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Posts posted by heretic909

  1. that looks just like me...

    especially if he had black hair down to his ass, was wearing a black tank with black military cargos, was smoking a philly, and was playin quake 2 mission pack ground zero with a blacklite behind his head...

    but that's just because my tv is broken right now, so to hell with this...

    if my new tv doesn't come by the time i finish ground zero, i'll buy this lil' bitch a beer...

  2. yeah, that's kinda what i was thinkin about. requesting a small percentage up front, and then the rest after the track is done, plus a negotiated amount of points from gross sales if he's trying to release the track commercially. i guess i'll see how it goes...

  3. Most of the remixes I've done are for gabba and industrial artists, and I'm lucky if I get a couple bucks doing those things.

    Then I'm also doing hip-hop where I'll charge $20/hr for the studio time if they've got their own beats already recorded. And if they don't, I'll charge a flat fee of $250 a track to provide the music for their rhymes and then $15/hr for the studio time.

    Now I've got this guy that wants a club anthem remix of his track, and the guy that hooked me up with this deal originally said the guy was willing to pay up to $1000 for the mix. I'm meeting with the guy tomorrow to discuss the project, so I'm just hoping it's legit and wondering how I should go about bringing up money. Unfortunately my parents gave my brother all the business genes when they gave me the artistic genes, and I've never been good with money or negotiating this kind of stuff.

    Guess I'll have to come up with a new alias also, cause I don't want one of my gabba or hip-hop names to show up on a mainstream club track.

  4. For the producers on here, how do you charge when you're asked to produce or remix an existing track for a client? I'm curious about how some of you work your trade.

    And when you're doing one of your own tracks for a label, how do you usually try to negotiate those kinds of deals? A one-time payment, a percentage of the sales, or a combination of getting an advance as well as a percentage of sales?

    If you reply to this, also list what style of music you do. Thanks.

  5. Everything from hip-hop to hardcore gabba tonite for the Rezzurection party at Pseudo

    In one room, Dougie Doug will be layin down the hip-hop beatz for all you horrorcore thugz

    And in the other room from 9pm-mid, goth/industrial DJs, Lestat & Mecca, will be battling each other with their evil remixes

    After midnite in that room, I'll be finishing off the rest of the nite with an insane mix of hardstlye, schranz, tekno-industrial, hardline EBM, chemical breaks, and building the flow up to some twisted gabba beatz towards the end of the nite

    This fucked up party is gonna start at 9pm on the 6th floor of Pseudo tonite at Broadway and Houston. $10 if you show up wearing all black, $15 if you look mundane. 18+

    -Dräcos (Subsurface Records)

  6. K, I don't understand this. Notallthere used to have a raver pic of himself in his sig and all that, then he takes a couple months break from posting, and now he's this Jersey kid with that redplow.com site in his sig. It says it's the anti-guido, but you look at the site and everyone is fake-n-baked beyond repair and Notallthere's pics are up where he's wearing button-up shirts and holding cigars looking like a guido version of Ted Danson trying to act sophisticated or some shit.

    I mean, we all eventually grow up. But it seems like you only grew up with your image, yet the thought pattern of your posts seems to have dropped about 10 years with all of this bullshit you're typing trying to start unnecessary drama.

    Just an observation...

    Flame away, if you will...

  7. Originally posted by psychosweetie

    This is good. Did you quote it from something or just make it up? I like it:aright:

    Honestly, I just spewed that out of my head... I've been awake for over 40 hours and I'm trying to find ways to make the time flow faster til sleep finally approaches me...

    Fortunately, or unfortunately (I don't know which) I've been trying to pass this seemingly endless time by translating whatever the fuck pops out of my head onto this messageboard for you all to disect, because I really have nothing better to do until my eyelids finally convince me that sleep is imminent...

  8. I'm sorry for depressing you...

    I guess misery truly does love company...

    The strange thing is, over the bullshit from the last decade, for some reason I'm still going to hold onto that one splinter of hope despite the past years' trials...

    I guess that's another one of life's pranks...

    ...you'll never know for sure

  9. This is going to be the first Valentine's Day that I've been single in the last 10 years...

    I think I'm almost at the point where I'm done being a Libra romantic.

    I've tried, but you always get fucked over in the end...

    It finally builds to the point where it's not worth it anymore...

    So Happy Valentine's to those that think they're happy...

    But in the end, you'll never be whole with your other half, because that is life's cruel joke... Denying your existence of all that will complete you...

  10. Yeah, I don't mind not having to change the diapers. It's just that I feel insulted when she makes me leave the room. I know she went thru some shit...I know her mom went thru some shit... In fact, every girl that I've hooked up with on the east coast has gone thru some shit which is so unfortunate in my eyes... But at the same time, they're sticking me in with the rest of these fucking assholes just because I have a dick. It's like, I feel sincerely awful for the shit they've gone thru, but at the same time I'm trying to conceal my feelings of how I'm insulted by their attitude towards me just because I'm a guy, but I know I have to hide that unhappiness because they've gone thru that shit and I haven't, and when it gets to that level, I don't have the right to put my feelings first.

    Man, I dunno. I know she's had a harder life than me... But it's just really insulting that she would even consider looping me in with these other guys just because I'm a man. I'm really starting to believe, that I could spend the next 20 years of my life trying to convince her that I am one of the good guys... but in the end it wouldn't matter at all because she's already got her conceptions built from past experiences...

    I can't decide if I should try to chip away at the wall she's built around her, or if I should just move on...

  11. Originally posted by ivehadit

    Originally posted by heretic909

    all that healthy? i'm into chemical warfare to clean my house. although i COULD go for some drano right about now

    btw...what does "the Borg raving at the Apocalypse while the Devil was DJing, but hey, that's just me... I'll try to keep you guys happy in the meantime..." Is that like Tiesto? Or like Danny Muthafucking Howells?

    Hmmm... Drano... That just brought back some unfriendly flashbacks... I once dated a girl for over six years, and during that time her dad tried to kill himself by drinking a bottle of Drano... Not exactly the most fondest memory, but still more evidence that I truly lead the most fucked up life and somehow dwell in the insane and have yet to connect with anyone that posesses any normality whatsoever... Fuck, I hate my existance and the lifeforms that surround me...

    Anyhoo, the Borg raving at the Apocalypse while the Devil is DJing is definitely not Tiesto or Howells... Ya know, being that this is NYC, the people here really listen to some pussy-ass music. Does everyone that clubs in NYC live in the suburbs or some shit? As twisted as this fuckin metropolis is, we should be reflecting that intensity thru our music, but unfortunately there's not a big demand for dark mechanical schranz-style techno beatz because these bullshit clubs are always catering to these b-n-t mofos because their rent is cheaper outside the city and so they can spend more. I know I'm drunk right now, but to hell with shit, and why can't we have more nights that represent the pissed off fuckin attitude we have so we can let loose and stomp our fuckin boots to some twisted fuckin mechanical schranz beatz...?

  12. Originally posted by davidstone

    HEy that's cool about your set.. .I got a Q: tho. .

    I put together a promo tape but it's not half as good as I sound live - how should I get a decent promo recorded?

    have you had specific tips/ideas?

    I've got a production studio over at my place with Technics, a sampling mixer, cd players, and enough hard drive space to produce your demo for you. If you're interested, email me at dracos@subsurfaceproductions.com

  13. Yeah, I'm just sick of her saying that I only want to bring her up in a "white family" which I don't understand. I only want to give the baby the best chance at life that she can get if she is mine, but her mom seems hellbent on keeping her in this city and raising her in the projects like she was. She says it will make her "more real" whatever the hell that means.

    The reason I brought up the Puerto Rican thing was because whenever she changes this baby's diapers, she makes me leave the room which I don't understand either. I was the oldest out of all of my cousins, so I've always known how to take care of little ones. But she freaks out if I even bring up the idea of changing this baby's diapers, and this one Puerto Rican girl I talked to told me to not get offended because that was a typical Puerto Rican thing, and that I shouldn't get upset if she only calls me when she needs something from me also. I really didn't think there were certain characteristics I should be aware of when I was with a certain girl, but the more I talk to people over here, the more they tell me that it's typical.

    That's why I'd want to take her back to the west coast if she was my child. That kind of shit wasn't around where I grew up over there, and life was just so much more relaxing when I lived over there (although really fucking boring) and I'd want to raise my kid in a calmer environment rather than have her over here in the projects where I see all kinds of insane shit happen all the time. But her mom keeps saying that the shit over here is "more real" than my west coast "white family" upbringing, so that's why I'm really hoping that she's not mine because I don't see me and her mom agreeing on this kinda stuff anytime soon.

  14. Every Wed I play at Opaline, and every Friday I play at Shelter. But in response to ivehadit, I got fucked over big time by the promoter last nite, and he said he was going to pay me what he owes me on Friday at Shelter. He better get me my shit, because once I got on a role last nite I couldn't fuckin stop and I still haven't fuckin slept since Tuesday. And I've already been getting emails from people saying how they dug the music on Wed, so this promoter better recognize that if he doesn't keep me happy that his party is done. I don't want to sound too egotistical, but my beatz are what keeping alot of his shit going, and I'm really starting to lose patience with the end result...

    I don't know why the fuck I just typed all that. I'm really fucked up right now, I still haven't slept, and I'm just typing shit to kill some time until I get tired which doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon.

    Any hot chicas live around Woodside Queens, have no job to wake up for, and want to come over to keep me company (sane)?

  15. I can't recall a friend of mine named Tina. But since I've been awake for over 30 hours now, my sense of reality is somewhat distorted, so maybe I do have a friend named Tina. And since I am somewhat insane right now from the shit I've been thru in the past two days, why don't you give me your address of the place you want cleaned while I can still claim... ummm... temporary insanity... and let me earn my cizz-ash... I'm really thorough, although I can't guarantee that you'll be feeling all that healthy when I'm gone... Just a small drawback of getting serviced by a sick-in-the-head broke German demon who's steadilly losing patience....

    ummm.....ok....i'm not even sure what the hell i'm talking about anymore. the combination of no sleep and my seventh fuckin 40oz. of OE since I slept two days ago is really starting to fuck with my head.

    As that dude in the hallway said in The Fifth Element... "Give me the cash..."

  16. Originally posted by notallthere




    LIKE I SAID, JIGGA, MY TV IS BUSTED RIGHT NOW, so maybe I will write a book. Nothing else to do that will remotely maintain my interest. I suppose I could go to ifilm.com and watch clips, but I've pretty much seen all of the shit they have on there, so as a result, you're stuck with me typing endless nonsensical words on this lcd screen to appease my boredom.

    On one bright note, tonite while I was DJing, we had a dance contest between these two girls to see who would be the new go-go girl for FunHouse Fridays at Shelter. One girl (my personal fav) started taking her clothes off and she had the most perfect tits I've ever seen. Completely gorgeous.

    It's amazing the shit that we can get away with at our parties, because the clubs always write it off to the fact that our scene is this fuct up s/m fetish craziness. Whatever, I don't mind. Blue balls don't intefere with my DJing...

  17. Originally posted by tony2000

    The music was really good last night,really had a great time.

    Glad you liked it. I wasn't sure which direction to take since last week I had people asking me to play harder industrial, more mellow synth-pop, more recognizable tunes, etc...

    I tried a different direction tonite that what I normally play but it seemed to keep a few more people on the dancefloor.

    Maybe one of these days I'll figure out what you guys are looking for exactly as far as music even though it's probably not my fav.

    My ideal music would sound like the Borg raving at the Apocalypse while the Devil was DJing, but hey, that's just me... I'll try to keep you guys happy in the meantime...

  18. Originally posted by housedog

    Shit if anyone can help him out let me know. There is no quick LEGAL way to make money, unless you are a model. I can't figure out y u need to make money, I think uo said u were bingin DJin?

    not sure what that means

    oh well good luck

    Nah, I was binging on other stuff while I was DJing that I really can't afford right now. That's why I gotta come up with some cash to cover the bullshit I was doing.

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