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Everything posted by bouncyboy

  1. bouncyboy

    Ok then -

    Like I said, I'll do my best, but only for you baby... lol, see you later...
  2. If I wanted to talk into peeps' ass I would do it in person, but I would make sure he showered first... lol
  3. note to self: If ever on the east coast don't use a payphone...
  4. and then we could go bang on B2B's door all night like crackheads fiending outside a dealer's house.... Where the fuck are you B2B??? Still sleeping?? Lazy MoFo...
  5. we will figure something out....
  6. Zentra is open until 4am Fridays and 5am saturdays....
  7. Girl, you know damn well once I saw you feeling all good, fluttery eyed and stuff I would be a very short distance behind you. So If we meet up with TomE and you do come out then I guess I could make an exception to join you... bouncy- friendsdontletfriendsrollalone!!!!
  8. Nope, not yet. I'll call him when I get home from work tonight. I'll see if he can meet us somewhere, and I'll do it all just for you....
  9. nah babe, you have it all wrong, you aren't far too cool for me, you are just too damn cold. And I when I say cold I mean as in the opposite of hot. You aren't hot enough.... I'm just kidding linds, don't want any suicides on my watch...
  10. Yes you can have the weed, for I shall eat all your E....
  11. ha ha, you stoners crack me up. I don't smoke weed, and haven't in about 4 years.
  12. you forget my man, but you hit 420 an hour before we do...
  13. I guess she doesn't like yuppies... geeze, I'm going to cry now....
  14. Damn that was cold... I would take that back before the "Bat" wakes his lazy soon to be jerkin off at playboy ass out of bed...
  15. damn linds, and I thought I was the only one that needed to get laid, bouncy- lidsgetyourdamnmindoutofthegutteralready
  16. Obviously my kind of place if they need to put up signs like this..
  17. is this the gay one, or the windows small penis one?? Both very funny. And thanks for the warning Linds, I will wait until I get home for this one.
  18. hey peeps, that email said that there was a potential virus attached, it didn't work. Send it to my home email as my work email deleted it.
  19. well maybe if you quit acting like you had some balls swinging between your legs they would realize that you are in fact a goddess and not a god....
  20. I figured you got your kicks for the day off that one. punk ass...
  21. 1. Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings...they did it by killing all those who opposed them. 2. If you can stay calm while all around you are in chaos...then you probably haven't completely understood the seriousness of the situation. 3. Doing a job RIGHT the first time gets the job done. Doing the job WRONG fourteen times gives you job security. 4. Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. 5. A person who smiles in the face of adversity...probably has a scapegoat. 6. Plagiarism saves time. 7. If at first you don't succeed, try management. 8. Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether. 9. Never underestimate the power of very stupid people in large groups. 10. TEAMWORK...means never having to take all the blame yourself.
  22. :bigfinger: ahhhhh, fuck you! :bigfinger:
  23. yeah bro, I took my mom to a couple of DJ sets, and she loved it, then again my mom is an ex disco bunny... man does she love to steal my disco house CD's... ugh...
  24. Sorry there playa playa!! don't get your panties in a bundle... I was just bustin yo ballzz... I think it had something to do with the Khaki shorts and the baseball hat... LOL.... Give me Carl Cox P P P Please??????
  25. Now that I know what peeps looks like, peeps knows what I look like, I know what Silente looks like and Silente knows what I look like, Peeps needs to know what silente looks like. And by the way peeps. Just by looking at that picture I have developed a question... What Frat house are you in?? LOL
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