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Posts posted by anacondatro

  1. Originally posted by linabina

    Okay so i have a few questions that i wanted to ask u guys... so i fig'd id put them all in one post... they mainly all relate to birth control...


    Do u pull out even with a condom on? all the time? NO

    When the girl is on the pill do u still wear condoms? NO...Been with my girl 3 years now so we dont use condoms anymore.

    If not, do u still pull out? NO

    Do u cum inside her? YEP always.

    Thanks :)

  2. Originally posted by breakbeatz2

    retard, the kids who shot up columbine were two rejects who were about as far from being juice heads as you could possibly be

    chill the fuck out

    u sound a lot more like the kind of freaks who shootup schools than the juice heads at sound factory


    Dude i'm definately not agreeing with what juiceheadkiller said but i think you missed the point. He wasnt saying the kids that shot up columbine were juiceheads. He was saying the rejects that shot up the school did it because of the juicehead assholes or so called cool people making fun of them and driving them off the edge. And soundfactory does have alot of them. All though it was a bit drastic i get his point.

    So JHK give us some details...were these guys making fun of you and why??

  3. Originally posted by hotbarbiedoll

    Oh i see. You feel adding a "smilie" after your disrespectful comment constitutes the fact that you could just say whatever you want?

    Well in that case, If I'm a whiny bitch, then you are an ignorant asshole who should really change his choice of words and understand that people have the right to their own opinions, even if they may be other than yours...:tongue:

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ok like i said, i was just joking around.....Now who's being defensive?!?!

    ps. maybe you should read what you wrote about everyone having the right to their own opinion....cuz i was just stating my own opinion about how lucky we are to live where we have beaches.:cool:

  4. Originally posted by hotbarbiedoll

    I've never imagined someone could get this defensive over "salt water" :blank:

    I wasnt really that offended.....i was half joking, thats why i put this little guy at the end of the sentence--->:tongue:

    But you guys were bashing the beaches:

    hotbarbiedoll......... "Ugh! Salt water! I never go into the ocean water to begin with - I hate it.."

    Sexyme......."Yea me neither, I hate the ocean water for numerous reasons, one being the salt water and another being...sharks!!"

    ou812....."I'll agree with you on this. I just got back from Hawaii and and will never again set foot in the nasty, grundgy water in and around NY/NJ."

    reeni...."I hate the beach especially the sand...."

  5. Originally posted by linabina

    i love the beach, the sand, the ocean, everything, i just hate gettin tossed and flipped around by the rough water sometimes... although it is pretty funny watchin someone gettin their ass kicked haha

    lol. i agree :)

    Wft is up with the rest of you winy bitches....do you know how lucky we are to live near these beaches. You'd all rather live in like oklahoma or mississippi where there are no beaches. If your lucky you get to live near a dirty ass lake to swim in. :tongue:

  6. Originally posted by BRIAN1500

    About 4 or 5 hidsedic (sp?) jews walking around SF.

    Bwhahaha ...... they were probably selling E pills:laugh:

    Craziest thing i ever saw was at the s&m party this dude is sitting on the floor bouncing up and down on this huge dildo and taking the whole thing in his ass. A big circle of people were just looking on like :eek::puke:

  7. Originally posted by twiloguy

    what the fuck do you expect, going to see them at CPI!!?!?!?


    go to a real fucking club to see them tear the roof off....ie, Arc on the 3rd

    (as I said in another ranting post....they played Schmexit...and sucked for the first 5 hours...till the end, when all the spikey haired shirtless peeps left, then the bunker busters arrived!)

    moral of the story - catch them at Arc, they always keep it real there!

    Your not the first person to say this....but wtf. Deep dish is supposed to be "world renowned". so who cares what venue your at, why not tear the roof off the place no matter where you are?!?! I mean they are getting paid to be the DJ'sright cuz i sure as hell paid the money to get in. Plus CPI really isnt a bad venue.

    Also you said they decided to tear it up after all the spikey haired shirtless peeps left.....like arc doesnt have any of that:rolleyes: not to mention you cant take your shirt off at cpi anymore.

  8. You guys are nuts....ok she's no super model in the face, but she's not that bad looking. Plus no one mentioned how she's got some fine lookin titties that i'd love to suck on for an hour or two. and a fine stomach too. She's definately a HOTTIE.:D Dont hate.

  9. Originally posted by Teknojunkee

    For a remark like this, you should put yourself in time-out. Also, learn what GOOD MUSIC is not Long Island Music!

    If you wanna hear Ojeda so bad go to Mirage. You should never step foot in CPI again. Just my .02


    Trust me i know what good music is....i've been in this game a long time. Ojeda at mirage is garbage. no doubt about it.

    I was just saying how a few years ago at cpi ojeda would turn that mutha fuckin inside out. the party there was off the hook. Even if it was "long island music".

    MAybe it was him, maybe it was the music, maybe it was the crowd. I cant figure it out but what i do know is Deep Dish sucked this weekend.

    And dont worry i wont be steppin foot back into CPI till Tenaglia gets there in july. Then i'll report back to ya.

    ps...if that was one of the best sets you've ever heard, you need to get out more.:eek:

  10. I know i'm gonna get alot of criticism for this but.....

    U SUCK!!!!!!

    that was the worst shit i've ever heard....I had a way better time everytime Ojeda spun. Shit they couldve put that mada and moody cd in that they were handing out and i wouldve felt more like dancing than deep dish bullshit....just my .02

  11. Originally posted by sexxybabyd

    I didn't take offence to it. Why does it matter?

    It doesnt really matter to me at all....but what if that was your brother or ex bf you were really in love with and this girl makes a fucked up comment like that. Then would you take offense to it???I just think it was totally rude and uncalled for.

    ps. spinsaikel....good one, but no. I'd have the same reaction if it was another girl in the pic with her and she made that comment.

  12. Originally posted by sassa

    your friend is ugly! that tattoo is played out too...

    and you'd be so much cuter if your hair was darker...

    Were you serious when u wrote this???.....When i saw your pic i thought wow great looking girl.....now i think wow great looking girl thats nothing but a gross shallow bitch.:rolleyes:

    Who are you to tell her that guy in the pic with her is ugly.

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