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Posts posted by clubmouse

  1. you know what pisses me off the most, some furry animal thats always posting that damn:hat: :hat: :hat:

    and if you want to go to another board, then just go , no need to post a thread about it, then you're just addind to the bullshit, everyone here sees the same shit you see, wisen up or you're no better than the SF juicheads, sorry guys , no offense , but you let vanity run your lives....:hat:

  2. hey bebby, ive been around, just shifted over to naughty booth a little bit, the threads here a getting a little too exit and SF for my tastes....

    As for all of you who wish to know the meaning of the :hat: it is a symbol of a carefree clubbing lifestyle that we try to exhibit. How else can you have such a goofy smile while wearing a Dr. Seuss hat, and for all of you who hate the hat guy, you guys should seek therapy, its just a smile on a website, not like it killed your family or stole 50,000 from you....or did he??? :hat: :hat: :hat: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  3. Bush is smart, he is a shrewd businessman, and has a good heart, But Politically I believe he is making poor decisions that will have a major effect on our social and economic future.

    Editorial by Michael Halajian

    It was a campaign promise that got him elected, and one he followed through on. To give tax refunds accross America with an average of $600 per family, with the top 2% receiving thirty percent of the refunds. Supposedly done in order to stimulate the economy, which was had already slowed considerably since the tech boom.These refunds came from the surplus acquired during the past strong economic years. Democrats urged that the money would not last, and that while we had it we should use it to strenghten social security, and overhaul medicaid, giving more money for prescription drug and senior citizen benefits, smart ideas now that the baby boomer generation is entering their golden years. After the tax refunds, it was clear that there was no money left for these social programs, and with the economy close to, (some say into) a recession, that surplus that seemed so large had completely disappeared. The president then made a promise that the government would not have to DIP INTO social security to balance the budget.A month later the government office that hadles budgetary matters concluded that we would need to do this, and the President agreed, so instead of securing social security for thirty more years, we now have to take more money out of it...GOOD JOB DUBYA

    No one saw Sempter 11th coming, and the President has handled the initial shock, and Anti-Terrorist campaign with the mark of a true leader. His speeches were poignant and dignified and resonated deeply within the hearts of every American. Now, as they are clearing the last of the debris from ground zero we must face our economic reality, money on the defense budget has been raised to levels not seen since the cold war, and for good reason. After rising steadily for three months, the stock markets took a steep dive back to where they began the year, effectively negating the gains of the first quarter, yet Bush is still trying to push Bills through congress that would spend more and more money that we just dont have. Now Bush says it will be ok and flashes his idiot smile, but the fact is that his fiscal irresponsibility may very possibily have grave consequences for our economy in the next few years. We may see Bush suffering the same fate as his father. We are reading Dubya's lips and they're telling us no new taxes. If thats true, I want to know where the money's gonna come from.

  4. good times good times, i hadn't seen mikey since last presidents day at Twilo....the only downer of the night was the opening DJ, who was spinning banging tracks, just bad mixing, and not what was needed at the time, when you look at the crowd at 1:30, and the SF juiceheads already have their shirts off, you know you need to chill out a little....thank god DT threw it down:hat:

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