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Posts posted by beyondbase2

  1. why must my fear turn into pain

    i find myself at a loss for words that i cant explain

    i turn my back to face the reality, but i'm lost in the shadows of my misery

    i tell my mind to cast my fears away as i search through the channels for a brand new day

    now that i'm facing myself in another direction

    i feel this pain and this fear has led mr to my resurrection

    i feel my soul come alive and the earth under me

    and my eyes open up and set my mind at ease

    i've left the darkness of the past and found a better way

    so i can live my life through a brand new day

  2. Johnny has been playing several new projects Mike Macaluso recently completed. One of which is an edit Mike did of "Final Chapter" in which he sampled "O Fortuna". The other track is called "The End" which is along the same lines as "Final Chapter."

    Two BANGIN' tracks to keep your eye out for in the stores......

  3. my favorite episode is when rickie martin and paul oakenfold made guest appearances...hey maybe if bart simpson was an oakey fan you would be too....

    and FYI..ricky martin is a perfect example to use in getting my point accross. If you don't understand what my point was, maybe you should spend more time growing up and less time watching cartoons...

    i'm not trying to start this stupid drama with you over Oakenfold (or anything else). The last thing i said in my post was to chill out with all the bashing and express yourself maturely...I guess that was too much to suggest from some people (U).

    unlike most of the other replies, yours made no sense whatsoever. this is why i chose to reply back.....peace...


  4. I think the worst thing about Paul Oakenfold playing at the World is having to read post after post on all these message boards about how much you hate him. "HE sucks!", "He's overrated", "He thinks he's a rockstar"....I think everyone should just relax! Now i'm not saying that i'm the biggest Oakenfold fan in the world, but i totally respect what he does, how he does it , and what he had accomplished in his career.

    "He Sucks"-- Ok if you dont like his music thats fine. He may not be the greatest technical dj or be known to rock killer 6-10 hour sets, but he can definitely put on a show. You just have to open yourself up to it If you don't want to open yourself up to it then don't go pay the $ to see him. He's not gonna come on stage and stand there and rock 3 decks all night. It's not his style. He's gonna get up there and play record after record (anthem after anthem) and jump around and flail his arms in the air, and clap his hands. When he turns a level up on the urei, he doesn't just turn it, he puts his body into it and cranks the fuck out of it....and the crowd goes nuts. It's just part of his show.

    My friend went to see Sade in concert last week. He said that she sounded unbelieveable, but she didn't put on much of a show. She just stood there and sang.. wich is fine..that's her show. Now i on the other hand i saw Ricky Martin live who i don't think is the greatest singer, but he put on a great fuckin show.

    Rock stars are known all over the world, play to thousands of people and get paid alot of fuckin money for what they do. So as far as i'm concearned Paul Oakenfold can act like a rock star if he chooses to.. You kids have to stop bashing Djs/ Producers on these boards. Express your opinions, but do it with class.

  5. To all those who attended the House 101 party at limelight on Friday and realized that the party wasn't quite what was expected, here is a brief explanation of what happened. To make a very long story short, the Limelight was double booked by Mr. and Mrs. Gatien and they had no intentions of telling the various promoters and djs involved. Thanks alot!

    The main room was double booked for House 101 and some raver party. Mike Macaluso, the headlining DJ fot House 101 (and a bigger and better dj than any of the ones booked for the 16yo+ candy raver party which followed) Got to play a whopping 1 hour set before the DJ booth was saturated with oversized JNCOs, backpacks, glowsticks, and pacifiers. House 101 ended at 2am.All those ravers were there to hear Pleasurehead spin beastie boys and hava nagila all night.

    The chapel was triple booked (IF YOU COULD BELIEVE THAT). Richie Luvv and Brutal Bill had to butt heads with Evil D's hip hop shananigans as well as a group of indian drummers playing bongos. ARE YOU KIDDING ME????

    The House 101 party which attracted a good looking, well dressed, mature crowd and showcased an outstanding lineup of DJs fell to the wrath of Peter Gatien (and wife) who lived up to his reputation of being a greedy, sneaky, unprofessional jerkoff.

    House 101 will return with more good music, an even better crowd, and definitely at a better club....

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