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Everything posted by covetoys

  1. I've always liked Baby's! No wonder he was swept away.
  2. Best club is Baby's at Hard Rock. Many a blistful nights there. Trust....
  3. Regina, I understand your point. I wish my situation was about simply about someone else, but it is not. It is only about us. My question was more of a general argument, nothing personal here. Meanwhile, I agree with you whole-hearted. I beleive if you are in a relationship than be in it. If you want to get out, than get out, for whatever reason. But cheating or tasting the sugar while you still have salt in your mouth is wrong. It happened to me. Wouldn't want it to happen again. In fact it has made me afraid of relationships, afraid of the future and distrusting of others. I wish i could turn back the clock and make my X happier so that she didn't cheat. We'll never know if that would have made me better today, but for a moment in my life I was dead inside.
  4. Don't get much TV over here. I have only 3 english speaking channels. Two of them are horseracing and one is my lobby. Yeash! When I get back to the states, I'll check out friends.
  5. simply my eyes, they are gold/green and are constantly in bedroom shape. Heavy lids I guess.
  6. It isn't easy. If it was than everyone would be doing it and there would be no war in the world. It will come again and when it is right, it will be easy for parts and hard for others, but it will come back again. And now you will be just that much wiser for the next one.
  7. lobster! Does that mean you use a nutcracker to break him or you just like to use butter when eating his tail?
  8. totallytrance's reply raises an interesting question. What if you were in a relationship with someone you really cared about, but had an opportunity to go beyond, not only sexually, with someone but also in a love-at-first sight type of way. For instance you are at a party or a club and you meet someone that all the sudden you have an unbeleivable connection with. One that outshines your current relationship. Are you falling deeper in love and are you cheating on yourself to not act on the impulses that are also mixing with your hormones? You might just find the love of your life. You will never know unless it happens I guess? Does anyone see my point?
  9. Laser removal. Safe and doesn't come back for a long time. Plus keeps your hopes up for a partner who cares about you during the long 2-3 week process.
  10. My x cheated on me. We were together for a long time as well. Never, ever cheated on her. But when I started dating again, I did what I hated about her. Wasn't honest, wasn't up front and totally wrong for doing it. I would never do again. Either you are in the relationship or not.
  11. Watched Cartoon Network until I fell asleep. Who needs love anyway?
  12. I believe that Nasa is working on the Ball Enlargement Matrix as we speak.
  13. Yes, it has landed! Got this in a junk email. I've ordered a baker's dozen! INCREASE YOUR PENIS SIZE BY 1" ...2" ...3" ... OR MORE IN JUST A FEW SHORT WEEKS! Former Viagra pharmacist has now created a revolutionary herbal pill that is guaranteed to increase your penis size by 1" ...2" ...3" ... or more in just a few short weeks! This amazing new product works by simply taking 2 pills every day... it will make your penis grow in both length and thickness by a whopping 26%, guaranteed! CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS Simply try these Amazing pills for 30-days and if after 30-days you do not experience a minimum of 1" gain in length, simply send the empty bottle back to us and we'll refund you 100% of the cost including shipping. With this guarantee, our product must work for you... or we'll lose money on every sale! This amazing new product works by simply taking 2 pills every day CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS OUR UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE: Simply try it for 30-days and if after 30-days you do not experience a minimum of 1" gain in length, simply send the empty bottle back to us and we'll refund you 100% of the cost including shipping. With our guarantee, our product must work for you... or we'll lose money on every sale! LIMITED TIME OFFER ORDER TODAY! ORDER DIRECT 626-440-1747 M to F 8:00am to 6:00pm Pacific Standard Time CLICK HERE TO ORDER ONLINE
  14. Diet Coke? Wow, they sure are getting aggressive with thier advertising!
  15. I think the pictures of you are better. More honest.
  16. yes trim, but is it sexier, is it cleaner? what is the difference?
  17. One of my friends that I grew up with was a man now a woman. An excellent dancer and a really good soul with a huge heart. After he becmae a woman I can't say I was ever ever attracted to him/her but my other close friend (who is straight as a nail) and her hooked and have been happy as a clam ever since. I wish them the very best. The fact is she always carried herself as a woman and being a TV and than a TS was not that big of a change for us whom know her. It doesn't matter I guess, but the thing that gets me hot and horny is the fact that a woman knows how to be treated and how to treat in return.
  18. I do my best, as any guy would do to work with my partner's needs/wants and react to her. It probably helped tremendously, but I read two books that really helped me to understand how to stimulate the clit in all aspects. The first was, A Hand in the Bush - very comprehensive and very in depth about a woman's parts and what works and why. the second was, A Guide to Giving Great Oral Sex - The holy grail of holy grails. An indepth guide for you and your partner on how to swallow, lick, tickle, suck, smooth, pat and push your way into the best oral orgasms known to human kind. A real feel good book. Can't say I learned it all by my own, but I can say I've been well educated. Toys--
  19. I was just doing that yesterday! all that hard work (npi) paid off. May I ask, why you prefer to have shaven testicles on your man?
  20. I like to ask only if my partner falls asleep. Just kidding of course. All men should know before they get to home base, how to run there.
  21. You must mean LIFEFORCE with Mathilda May! I believe once Toby Hopper (poltergeist director) saw her walk on the set, he threw out all of her wardrobe. Very Sexy Movie!!
  22. I maybe old fashioned, but I believe in the purity of husband/wife vows. Even if she is flirting with you in a way that is obvious, don't be the wedge that helps drive them apart. She is having fun with what she is doing, if you go too far, or if she goes too far, it won't be fun for either of you. You know Andy Warhol said the best part about sex is the flirtation.
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