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Everything posted by caution

  1. With Eddie Baez spinning, I think you are going to be the only people at Limelight.
  2. Grand Opening of New Roxy fridays October 12th, featuring Peter Rohauffer Spinning all night Caution Promotions is now hiring Dancers and Promoters for Roxy. All promoters earn excellent pay, free admission, drink tickets, and VIP passes. If anyone is interested in promoting this party please email cautionpromo@hotmail.com
  3. Grand Opening of New Roxy fridays October 12th, featuring Peter Rohauffer Spinning all night Caution Promotions is now hiring Dancers and Promoters for Roxy. All promoters earn excellent pay, free admission, drink tickets, and VIP passes. If anyone is interested in promoting this party please email cautionpromo@hotmail.com
  4. Hands Down the best lounge for a Friday is Float. Luhan is pretty good too
  5. The grand opening of the new Roxy party is October 12th, with Peter Rohauffer. Definatley a night not to be missed. David Waxman will be at Factory that night, no JV until Novemeber. Hey birthday girl, email me and Ill comp you into either of these places. cautionpromo@hotmail.com
  6. First of All, I cant believe you had the balls to post this. Second, has anyone ever been to a Brian Speed event? If not, check out his rediculous website. Apparently he is the self proclaimed "nightclub icon" of New York City. He goes on to say, that in the future, he will be the biggest promoter in the world. This guy is a fuckin joke, and his party is a fuckin joke. But the funny thing is, LI people are still going to pack it. I got 5 emails from people on LI asking to promote for "Twilo".
  7. Yes, there is a new partystarting Oct. 12th. Its 21+ for guys and 18+ for girls, and Peter Rohauffer is spinning. There are some awesome dj's lined up for the next few weeks after that also. Email me and Ill send you some information cautionpromo@hotmail.com
  8. To Joy, in Chelsea? I heard its nice, but I was wondering what it was like on the inside, how big it is, the crowd, etc. Thanks in advance
  9. World Night Club presents Neon World 3.0 October 7th No ID If anyone is interested in promoting this event please email me at cautionpromo@hotmail.com
  10. Could you have your friend email me also, I have a few promoters that do No ID/ Teen night parties. Thanks in advance cautionpromo@hotmail.com
  11. Sound Factory is having a benefit party this Friday, $10 of everyone's ticket goes to the red cross. Hex Hector is going to be there, postponed from last weekend I guess. If you need a guestlist email launchpromo@hotmail.com, he'll hook it up.
  12. Ill try to answer this maturely, but Im just so amazed how stupid some people are. First of all, dont blame me for the guestlists being closed when you got there. Was I the the girl at the guestlist table? Or, maybe I was the bouncer at the door who told you that the lists were open? Oh thats right, I was the person who was charging all the promoters to get in the door. Dont blame the promoters for the way that people run the club. I know you are not stupid enough to believe that we have any control over that. By the way, the gueslist girl (Rachel Talon) is one of the sweetest people I know. And Im sure every other promoter that has every worked with her will say the same. So to tell me that she got an attitude with you, is probably the result of a nasty disposition on your part. The comments you made are so rediculous, please take a minute to reread your post. "get a clue and learn about actually running a place. You don't turn away a huge crowd who will drink, you use your head!" From what I understood, you didnt actually get turned away, you just had to pay full price. Am I "getting the facts straight" or are you making this up as you go along to try to make World look bad. Do I run the "place"? No. Do any of the promoters run "the place"? No. Basically you have no one to take their anger out on, so you turned on me for making valid comments about the way the sub promoters have been acting. After all this time you have wasted bitching, you are still willing to give World one more try. Why did you even waste your time with this post? What I said about the sub promoters I will not take back. And anyone who has been promoting for a few years will definatley back me up. 15 people is a joke, you are lucky to be getting paid for bringing that many. How fuckin hard is it to call up 15 of your friends and tell them to use your guestlist? And then there are the Exit promoters who are bitching about not getting their comp, and not getting paid. HELLO! It was the same way at Exit, but you still kept going there. Why dont you save your $35 and take your friends to Great Adventure instead. Hopefully they wont "turn you away at the door"
  13. World did not open to cater to the Exit crowd. No club will cater to a crowd that thinks Tony Draper is the best dj in the world. This is the most rediculous post I have ever seen. And by the way, good luck waiting for Exit to reopen, you will be waiting a while "to hear the sounds of Tony Draper" again. Did you not realize how stupid that sounded when you typed it???
  14. You sub promoters really have no idea what happened on Friday. First off, the World isnt responsible for the promoters not getting paid. We had the entire door, and If Uriel hadnt taken off with all the money we would have gotten paid right then and there. And Scot Project did get paid eventually at the end of the night. For us to only have a door count of 1500 people with 400 promoters, on such an easy night to promote, is pathetic. Maybe if the 300 promoters that didnt pull numbers had worked a little harder, things would have been different. Granted it sucks for the people that did do numbers, but we are all in this together. My list did 70 people on Friday, not to mention the numbers that the rest of my team did. So stop bitching about not getting paid for the 10 or 15 people you brought and didnt get paid for. How hard is it to bring 15 people to a club? Yeah, hard work to call up all your friends and have them come down. 2 years ago, you would be lucky just to get a comp into a club for bringing 10 or 15 people. Think about the the people throwing the party, and all the expenses they incurred. If you want someone to blame for not getting paid, blame Uriel for taking off with the money at the end of the night, blame the other promoters that only put in a list to get a comp. The partners are all at World right now straightening everything out. I dont know who you work for, but I suggest you get a hold of them and find out whats going on. If you want me to keep you updated you can email me, and I will let you know everything as soon as I find out. Oh, I think its funny how everyone thinks Exit is opening up in 2 weeks. I guess nobody heard how Marvisi got arrested, and thrown in jail. If you dont beleive me, drive by Exit and look at the sign on the front of the door. The reopening date def. doesnt say 2 weeks. And it def. doesnt say it is closed for renovations. Dont take my word for it, check it out for yourself
  15. There is a really big name Dj that is scheduled for this Friday, but the club will not let us release his name. The last few times that this person spun in NYC, each venue was filled to capacity with too many people waiting outside the club. World feels that this might get them shut down due to their location in Times Square. Only people on the World mailing lists will receive info about this Friday. To be placed on the mailing list, email cautionpromo@hotmail.com
  16. Ummmm....Scot Project was definatley there. He isnt an easy guy to miss. He was hanging out outside the club for like two hours after they closed.
  17. Scot Project was really good, but he sucked a dick the last hour or so. In my opinion the best Dj was Richie Neale. Yeah, no one knows who he is. I got a feeling that everyone will soon though, he spun such an amazing set. The club wasnt too crowded, almost 2000 people. The set up is kind of bad, there is a lot of open space but a tiny dance floor. The best part of the night was the vibe, some very attractive people, everyone dancing and having a good time.
  18. Thats wierd, I keep hearing the same thing from people. A few of my friends wore cutoffs, and a bunch of other dudes in the club were wearing them. I think around two oclock, they started being assholes at the door. My friend couldnt get in because he was wearing sneakers, even though 500 people were wearing them inside the club. I apologize, the staff is very rude at World. But the party itself was amazing.
  19. Casual means sneakers, ufo's, etc. There is a relaxed dress code at World. Im sure you already have a guestlist so I wont bother. Ill see you guys there tonight. Trancend, looks like these meetups are pointless this Friday. Ill look for you though. Ill be wearing a shirt with lime green sleeves. If you see me say hi
  20. Wow, I totally did not mean to say Fridays. Factory Saturday is the best afterhours. So glad I caught that before everyone made fun of me. There arent any guestlists for Saturday because everyone gets there so late. But it is awesome
  21. Do both, go to the Limelight meetup and then head over to World. Scot Project will be spinning until 7am. I know Andy Z. has the afterhours guestlist, its open until 6am. If you make it to World, stop by the meetup.
  22. SCot Project at World baby. I know a lot of people from the board are going for a meetup at the club. Stop by and say hi For World Guestlist email: cautionpromo@hotmail.com Mention Caution Guestlist at the guestlist table
  23. Sound Factory Fridays is hands down the best afterhours party in New York. Most people I know hit up a lounge, then go to Factory around 4am.
  24. Exit is shut down, and I have a list for Factory. Email me with your first name last intial, and how many people you are coming with. Ill put you on the guestlist for tonight cautionpromo@hotmail.com
  25. Paul Van Dyke has not been confirmed to spin at World yet, he has a tentative booking right now.
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