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Posts posted by malanee

  1. I wish I could have been there for the reopening at Nation. I expect LOTS of details!

    I'm giving a special shout out to: TB; Crank; Velvetgolmire; Scratch; Walker; The Princess and I'm sure I've missed a few!

    I miss you guys! There's no on here to rub my feet. :(

  2. It was great to see everyone Friday night! Special thanks to the house party crew: Walker, Scratchapella, Crank and Velvetgoldmire. Damn - we had a good time doing absolutely nothing!

    I'm heading back to San Francisco today, but I'm sure y'all be out to see me real soon!


  3. So many crackhead moments, so little time!

    I'm going to relay two moments. The first:

    One time I ended a long night of partying with 2 Ambien (sleeping pills). Last I remembered, I was at home in bed. Next thing I know - I'm locked out on my neighbors back porch with nothing but my cell phone. I then proceeded to make incoherent phone calls to everyone I knew to come rescue me. Crank was the lucky winner. Unfortunately, I forgot to call the other people I had called and inform them I had been rescued. Madame Millie showed up about 1/2 later wondering where in the heck I was!

    The second time was Danny Howell's at Vinyl Labor Day a few years ago. Lets just say it was a loooong night, with lots of chemical detours. At any rate, after one rather unfortunate detour, I came to hugging the arm of the ugliest guy in the room and possibly all of NYC. Think gold chain wearing, hairy Guido with no shirt on, a beer belly and completely buckled teeth! The best part? I came to with all my friends laughing at me! Sauvee, A1Wave, etc. *sigh* In my defense, the guy did have nice biceps!


  4. Originally posted by raver_mania

    Ruthie - give me a call or I'll call you.

    lunch one of these days is a must! How about tomorrow or Wed?

    Wanna do lunch tomorrow? Is Gina down? It won't be the same w/out Sauvee!

  5. Originally posted by raver_mania

    Hey Ruthie!!! Will definitely party it up this weekend (and Wed). How long are you in town for?

    I leave next Saturday - we need to catch up! So Wed. a def? What about lunch sometime this week?

  6. Well, I hate DD - so if I go, it'll be to see you guys. But I just looked at the pictures for Code and it looks scary - just like GLOW! Eeep! *shiver*

    Would anyone be down for DJ Mia at 5 instead? Either way - we GOTS to pre-party together!

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