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Posts posted by studiogirl

  1. next friday i'm going to new york for my birthday. i've only gone out in nyc a few times, so i need your help with recommendations. i know it's usually better on saturdays, but a couple of my friends are still 20 without fakes. so which club should we go to? must be good house music. we're looking to party late. thanks.

  2. to answer your question Romy20 - i've rolled every weekend for the past 8 months. at least 2 pills, usually 3 or 4. and on rare occasions a couple times a week. for the 1st few months, i felt no negative effects. i never even got the post-roll depression. i was in school full-time still pulling off my 4.0 in bio. summer got a little crazier. slowly i started to feel depressed, only the 1st couple days after rolling though. i started taking 5htp, and i thought that helped. (fyi - i recently asked my psychiatrist and he said it's a waste of money - the molecules can't cross the blood-brain barrier, so it's just a placebo effect.) then about a month ago i got seriously depressed - i just couldn't stop crying for days. my life is complicated, so there's tons of reasons, but all the drugs definitely contributed to it. my doctor put me on effexor to help fix the damage i did to my serotonin system. this weekend will be 4 weeks since i've taken a pill. i'm feeling a lot better and i don't even have the desire to roll.

    for the rest of you who seem to pass judgment pretty quickly, i realize that i fucked up my brain. obviously i've learned my lesson not to roll every weekend. i'm taking a good long break. but i'll probably still roll a few times a year. i don't drink, so e is my fun. you know we all like to get fucked up. i posted this question hoping to get input from people who have been on antidepressants. i know you're out there - i'm surprised at how many of my close clubbing friends are on meds. please don't tell me never to do e again - i have doctors and parents to lecture me.

  3. my doctor just put me on effexor, an antidepressant. yes, all of the e caught up to me and severely depleted my serotonin. although i'm taking a break now, i plan on rolling again in a couple months. does anyone know how the antidepressant will affect my roll? it's not exactly like prozac or SSRI's - it works on the norepinephrine and dopamine systems as well as the serotonin system. my doctor said it's not dangerous to mix, but does anyone have personal experience with this combo?

  4. it's only been a 3 week break for me and i'm already getting those urges to roll. last weekend at the club i even bought a pill. everyone else dropped theirs and i kept mine in my pocket. i sold it an hour later to get it out of my hands. i was damn proud of myself since everyone i was with was rolling face and the lighting and music were just screaming for me to join them. it is all about self-restraint. i never thought i had any, but i need to do this for my brain - it needs a break.

    i've had the same reaction watching those tv shows too. a while ago i was at my parents house watching tv and my mom flipped to a special on e. i had to sit there watching it with my parents and all i could feel was this rush through my body.

  5. i rolled for a year before i tried k. i'm one of those bio dorks who researches everything about the drugs before trying them. here's my conclusion - k is safer than e. e really fucks with the seratonin in your brain. it has noticable lasting effects - depending on the person of course. long term, i think it's a lot more dangerous than k. also - you can't od on k - if you do too much, you simply pass out like on an operating table. it is an anesthetic. i'm not an expert or anything, just my opinion from the research i've done.

    if you do small bumps while rolling, it makes you roll harder. it makes me want to dance nonstop. it's fun. sometimes you can't quite keep up with the beat of the music though. it's fun to dance, but i probably look like an idiot. if you do more within a short period of time, everything seems a bit floaty. it's a little robotic. you feel slightly disconnected from your body and you may have bizarre thoughts and say some crazy shit. once you enter a hole, you might not be able to move anymore. but it's not scary at all. you just sit there and all this stuff goes on in your head. you see yourself on various levels and in various planes of existance. it's out of body. i was so afriad of the hole at first, but once you enter that state, it's amazing.

    make sure you're with people you trust. and start with small bumps. you can always do more. it takes a few minutes to kick in and only lasts about 30-45 min. k is different from anything else you will experience. sometimes you need to be reminded of where you are and you may need a little help walking. but it's definitely my favorite drug. hope this helped. have fun!

  6. you're right lucabrase - they do have the same amt, but the effects are so different. even the drips taste different. yellow is clean and crisp. i don't really go into a hole with yellow. bumps don't do much at all, but multiple lines will send me k-trippin to another world. there are so many levels and planes of existance. it's the most out-of-body experience you can have. but it scares me. the blue hole is much messier. my mind goes on these amazing journeys. i love it. anyone ever tried white label - the human stuff? is it as strong?

  7. i've had similar experiences. it all depends on the pills. there have been nights i took 5 with no bad effects. then once in a while i'll get sick off a single pill. it depends on what you mix. i always get sick off ferraris. i've had a few different colors and they all fuck me up, not in a good way, just as you described. i've also found that mixing pills in general is not a good idea - i get sick or hallucinate or have a really harsh comedown.

  8. for all my fellow k-tards out there ...

    which do you prefer - blue or yellow label?

    most people i know say yellow is better, but personally i love the blue hole. too bad it seems to have disappeared around my way. yellow is much too expensive. i love my kitty! :rainbow:

  9. i rolled every weekend for 4 months before feeling any of the depression. i used to think i was invincible. but then the post-roll depression started creeping up on me. i was overly sensitive and would cry at the drop of a hat. at first it was just the cracked out day after, but then the emotional rollercoaster continued into monday and tuesday... i continued to roll every weekend for another few months, and my best friend actually threatened to do anything necessary to stop me from since my mood swings kept getting worse. i wasn't ready to give up partying, so i started taking 5-HTP. i've been taking it every day for a couple months now and i really notice a difference. true, what comes up must come down, but i just remind myself that it will come up again. just remind yourself that it's the drugs. i think everyone who parties goes through these stages. i'm reaching the point where i'm almost ready to stop. e really fucks with the chemicals in your brain. each person has a different tolerance, but you an only handle so much. taking other drugs to avoid the depression and anxiety wasn't the answer for me. it's time to give up the e and do more k. i love my kitty :rainbow:

  10. xanax and valium are anti-anxiety meds. most people combine them with alcohol. it's fun, but when you wake up the next morning, you won't remember a damn thing you did that night. it makes you feel really drunk and usually makes you sick. i also agree that they help when coming down off a roll. i've never heard of people taking lithium for fun. it's used to treat bipolar disorder.

  11. i was tentative about rolling when i was sick, but i never had a problem. i've heard that e acts like a decongestant. one time i had a bad cold. my head cleared up as soon as the pill kicked. i was careful to drink enough water and didn't over-exert myself dancing. i know it could be a coincidence, but at least 3 times i've felt a lot better after rolling.

  12. i've had white omegas a few times this month. they are pressed on one side and have a very distinct logo on the other side. i thought they were good happy dancy pills. not a very long roll - i needed 4 to make it through the night, but no rough comedown.

  13. i posted a thread about this a couple months ago. i had been rolling every weekend for 4 months. one monday i was studying for a final and started rolling face. there couldn't have been mdma left in my system. but it wasn't fun at all - it was so scary. my pupils were dilated and everything. nothing like that has happened again. but recently i've been getting good flashbacks similar to those deja-vu experiences described. when i pull up to the club, my body feels like it's rolling, but i usually don't drop until i'm inside. my body is definitely trained to roll at the club. i even feel that way when i'm driving sometimes - i just smile and enjoy it for a few minutes. :rainbow:

  14. i know a lot of people on the board take 5HTP. i've been getting really depressed lately after i roll. i feel like shit on sundays and cry at cheezy commercials. does the 5HTP work? how often do you take it?

  15. i've had a lot of igloos lately - all the same pill - off white color - normal size. great pills! happy, speedy, dancy. i've built up a tolerance, but i still roll face starting off with 1 igloo. have fun! :rainbow:

  16. i took little green ones a few weeks ago - never peaked - felt sober most of the time and then all of the sudden felt weird fucked up. it wasn't a fun roll - i couldn't talk or dance - i just felt mad fucked up.

    i took big white ferraris last week and hated those too. i dry heaved for over an hour and then felt really fucked up for the rest of the night. i think they were just too strong for me. i do roll every week, but these pills hit me like a ton of bricks. most other people liked them, but i prefer happy speedy rolls.

  17. the best sex i've had was after smoking a joint. i just sat there shaking for like 10 minutes afterward - it was mind-blowing. i've tried on e but the guys i've been with can never get it up for long enough to make it pleasurable for both of us. and i have no desire on k - i can't even fathom moving sometimes.

  18. i've noticed the pills are weak too. normally 1 will get me started for the night, but lately i need another 1 or a bump of k to feel anything. it sucks because you end up spending so much money for a night out. and what's with the comments about k?! if you keep the bumps small it just makes you dance all night long. know your limits.

  19. i used to always get high and go to class. it's amusing, but time drags by. last summer i went to work still tripping on acid - i work at a clothes store in the mall. the carpet was doing some crazy swirling shit - i could hardly stand up. just a couple weeks ago i went into my lab rolling face. i find it amusing to talk to sober people when i'm all fucked up. i think i can hide it so well. but i was talking nonstop. one look at my pupils, and everybody knew. you gotta keep life interesting. always keep em guessing. cwm9.gif

  20. depends on the club. i've seen people just get the pills taken by the bouncers and let in. i've never actually seen the police involved. the clubs all have house dealers, so they don't want you taking your own stuff in. it makes more sense for them to just pretend to confiscate it and let you in so that you'll have to buy off one of their dealers. aren't some clubs getting crazy strict lately? i've even had to take off my shoes. but as much as they feel you up, i've never had them find the pills i hide in my bra. cwm9.gif

  21. there's a lot of different mitsus floating around. what area are you from? recently i've had beige ones - they're good and clean - no jaw clenching or hangover - but not too strong either. then again, i've built up tolerance. cwm9.gif

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