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Everything posted by billygoat

  1. Vegas is absolutely sick! You'll love it. Ra is really good. Better on Fridays than Saturdays if you like house and techno, saturdays they mix in hip hop. Club Utopia is a great call. Rum Jungle is average at best, due to the poor layout: hard to move around, dance floor is kinda isoltaed at the far end and no drinks of any kind allowed on the dance floor. Tuesday night is the best night for Studio 54. Check out the afterhours at Glo (Glo at the Hop is the official name). That place is absolutely sick from 5am top noon!! Rain is the best new place, sweet layout, real good special effects (fire and cool vid screens etc), but dancing is secondary to people watching I guess. I went to another place I think it was called C2K or something like that which was good and Sunday night SRO is supposed to be good too. Just make sure it's not latin music night before you head over there (unless of course you like latin music then hit it up, no doubt it's the best salsa house in vegas) Did I mention Glo? Check out Drais in Barbary Coast if it still open (that's afterhours too). There are always rumors they are shutting the place. Check out coolvegas.com to find out who's playing where. Oh yeah, House of Blues is definitely a good call for locals night. Good luck and have fun.
  2. Hey, I am coming to Miami for a long weekend: Wed - Mon am. Any help on which clubs to hit would be appreciated. Looking at the threads it seems like Crobar gets two thumbs up, what are the other good places in Miami? Thanks
  3. Who cares what you are talking about just keep posting that picture. Those are some sweet tata's!
  4. First, LaRaver, that was a good one! What kind of ass munch is this "source" that is trying to get these NYC clubs shut down? How does that limp dick know these "VIP's" are sneaking in drugs? Those strip searches do totally suck, but as long as the clubs have to constantly fight the "patrons are hopped up on drugs" stigma, that's what they'll be doing to protect themselves. What a crock of sheet!!!! Sorry just venting....... To end on a positive note, Tiesto was sick on Friday!
  5. I will definitely be there, but here's the dumb question: is there anything else to do on a Tuesday night? I'm not quite sure why I am even bothering to look for something else, but just wanted to see what is available.
  6. KMX is probably my least favorite of the energy type drinks (except Red Bat, no joke I had Red Bat in San Fran it tasted like talcum powder). I agree with whoever said it had stuff floating in it. What's that all about? That AMP stuff is awesome, but it's hard to find.
  7. Rumor has it that most corporations/govt agencies test for illiegal "controlled" substances AND items that typically mask the presence of said "Controlled" substances. One of my buddies got nailed with Goldenseal in his piss (he was trying to cover up massive amounts of pot smoking). Well they asked him an awful lot of questions about Goldenseal, why he's taking it etc etc and since he had no idea what it's good for aside from hiding traces of thc he was refused employment. Make sure you have a good story as to why this GHF crap is in your piss. If they use a hair sample your effed! Good luck!!!!
  8. Anybody got more onfo on Oakie in Vegas? Time, venue, cost, etc I'll be at the Mandaly Bay, but when I called they did not mention Oakenfold. After hours go to GLO!
  9. I used to think they were fake, until I met her. They are much less impressive in person and definitely didn't look like something you'd pay a few grand for. They are nice, but the bra and the position in that picture does a lot for her. Aside from that you have to admit she is the most talented singer of our time LOL:laugh:
  10. Those igloos are awesome! Orange tulips I got in San Fran were sweet, rolled a solid 12 hours off 2.5 (is that even possible?) Rolls Royce were smooooooth Ying Yangs not bad, got me off quick and had some great ups and downs Cap-Sule's were awesome but a little too short lived Red Moons in Vegas were kickin! But the best was the big fat chicklet I had on my first try!
  11. Doing the knuckle shuffle everynight while I think of princeesslolita will make me blind. Hey did someone turn out the lights?
  12. I bet she keeps her beave all nice and clean and tasty though. In my book that is A.O.K.
  13. Had a great night at China White last time I was in London.
  14. I can't remember whichis the hot spot on Thursday night, but the best choices generally are Ra, Baby's, C2K, Club Utopia, RUm Jungle and afterhours hit up Drais or Glo if it's open. Don't forget the most important place of all Cheetahs. That club rules! (Tell Gigi and Ideal that Bill says "hola")
  15. Is that Wednesday or Thursday? Will this be better than a) Tenaglia at SF and/or Oakie at Hammerstein
  16. What up peeps?!!? I'm heading into Vegas next weekend, where should I go? Any special parties/events going on. The gameplan right now is Baby's and Drais one night and Ra and Glo another. Need some ideas for Sunday, besides betting on football and chilling at Cheetahs. Any thoughts would be appreciated!@
  17. The place looks amazing with the new set up. If you're taking 3 17 year girls you are going to the right place on the right night. Exit still packs in a very young crowd on Friday, but the music is pretty good, and the snow is very cool. Just be ready for lots of shirtless guys to be very aggresive, be aggresive right back and you'll be fine. Make sure you check out upstairs they have opened it up quite a bit behind that waterfall bar. Good luck and have fun.
  18. I'll be wearing your ass like a hat. Now that will be one sweet costume. Just kidding of course! Most likely it'll be twirl early to warm up for SF. I'm think I'll be a proffesional swimmer: speedo, head cap, goggles and one of those nose pinchy things. I have a really hairy ass so this will be a thing of beauty!!!!
  19. Yo, your fake ids' won't work at most places, so it's not really worth standing in line for an hour or two and then not get in. Go to the top of this page and clik on the Halloween Party guide. It had some good ideas for Saturday, including 18+ places. Hope you find something banging!
  20. probably like 3 or 3:30ish, he'll play until noon so it gives you plenty of time to tear it up with him
  21. No doubt that's a tough choice, but Tenaglia is sounding pretty damn good at the Factory!!
  22. Filter 14 for a few pops b4 heading down to Vinyl at 2 or so. Tell your lame ass friends to step it up a notch. It's the weekend for godsake!
  23. Did anyone actually go the last two weekends? I spent a solid 11 hours in there. Saw plenty of "straight" people all night long. Sure the crowd became mostly "gay" towards the late morning, but still saw plenty o straights then too. Here's a good idea, if you like the music and the vibe show up. If not go somewhere else. It really has nothing to do with "gay" and "straight" jack ass! As for going out of business.... lots of luck when they had 10,000 people come thru the doors. GBA!
  24. He will usually start up at about 2:30 and play right on thru til whenever everyone leaves. I left last Sunday morning at 11:30 am and the place was still packed.
  25. Does Limelight hold 3g's No way right. NYC nightlife is looking up
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