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Posts posted by clubmouse

  1. I was sitting in my schools student center tonight, studying for my anthropology test tommorrow, learning about different cultures and how norms and stardards are imposed and it got me thinking....Who decided that human nature is to strive for perfection, or is that the set of norms that has been laid down by the capitalist and highly competitive society we live in? Isn't the point of life to be happy? and can a person truly be happy following all the rules that go along with a society always pushing to do more and be more? we are homo sapiens, an animal, and we have our limitations, there will come a time, i believe very soon, when we reach the limitations of our animal brains, in our ability to deal with the norms our society imposes. The only reason will can still function now is that by the time society forces its lessons down our throat, we are old and mature enough to form our own thoughts on how to live and be happy...the problem is that the age where this targeting occurs is getting younger and younger, kids in elementary school asked to compete visciously for grades, and by the time they are in middle school to pretty much have their lives planned out. Children this young have no idea what the real world is like and they are highly impressionable. These kids may come to believe that these lofty, near impossible goals, are the standards they ALL must live up to when they get older. Is it any wonder now that adolescent anxiety and depression has risen dramactically in the past few years? I believe it is time to stop and reevaluate what we are doing..has our blind quest for advancement pushed our human nature to the wayside? Technology is growing faster every day, and we hardly get a chance to settle in before new technology hits the market. This highly affects elder members of our society...in the past they were looked to as wise and were who you went to for information on how to do things. It gave a whole generation a sense of purpose, and gave them something to be happy about as their bodies slowly gave out...now the technology has passed them by, and these Wise Elders are now going through future shock, the home they knew, as foreign as another country..

    So now we have lost the parts of human nature which allow us to be young, adolescent, and old, which leaves us with middle age. Most of our middle age is spent working long days, saving and planning for the future, until we can retire, and live in a place we have lost touch with...

    To me, it sounds like not really living at all, just all moving parts in the big machine we call America. I dont know what we can do to fix it, but its something we need to start devoting some serious time to.... thank you for humoring my rant, im sure many of the ideas are not new to you, but if anything gets you thinking, then maybe some of what im saying makes sense...HAVE A GREAT NIGHT:D

  2. pretty sure im going, electric factory is a concert venue, and it closes mad early, doors open for this thing at 9pm....if it wasnt for S&D, i wouldn't recommend going there to see a dj, but it should be a good time...just sux that its the night before easter, i gotta drive home to ny after the set, so no heavy drugs:(

  3. ok you bastards, just becuase one party sucked doesnt mean that this one is gonna suck too, im actually pretty pumped...and peeps who know me, know im not a rave fanactic, but it has a hot lineup and should just be a big day party... so all you people who will be sitting in their rooms wackin it all day saturday, SUCK IT...SUCK IT BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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