

  4. Hello all!

    I'm from Calgary, Canada and me and my boyfriend have planned a trip to NY from Dec 26-Jan 4. I'm just wondering what to expect in terms of clubs during that time.

    I *need* to see Danny Tenaglia :bowdown: he never comes up our way and from the sounds of it he's a regular in your scene.

    What is the dress code like at most of the dance clubs? Cover charge? Drink prices? How long should we expect to wait in line, and what time should be plan to be there at? NY clubs are open a lot later than ours, we shut down at 2am here. Is it okay to check our coats (if there are coat checks) or is that more hassle than it's worth?

    I'm not sure if we'll head out to a club on New Years Eve, I would love to (definitely NOT going to Times Square) but from what I've read it's overpriced and packed and we don't have $150+ each to spend on tickets. I guess ultimately it depends on the DJ's playing that night.

    Anyways. Any information would be appreciated! Clubplanet is definitely the most comprehensive resource I've found for clubbing in NY, I can't believe I'm finally coming there to experience it all!

    Looking forward to your replies...

  5. I'm a girl and I notice that as soon as the e starts to kick in, my pussy is SO moist and wet. More wet than anytime I'm just turned on.

    Me and my boy do e together every couple of months, and he can get soooo hard. I love the way it feels but cuming is real hard, especially if you're *real* messed up.

    I have a pocket rocket though, and I find that helps a lot when I rub it on my clit, I've had a few orgasms on e and they are unlike anything, they last for a good few minutes while you just lie there unable to move, kinda groaning and wondering if you're alive or dead.

    Does any other girls find that their pussies get sopping wet? If I'm at a club or something though this doesn't happen. When we do e we just sit around naked, maybe that turns me on sub conciously or something...

    yum...now I wanna do e...:D

  6. well, right after sex, face to face is nice so you can look at each other and smile and just feel good. But when you fall asleep I prefer spooning, especially if your parner sleeps with his/her mouth open. Morning breath can get kinda gross being blown into your face!! :tongue:

  7. sorry if this has been done lately...I haven't been reading the boards... :cool:

    How many of you guys find you can stay ROCK HARD when rolling on a pill? I've heard many men say they can't get hard no matter what, and that they're penis's actually get smaller. When me and my boyfriend do e together, we're always chilling at home naked with some nice funky tunes and some cool 'toys' ie. massage lotions, my big friendly furry kittycat, and some ciggs. From the time we start peaking to the time we're ready to go to bed, he's SO hard. Even if we're just sitting and having e conversations (and you all know what I mean by that!) he's sporting his wood.

    And a question for the girls, do you find your pussy is always wet? I don't even notice it until my boy touches me but I'm always very moist, more that when I'm turned on.

    This makes for a very enjoyable evening, we've tried so many different sex positions and it feels amazing. It is hard to have an orgasm though. But I find it feels so good, it's nice to f**k for a little bit, then talk and snuggle, and cum right before you're ready to drift off...

  8. I was looking around last night in the nutrition store for a supplement for serotonin production. I've heard a lot about 5-HTP, but I was reading in the big book they had in the store that Niacin (vitamin B3) promotes serotonin production as well as aid's with sleep. And it's considerably cheaper ($40 for 60 5-HTP, $6.99 for 100 Niacin). Does anyone know which is better, or have first hand experience with either? Thanks!

    The Kitty *mmmrrroew* :D

  9. For those of you that have clit piercings, how much did it hurt? Cuz I really want one too, and me and my bf would be willing to abstain from sex (does that mean no oral sex for me either? I guess so huh...) but I'm majorly freaked out about the pain...cuz I think that would hurt A LOT! Anyways, any tips or advice you can give would be great, cuz I totally wanna look into this...:D

  10. I love it when my boy gets behind me, but I'm the the edge of the bed and he stands behind me instead of kneeling, and reaches around and plays with my clit, or I reach under and play with it myself...on a couch or armchair with me on top is sooo much fun too...or him on top, and he places my legs on his shoulders...mmmmm, now I can't wait to go home this afternoon and see him!! cwm4.gifcwm32.gif



  11. Me and my boyfriend want to both dose and spend a night in together quietly for a change and just do a whole bunch of cool stuff, I need any ideas for anything you guys have tried and that is great while on (e). I think we're gonna have a bubblebath with candles and some good music, talk and stuff, massage each other...any other good ideas for a fab night?? PLEASE HELP! Thanks! cwm18.gif

  12. ...now don't bite my head off is this has already been asked...but I'm new to this board! *blush*

    Do you girls prefer a circumsised cock, or an uncircumsised cock?? cwm13.gif

    My current boyfriend is uncircumsised, so maybe I'm biased that is what I like, and, not to poke fun, but don't you think it kinda looks like a little elephant trunk when it's soft?? I think it's sooo cute!!! cwm27.gifcwm4.gif

    I was just wondering because I know a couple of my friends think uncircumsised cocks are just ugly and gross. IMHO all cocks are beautiful, cut or not! cwm4.gif



  13. ...have a little bowl of ice next to you guys,it'll get real hot because of the E and the heat of the tub...

    And I bet the ice will feel awesome! We've had bubblebaths before and taken a cube of ice and rubbed it all over sensitive parts of each other's bodies and it felt amazing just when we were sober. The hot/cold feels great, so I imagine while rolling it would be mind-blowing! Thanks for the suggestion!! And I promise I won't make it too hot, I was worried about that as well! WOOHOO! I can't wait! cwm4.gif



  14. Just a note for girls though, be careful taking this supplement if you are on the birth control pill. I know I've read of cases (depending on what pill you are on of course) where St. John's wort will decrease the effectiveness of the pill by up to 56%!! cwm24.gif That's a big decrease in effectiveness, so if you are on the pill maybe read the little booklet that it comes with, or ask your doctor before taking this supplement, it could be the difference between pregnancy or not!

    Just a warning!


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