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Posts posted by jonnyb

  1. Groovee man... I pitty you,

    You cant seem to understand that life is not a competition.

    I love Montreal not caus' it's the best but caus' it's great... simple enough is'nt it? We dont wanna party in the best club the best town, be the best dancers. We just wanna go out, have a great time with amazing people.

    I'd tell you... and it's just a suggestion... to stop bein' so defensive and actually listen to what people are sayin. 90% of what you replied to me in the last two weeks has no actual connection to what I said.

    I'm sure I'd love TO if I went same as I was amazed by N-Y and got the time of my life in Barcelona. And Montreal even though it cant compete with N-Y on many aspects still has some magic shit that you wont find anywhere else and therefore will allways be the best for me...

    Are you grasping the idea I'm tryin' to put forward?

    Anyway man... good luck with your life!!!

  2. You have a girlfriend???

    I would have bet my anual income you liked dicks! Each day brings a new surprise!

    You've got a very unealthy outlook on life! You need to focus a little bambino . Hope you get beter pretty boy!

    Keep up the drama i'm havin fun!

  3. Stay in TO pretty boy!

    Were'nt you the one praising Toronto for bein' multicultural? Then you wanna come to Montreal and party only with english canadians? You will never stop to impress me! If that's what you want well NO theres no hot club in town for you caus' the best clubs get the best people... those with an open mind and a taste for difference. If you're not up to that go on Crescent in a freakin' "american pub". Anyway man most frenchies speak english. Still... congrats on the longest post I've ever seen on this section. You've managed to beat my record. Sona and Aria have Hip-Hop night fridays and saturdays.

    Anyway cj7dave2 we're a couple on the board. But it seems we kind o' lost the best elements. I have'nt heard from JY in a long time. If you see her somewhere else on the board... bring her back!

    Karde, what part of town are you from?

    cj7dave2 are ya from Montreal too?

  4. Not makin more sens buddy,

    So what am I to undrstand??? You're a ballet dancer therefore only you know how to party or you're a hired dancer in a club so you're a god???? Really man I have no clue what you're sayin'. What the fuck is that website???

    If you're a professional dancer well you get some respect from me caus' it's a fuckin' tough business but that has nothing to do with clubing.

    I definitely see that you consider yourself a judge and critic... still your self-proclamation does'nt make you justified.

    I guess I am one of these people! I sure pop but I dance before, during and after the pill. I'm not there to perform or make a show and I get respect from my friends and people on the dance floor by having a great time and lettin' them have their own any wich way they fuckin' want. I dont give a fuck who dances better and could'nt care less about battlin' you. I can picture the kind of pretentious little clubber you are and you can be sure I'd be dancin' my ass off all the way at the other end of the room (you know... where people are havin fun... not performing).

    Actions speak louder than words. ... interesting concept from someone who's so full of shit.

    Anyway man you're a real joke... it's been fun! But like all well wasted time it eventually has to stop.

    Drop the drama Diva

  5. Man! Are you for real? You sound like an afterschool special.

    Clubing is about music as much as it's about drugs, sex, and alcohol. Most of you down in TO know how to party??? Well Idont know bout that man. People are the same everywhere. Pills are a pretty stupid concept in itself but that's what partying is about... for a couple hours in your life... letting go of what should and should'nt be whatever it means for you.

    Remember that everyone listens to the same music but not all of us can truly enjoy it. ??????? Wow man that's rich! Who the hell do you think you are? You think you hold the universal trruth?

    Try not givin' a shit while you're waiting for glorification on the dancefloor. Try enjoying the beautifull people round you whether they are drunk, poppin' or plain straight, talkin' to you or not... wheter they fit your standards of "true" clubbers or not. YOU might learn something precious!

    As far as how or why you can or canot "TRULY" enjoy the party... You being so dogmatic allready diqualifies you as a judge.

    Sorry man but I heard your speach too many times allready. Give up clubing and start a religion... it's the best place to be full of shit

  6. Originally posted by kinska

    I guess you must be minted if you think that €35 to €50 entry is cheap. Not to mention the fact that a bottle of water in a club will set you back €4 to €8 whilst a vodka and coke costs a tidy €12 on average.

    Spain is a relatively poor country and if you compare club prices to the average income it's not hard to see why limited numbers of Spanish people are making Ibiza their clubbing destination.

    As for it being commercial - perhaps you just went to the wrong clubs?

    We're on the same page as far as prices are concerned. By cheap I did'nt mean inexpensive. The island is a racket!!! The price of a bottle of water is enough to crash your party. If it's expensive for ya it's even worst for me caus' I'm workin on a canadian $ budget (yeap...the Monopoly money!). And I'm not used to payin' for refills. Usually 3$ covers all the H2o I'll need for the night. Can't find "speed" either it seems wich is another setback.

    As far as commercial goes... well maybe you are right and I did'nt go to the right clubs. But the Ibiza thing is supposed to be global anyway... not just one club over the other. Hon' the place is taged and branded every square inch. Cant tell me you did'nt see the whole money makin' machine behind it!? What can I say... I need just a litle more "authenticity"... or at least the illusion of it.

    Maybe it's the result of comin' from a smaller scene. The quality of a party is judged on very different aspects than in N-Y or London. Hell! Different backgrounds different tastes... and thats all good!

    See ya hon'

  7. Hey dude,

    99.5% of people live "in other areas".

    So if you think that clubbing and life in general stops at the US border... well you chose your username right... you're notallthere.

    You're the reason people "in other areas" dislike americans. Then again that might come as a surprise to ya.

    Wake-up bro, there's a world out there.

    Good call soulshaker541

  8. Wow man! You're coming back at all the purists and elitists... with a vengance. A little heavy but I guess well diserved.

    I've gotta say I agree with most of what you said. I like the "fuckin record spinner" part. It sure puts things back into perspective.

    Fact is people go out clubbing for different reasons wich are all good. Friends, the crowd, the sexy chicks, the music, the drugs, the glam. Clubbing is all about not taking ourselves so seriously. We got all of fuckin' week long to do that. So sxyaznchiq give up the glorification of music and the purity of clubbing speech.

    You gotta get real, everybody is concerned about what other people think of them. Living is interacting with people therefore making impressions. You can be ruled by them or play with them. Unless you live on top of fuckin' Everest, your playing the game just like everybody else. Or do you think the "purist - I'm only there for the music - I'm a true clubber" is somethin' new? It's OK but just as much as the "I'm there for the chick's" clubber.

    Yet, I have to say Ibiza is cheap commercial shit. It's the Disney Land of clubbing... just a glorified Spring Break.

    This moment of socioanalysis for dummies haven been made possible by JonnyB. Please join us next week !:confused:

  9. Wow man! Quite a lenghty one. Your posts are beginning to look like mine.

    Congrats on your promotion to Club God! :eek::rolleyes::D

    Interesting analysis of Aria. I agree with you... there's a lot of really good shit goin' on there. Unfortunately the most important one in my opinion is still missing. A killer crowd. No crowd = no vibe = no party for me. But the venue itself is impressive. That DJ booth man! You're right. It's something else.

    So what's up with you young maaaan! Have you finally hoked-up with JY? Have'nt seen her in a while.

    Allright man... next time you're in town, gimme a freakin' call! I could have hooked you up with friends who were goin' to Cream. And I would have had a good party for you on friday before you hit Aria. Nice litle laid back tec night with a beatifull crowd. A new night/venue I'm promoting. You'll know next time man. Put my number in your phone book (and dont leave home without it. Otherwise we'll never do that NY Mtl get together. It has been what?... a year and a half now?

    next time man!

  10. Barcelona's an amazing place. Had the best time ever over there.

    I definitely suggest the Moog just off LaRambla like dyabolik mentioned. Very small but good music.

    We were just coming back from Ibiza when we got there and had more than enough of the big commercial clubs. We went for the smaller more underground spots some of them did'nt even seem to have a name.

    Stay away from MareMagnum wich is a wannabe club that looks more like a shopping mall.

    One pretty unique place is "Bosque de las Feroes" (forest of the ferries) or something like that. Great place to start the night before hiting the clubs. Very special decor/atmosphere. What can I say! It really is a forest. It's off LaRambla as well in a back alley just in front of the wax museum.

    I dont know the kind of accomodation you're looking for but if you value the human experience over comfort, stay at the Kabul (Youth Hostal). It's the same price as some cheap hotels but it's well known across europe as Party central. We met diamond people in that Hostal. Had the time of our lives, finished evry party in the rooms round 7 in the morning each night for 2 weeks. Seems like everybody there is up for anythig. Did I mention the beer in the vending machines. Right off LaRambla at Plaza Real.

    Hit me back if I can help you with somethin' and have a good one

  11. Shocking!!!! Shame on whoever sent you to those clubs. Dome is the joke of Montreal's nightlife.

    Next time you come make sure you go to Sona or Aria. Real clubs with international DJs

    Really hope you have the chance to try it again. I've been around and Montreal definitely is on the circuit.

    Right man see ya

  12. Rob man... long time!

    What's up with you? So man Goin' Ibiza. Well good for you.

    There is scooter rentals at every street corner (in Ibiza town anyway).

    You sure you want to reserve them? We just rented it when we got there and they seemed to have plenty. They also had the good one and the shitty ones so I was kinda happy to see the machine first.

    Then again we were there at the end of the season. There might have been less demand then peak season.

    Hey man tell me bout the trip when you come back.

    Seen JY around??? JY where you at baby!?

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