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Everything posted by zerocool77

  1. i pay about 60-65 per liq for that TTOKYO crap. that is all i can get.
  2. well so much for a newbie being nice to try to get accepted. i like your apporach but i must say you should keep your mouth shut. have u ever dun coke or any type of "hardcore" drug? if so please tell me about it, if not you have no room to talk on this board about anyones habits.
  3. i would suggest going aftermarket for everything. eclipse or alpine cd player, mb quart or boston acoustic speakers for door or deck and something like x-max subs. for amps something like phoenix gold or sound stream or the mid 90's kicker comps (it has been years since i have dun car audio so there is a possibility there is better stuff but i dont know) just my 2cents.
  4. PARTY AT ZEROKEWL'S (LOL jes kidding) Zerokewl you da man! You got fuckin dopest beats streaming off your website. You got me hooked.
  5. i would luv to get crystal but you are so right about it being almost impossible to get around NYC i have only dun crystal once and luved it
  6. ur definately not an idiot. that happens to me all the time with coke but i am 1 year clean and it feels great. the urge is always there but i know what will happen if i do it so i dont and i always wake up
  7. u are almost correct. heroin has never been found to be in any ecstasy pill. coke is not usually found but is. if your trying to make money why would a "cook" put heroin, coke, mdma and other substances in pills. also if you do research there are reports that state there have never been pills tested to have contained heroin. check out dancesafe.org and pillreports.com also erowid.org.
  8. i luv that feeling :bounce:
  9. me toooooo mmmmmmmmmmk:hat:
  10. blue, i wish it were yellow
  11. well not exactly, right now i cooked half, and chopped it the other half is cooking now. cant wait till lata to do it...or maybe now hmmmmmmmmm i dont know
  12. wanna know sumthin, nevermind about the ? it was stupid to ask. to each there own. if that is what you like then u do. i shouldnt have even bothered to ask. thanx anyway:)
  13. this is a ? mainly for the ladies but i am not attempting to start anything, i just want info. can you pleeze tell me why you are so into men who are into steriods? when i go out to clubs i watch as you girls (not all of u) drool over the guy who is just bigger than a house. you love to hang off of his arm like his little trophy. i have no problem with anyone who does roids (hell i would like to do them, but i wont) but i dont understand why you like this synthesized piece of flesh, who when the roids wear off and he stops lifting will have bigger tits than you probably do. again guys this is nothing against you, i dont mind what you do. i just cant understand when i go out and see these massive guys who do roids then mix drugs and alcoholand girls just seem to luv this. just an explanation would be nice
  14. definately tru about there hours and they never fix there machines. also at the one i go to the ac has been broken like forever:mad: i started there in 96 and have obviously been out of contract for a while. the last 2 have been free for me and it will continue until november so i keep going. also when i have to start paying again it will only be like 10 bucks for life so i dont mind. when i joined in 96 i payed 25 bucks down and 23.25 for 3 years. since then only 9 bucks until i got it for free for signing up 2 ppl i work out at my job in the morning which has nice equipment then at bally's at night.
  15. sssssssssswwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeeettttttttttttttt:D
  16. bally's totally useless gym to many ppl there and a complete lacking of really good equipment
  17. POTD tonite will be sick diesel, dara and ak i would luv to go but am broke as shit. oh well maybe next time :eek:
  18. i would also like to add to my list a mercedes benz s55 AMG
  19. if you could own any car on the planet, what would you have? i would own a new Porsche 911GT2
  20. i have used all diet supplements. i found hydroxycuts to be the best but each person has different reactions to each and there own opinions. i only use stacker now for energy since i get up so early for work i fall asleep on my car ride home so i need a pick me up. its also great for the evening workout it just sux though if i have to write anything after i take one cause i look like a crackhead as i shake all over lol but still good for energy when u need it
  21. if you do a search in yahoo for zerokewl1977 you will see a pic of me. its about 8 months or so old and i am bigger than that now.
  22. nevermind, didnt work let me try again
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