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Everything posted by silente

  1. *laughs* Shit man, the squirrels and gulls are the *last* things you need to worry about at cross county. I'd be more worried about the animals that shop there, yano?
  2. Unfortunately, Chicago's under 21 club scene is pathetic, capital P. There are a few clubs in the suburbs, but most of them play cheeze. Best bets: Keep your eyes out for people on tour heading into places like house of blues, the aragon, the metro...stuff like that. Or get a fake. A good one. Most of the stuff that happens on this board is promotion and stuff. Check out w w w. i n s i d e - c h i c a g o. c o m ... it's where the cool kids hang out. Welcome to chicago!
  3. Well...assuming an (at least seemingly) normal partner (ie - mentally and physically with it enough to be consensual, adult, etc), there's not a lot I wouldn't at least try once. But.... Just say no to bodily waste. No rape fantasy type s&m stuff (the real thing sort of spoiled that) No animals (but I've gotta give props to Catherine the Great ) No maple syrup (come on! It's sticky!) Other than that...can't think of a whole lot I wouldn't do. :grin:
  4. I've got my tickets in a bomb-proof box in the cellar - no way in HELL I'm missing this show!!! :grin:
  5. Just out on the docks there? Or in the mall?
  6. I don't know, but I'm VERY FUCKING IRRITATED that I've come down with it. Losing your voice when you're a music major is NOT COOL.
  7. So, where exactly is it? Is it just outside on the pier or something? Or is there an available building down there that doesn't smell like fish? (I love that I've already bought my ticket and I have no idea where I'm going....)
  8. and whippits! I forgot nitrous!! :grin:
  9. Definitely don't miss Cox and Hawtin!!!!! Check out Vinyl as well (my personal fav). It's ugly as hell, but you can't beat the music.
  10. I have classes *and* work today!!! Damn liberal arts schools with their damn disregard for patriotic holidays.....
  11. Lindsay = of the linden tree isle (oh those crazy scots...what will they think of next)
  12. Fuck you with a sharpened egg beater!! (pssst....who are we fucking? Just so I know. )
  13. LMAO!!! bigpoppa, with literary talent like that, you can be my bigpoppa ANYTIME!! Weed, if you've never had a real relationship before (friends or otherwise), I wouldn't leap right into a romantic thing. Get used to talking to people, learning to empathize, stuff like that - you'll go crazy if you just try to start dating all of a sudden. (btw, guys, I realize it's totally possible that weed here is a fake and I just made an ass of myself by taking him seriously. But a lot of people really do have issues just dealing with people normally......better to try to be sympathetic than just laugh, don't you think? Esp on a board that imagines itself welcoming and friendly. Just my .02)
  14. Alcohol Weed E Various and sundry painkillers Shrooms Coke Prescription speed (ritalin, etc) Opium K that might be it.... I can't really remember...... memory, she aint' so hot anymore...
  15. Wait a second....you're saying that guys don't compare dick size??? Come on! And I don't think that women get breast enlargements to out-boob their friends. They get them b/c they think men enjoy them (which, clearly, is the case), and like, bigger is always better, for sure! I think if dicks were on display all the time like women's breasts arel, you'd *definitely* see more penis enlargement ops going on.
  16. Sounds like a fantastic night, once again!! I'll send vibes from nyc... silente - mentallyberatingairlinecompaniesforhighprices
  17. It's 4-12 on Sunday afternoon. Definitely happens every week - Francois K is the resident, so it's DEEEEEEEEEEEP house. Very old school tight tight tight shit.
  18. *nods* No, I totally agree. I think it's a complete shame that people can't sit down like human beings and discuss this shit. I think the protesters would be taken a lot more seriously if they'd quit yelling all the time and just talk. But the weakness of their method doesn't eliminate the value of their message.
  19. *laughs* Uh huh. Whatever. You're crumbling in the face of superior logic.
  20. *laughs* First of all, I'm anything but a wannabe hippie - when I first opened up this thread, I thought for sure I'd be one of the ones *not* supporting the protests. I think in general they have a tendency to get out of control, and thus the protesters lose all semblance of credibility. Furthermore, I think that economic expansion *is* the key to improving our own way of life, as well as improving the lives of those in countries considered third-world. But, I think that expansion should be done responsibly. I think businesses should be held liable for the conditions in the factories in which their products are made. I think everyone is entitled to a living wage. I think children are entitled to an education and a hopeful adulthood that does NOT begin in a sweatshop at the age of 13. I don't think that anyone - no matter WHERE they went to school or WHAT their major is - would disagree with me.
  21. silente

    The worst....

    *laughs* No, the worst is looking in your purse, finding the flyer and wondering who the hell mike is, and then having him walk out of your bathroom saying "good morning - good thing you're up. I need someone to help me shave the rest of my back." That's the worst.
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