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Everything posted by paul76

  1. shes not all that.. i mean what the hell is all the hype.. shes plain, and can't perform live.. uhhh.. seems average to me
  2. where is this place the warehouse.. is this in the city
  3. I feel ya!!! Those bitches need to pull one of the coat hangers out of their ass and chill the fuck out! They were so corny at least I was able to get a good laugh at the end of the night! lol:tongue:
  4. Wow, XL had another great night. Saturday night was off the hook, the place was packed, and what a club this is turning out to be. BUT!!!!..YES THERE IS A BUT, WHAT THE HELL WAS UP AT 330 IN THE MORNING WITH THE COAT CHECK COUNTER!!!!!!!!!!!!! The place is great don't get me wrong, but JOEY..JOEY..JOEY what are you doing hiring girls behind that counter that just totally lost all sense of control. I mean I felt like I was in a Nw York city club, while a riot was going on. Oh and I guess you might as well thank your lucky stars a riot didn't break out at that moment. All I got to say, and I'm sure I speak for the 100 plus people in the small 10 x 10 sq. foot space packed to high hell.. Get some better people working that place. Oh and I don't think there actions of yelling and cursing at THE CUSTOMERS helped out whatsoever. Not only the girls but even the bouncers..what the hell was that about.. Anyway.. great place..crazy ass people workin there.. but what the hell.. We are all fuckin animals anyway right....yeahhh:blown:
  5. ok..i know it closed down.. but does anyone know what this place is going to be now.. i mean it's a waist sof good club space..
  6. this club makes me want to go sleep.
  7. so..what did everyone think of XL in north jersey last night..
  8. Wow. did anyone ever think of how much alcoholic drinks we consume every weekend.. i mean.. WTF i am Fucked up.. haha I know I know it's to damn early.. about 230am but I just want to say something to our Clubplanet community.. Love you all.. yeah I'm a guy, and although am not gay.. trust me I love to eat P..... I love this page.. where else can you come to drink after the party .. party.. oh yeah.. anyhow.. god i'm drunk.. gonna go now.. good night,,.gotta take the doggy out, and sleep tight, don't let the buggys bite... buhh bye
  9. whaaaaa.. joey got a cover charge. motha fuckers should be letting people in for free.. it'll just come out of the lawyers bill in the end, after the fight..lol
  10. Alright I see, i see what everyone is tring to say. And I couldn't agree more. I know newark got it's blah! side, but what the fuck.. it's newark, and for once it's a city that is actually tring to turn itself around. I couldn't agree more on the crowds, or what ever everyone is tring to say, trust me born n raised baby, but you still got to give them props. Anyhow, whatever the grove, god bless us all for having NYC 15 min away, when there is no where else to turn, hit the mega hotspot, worldwide NYC is our daddy, and we ain't ashamed to say so. Props up newark, keep it up, and maybe one day....one day? you will be our new Hoboken.. NYC.. now? thats a different story.. haha... keep drinkin, and party on....
  11. Ok, so I have to ask, and not because I'm a chop as well, only because I need to know what the rest of the world is thinkin and feeling about this town. It's been now quite q while since a small place in the heart of Ironbound made a mark for anyone around this area, and I know many of you old skool as well as newbies may have heard or been to this place. "The Relic".. this place made it's mark as one of the very first bar/lounge/mini club in the Newark Ironbound area, and today. There are virtually quadruple the amount of places to hit. From Guitar Bar, Adega's 132, Club XL, soon to come if not here already Tio Pepe, or Don Pepe whichever it is, and now small places are cashing in as wel. Casa Nossa, to all you locals. is justg weeks away, from becoming a full lounge, and having a opening night tonight 10/3. Oh, and not just local Ironbound bars, now we have neighbor towns cashin in as well, Elizabeth with Port 151, or what ever the number is I always screw that one up, to N. Arlington's "Euro Lounge" Lyndhurst's "Martini Lounge" to many many more. I know you locals love these oiptions to pick from, but lets get a poll on this. What does everyone honestly feel about all these places, are they truly making there mark, because I hear nothing much about them on here. Is it just understood, or are deko, abyss, joeys, sandbar,...etc etc etc that much higher in standard than all the rest.. Ok now you.. :blank:
  12. see, i told you.. It's been one of those weeks for me, not one of those weekends.. when the fuckin thing didn't even get here yet. Coors Light Booty in the house... :eek:
  13. I need to get fucked up this weekend. It's been one of those weekends. Gonna hit Wiskey Bar in Lyndhurst "Happy Hour", then I'll take my drunk ass to port. Oh, yeah Luis I need some free drink passes.
  14. God Damn!!! Well...DJ's ..what happens here is surrreal.... That's there new moto.. oh well.. keep the party goin..
  15. Hang in there.. it's very hard to loose someone close to you, and at such a young age, makes life hard. I'm sorry for your loss, god bless.
  16. baby.. where you are going.. you don't need Dj's Vegas is like a new energy that is gonna take your breath away. I go regularly to NYC clubs, hit jersey clubs etc etc.. and nothing, or no place can compare. It's like a million times squares put in one place. Hot as hell, especially during august, but that place rocks. One place you definitly gotta hit, is "Ra" in the Luxor . also the mandalay bay casino has hot, very hot places to hit. MGM Grand has studio 54, very good on tuesdays, RA is great on wends. but you don't need schedules in that place. all I can say is be prepared to want to go back.. as soon as you get back from there. ps-- take me!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Anyone ever been to Las Vegas. I went a few months ago, and it was like parting the whole week through. No time for anything but that, and it made our little state look like nothing at all. I didn't feel like anything will ever compare to the scene over there. am I the only one feeling this, or has anyone that's been out there feel the same way. Must be the energy...
  18. i like that "on the payroll" yeah, she was a piece of ass, but she was all up on everybody. It's nice to flirt, but honey stick to one two, maybe even three.. gettin around......
  19. whats going on with this party at sandbar on the 23rd.. anyone have any juicy details..
  20. nice place definitly.. well it's always good when the owners family.. anyways.. keep posting your reviews.. this place is new.. and needs lots more headz in there.. girls aren't bad either..
  21. Who gives a shit, what they choose to do.. seaside heights will only and ever be what it is, jersey headz.. it's not about the music, or the clubs, or whatever is down the shore playing on the speakers. it's about who ever wants to go down the shore.. if the mayor, or town , or who ever the fuck have a problem with the people coming down to certain venues then maybe they should look once more at the towns, profits this year, or any year for that matter.. un belivable, a place which makes it's money on people and headz down the shore is complaining about people even certain people being down the shore.. why not put those rent a cops on the entrance to seaside heights, and stop all the races.. that whould work better.. wouldn't it.. mr mayor.. duhh
  22. Hey ladies and gents, I am fuckin sick..of course from the ac, and this fucken crazy ass weather.. anyways.. I need to know who hear loves this nyquil stuff. I mean I can't be the only one that when I take it, I feel like I am so fucken high..lol what is up with this beautiful medicine.. who next x..when you got quil..lol duhhhhh yeah I know I KILLED IT..HHEHE
  23. hello all, anyone go to surf club this past sunday.. or this past night for that matter.. I heard they had some peeps in there working for some tv show on abc.. whats that about, anyone get interviewed. later..all
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