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Posts posted by njitpimp

  1. Does anyone know if the tickets from last time Paul van Dyk was at Roxy when they stopped letting ticketholders into the club will be valid for the 18th when he's there? On madeevents website it said that they were working on a makeup date for those ticketholders who didn't get in so I'm hoping that this is that make up night.

  2. It was an OK night.....I wasn't impressed with acosta really. I expected a little bit more melodic trance and a little less hard trance. Probably the best song I heard all night was GTR - Mistral and he was playing that while I was out by the ticket booths waiting for my friends to get up the stairs. THe line was surprisingly long and we waited for about an hour and a half - 2 hours on line which sucked. It wasn't REALLY packed inside which isn't a bad thing. It wasnt a terrible party....what made it less than great for me was the music. I can't wait for Ferry corsten in April and Armin van buuren whenever he's coming. THOSE will be incredible nights.

  3. Wow, Marco V was the man last night. It was the first time I was ever hearing him live (I'm sure it was everyone's first time since hes never been to NY) and I really didn't know what to expect from him. I thought he might play a lot of progressive which I don't mind but I prefer not to hear all night long. He opened his set with some song that I didn't know and it was so phat. It was a unique style and really just made u dance your ass off. Then he played New York New York (this time the power didn't go off for it like it did at Roxy for Armin) and that was hot of course but that was about as progressive as he got. He just statred playin hard techy/trance stuff alll night long and boy did it keep us movin. I was gettin worried when the place was still empty at almost 1 oclock but eventually a nice size crowd came in and you had just the right combo of space to dance and crowdedness. Overall I had a great time and I can't wait for him to come back to NYC. I will def be there.

  4. Yup, Armin was the man last night as expected. He played a great set. I think I knew every single song he played with the exception of 1 or 2 maybe. He played everything I was hoping he'd play.....Hydra - Affinity, Conjure one - Tears from the moon, Nightvision - Believin, Chicane - Autumn Tactics, Viframa - Cristalle (Katana Intro mix), Armin feat Ray Wilson - Yet another Day (Hiver and Hammer mix), Oceanlab - Sky Falls down, Sun Decade - I'm Alone, etc etc. I was on stage the whole time and the crowd up there was defnitely into it. (But that was expected because that's where all the hardcore AVB fans seemed to be). But looking around it didn't seem like the floor crowd was as into it. At the very end I had some kid ask me "What's this DJ's name?" LOL. But he was on the stage at the very end of the night dancin his ass off so despite his ignorance maybe he is a new AVB/Trance fan. There's nothing wrong with that. By the way joeflow.....that was the airwave mix of summer calling. Summer calling is a hot song to begin wiht but Airwave destroyed it.....def the hottest mix of that song. Also that song he opened his set with was Conjure One - Tears from the moon (Hybrid mix).....siiick song.

  5. Armin is the man. He's def been my fav DJ over the last few months (used to be Tiesto but Armin has seemed to take over Tiesto's old style.) I went to see him in DC in Sept and his set was amazing. This time he'll be doing a 6 hour set (from 11pm - 5am according to his website. I can't fuckin wait! There's so many songs I can't wait to hopefully hear him play....Hydra - Affinity, Greed - Strange World, Yet Another day (hiver and hammer mix), Conjure one - tears from the moon (hybrid mix), 4 Strings - Diving, etc etc...It's gonna be a siiiiiick night.

  6. I went to both nights and I liked his set better at Arc. It was more trancey and less hard which is more my tastes. Overall I had a fun time both nights. At Roxy my main complaint was the excessive heat....... although it usually gets hot at clubs it felt even hotter and stuffier that night than usual. I had fun at Arc but one thing that really bothered me was I felt the music should have been a lot louder. It was defintely a lot louder at Roxy. Some of the songs would have had an even better effect if it was louder. For instance, I heard Armin Van Buuren drop Autumn Tactics at Glow in Washington DC and it was so much louder and just sounded better. I thought it was a little too dark in Arc at times and the lighting def was not as impressive at some other clubs. But, I liked the crowd a lot and I did have a lot of fun. I'm not complaining. It was only 10 bux and there was a lot of great music.

  7. Me and 3 friends took the 3 and a half hour car ride down to DC last night to see Armin van Buuren at club Insomnia (also known as Glow but glow is actually the party) and lemme tell you it was worth it!. He played some siiiiick siiiiiiiiiiiick siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiick trance! He is the f'in man. He dropped both Chicane - Autumn Tactics (thrillseekers mix) and Solar stone - solarcoaster which made my night. He also dropped the new 7 cities remix, obsession, and many many more. As for the club, I liked it. It wasn't very big at all. But it was kinda different and had a much different atmospehere, mood, and crowd than the NY clubs. One thing I will say is that NY girls are 3298424559458 times hotter than DC girls lol. (if Glow's female crowd is any indication) but thats ok I still had fun. And I didn't see a single solitary guido which was nice. hehehe. Overall I had a great time and can't wait for AVB to come to NY. Now the question is....do I go take another trip down there to see Ferry Corsten?

  8. Personally I didn't think the music was THAT great last night. I mean I had a fun time and the music was dancable...but nothing that left an impression in my mind. Since I didn't know most of those dj's I had no idea when they changed DJ's really because I didn't know their styles. (Except for Scot Bond which I figured out when it was him when all the good trance started being played.) But to me it seemed like Bond played a lot of older stuff. I think the highlight of the night for me was when he dropped Armin van Buuren feat Ray wilson - yet another day. I wish he would have carried on with new stuff like that. But, I agree it was nice hearing 7 cities....a very good song to dance to when your there with your GF...lots of emotion in that song. I had a good time.....but now I'm just waiting for PVD and Ferry Corsten to be there. Oh, and I agree about the phazon...it didn't seem that loud. It sounded clear...but not very loud.

  9. Did anyone get it yet? I was having a hard time finding it then I finally found it at cdnow.com and oredered it. I should have it in a couple days. I can't wait. ISOS is my favorite Tiesto series. Anyone who has heard it have any opinions on it? I downloaded it but i still wanna have a legit copy.

  10. Anyone have that jan johnston song and feels like sending it to me? Also, does anyone know anything about the 2 songs i meantioned.....I don think they were any that were listed in that tracklisting

  11. I'm just lookin for anyone to list any songs they remember from PVD's set at exit last night. I knew some of them but there were a lot i didn't. In particular Im looking for the name of the 4th song he played (i dont know how it went at all.....all I know is it kinda had little high pitched dings in the backround that got progressively louder as the song went on). Also he played a vocal song that said something about saving a rainbow or somethin like that. Anyone have any id's?

  12. Ok, I'll admit the number of people last night was out of hand but I knew it would be...it always is when there is a big name dj there so that was something you just had to expect and accept. As far as all the "smelly asians" go that's really fucked up to say cuz you know what....I was in the front by the stage where there are a lot less asians than in other sections of the club and all the white people were doing the same exact thing. Just because you happened to be near the asian area and you got pushed and shoved doesnt give you the right to say those kinda things because it's like that with all the people in the club, not just the asians. Personally I thnik the asians push a lot less than all the dumb musclehead guidos who think they are tough shit. There really is no way around the pushing. With that many people in the club, everytime someone wants to go to the bathroom, get a drink, meet up with a friend somwhere, or just take a breather they are gonna be forced to "push" their way through. Yeah, the whole situation sucks but thats what happens when a superstar like PVD or Tiesto comes to a club. I had a lot of fun last night. The music was good and the people seemed VERY into the music and the mood. And personally, I felt people were polite in general last night. I had many people say "excuse me" to me when they wanted to get by (including an asian kid). I made little small talk with some friendly people here or there. With a place crowded so much pushing is inevitable. Try not to always see the bad side of things and just be happy at the fact that you got to see a great DJ spin a great set, something that you don't have the oppurtunity to experience. And if you really can't do that, then stay home because it's not a secret that the dance floor is going to be packed.

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