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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by deeprock

  1. Oh yeah. Good movie. Rags to riches to rags story. Definitely recommend.
  2. Good to see others are awake at this godforsaken time.
  3. Startup market is pretty dead right now. Venture capital is pretty dead too. Do you have a concept you (do not) want to share?
  4. Well, I'm not getting any right now, and I still have to finish a paper and be at work by 8:00am. Can't be toooo necessary. Sleep is overrated. Right?
  5. deeprock

    What is your type?

    Nothing more unattractive than a hot woman who's an utter ditz. Plus I don't care how hot someone is, the fact is you get used to it. There's gotta be something more than looks to keep you interested, unless it's great sex, it's gotta be a good personality. I like a woman that in addition to be attractive I can talk to on the phone for hours, can crack me up, makes fun of me, yet knows when to be serious. Smarts are a big bonus. Job or career or aspirations are another bonus. Physically, I like thin blonde or italian shorties; pretty faces; boob size doesn't matter. Too much to ask?
  6. Listening to some woman bitch out her husband in the apartment above me--as usual.
  7. Did it FEEL like a 3-hour movie? Or was it so good you didn't even notice it was three hours
  8. Dependent only for food. Still living at home while I finish school, but I'm paying the rent.
  9. 3 Point Shot A Night in With the Girls Airing the Orchid Auditioning the Finger Puppets Beat the Beaver Beating Around the Bush Brushing The Beaver Buff the Weasle Carpet Bumping Cat Got Tongue Checking for Squirrels Clam Bake for One Cleaning your Fingers Clitters Coming Into Your Own Countering Cunts Creamin' Coming Into Your Own Cunt Cuddling Dialing the Rotary Phone Digging a Trench Doing your Nails Dousing the Digits Drilling For Oil Engaging in Safe Sex Erasing the Problem Fanning the Fur Feeding the Bearded Clam Feeding your Slot Fiddling the Bean Fingerbating Fingerpainting Finger Blasting Flickin' the Bean Flit your Clit Fucking Without Complications Gagging the Clam Gagging the Lips of Love Genital Stimulation via Phalangetic Motion Get a Date with Slick Mittens Get a Lube Job Get To Know Yourself Get a Stinky Pinky Going Mining Groping the Grotto Greasing your Hips Grissle Rub Gusset Typing Having Sex With Someone you Love Hee-Haw with wrinkled Mee-Maw Hitchhiking South Hitchhiking to Heaven Hitchhiking Under the Big Top Jillin' Off Jocelyn Eldering Let Your Fingers do the Walkin' Levy Break Limbo Making Soup Manual Override Muffin Buffin' Nulling the Void Paddling the Pink Canoe Pampering the Pussy Parting the Red Sea Pearl Fishing Pet the Petunia Pet the Pussy Cat Polishing the Nugget Polishing the Peanut Polishing the Pearl Play Poker Play the Clitar Play Couch Hockey for One Play the Silent Trumbone Playing With Her Pineapple Playing with Mrs. Palmer's Five Daughters Playing With the Man in the Boat Pushing the Button Pussy Soccer Riding the Unicycle Rolling the Dough Rubbin' the Nubbin Rubbing the Donut Rubbing the Red Pussycat Scoring the Hoop Slapping the Mackerel Soaking the Whisker Biscuit Spelunking Spearing the Bearded Clam Squeeze the Peach Strumming Strumming the Banjo Surfing the Channel Teasing the Kitty Teasing the Tuna Taco Testing the Plumbing The Virgin's Release Tickling the Taco Tiptoe Through the TwoLips Toggling the Bit Tossing Pink Salad Trolling the Bermuda Triangle (Hope you don't find any aircraft in there!) Two Finger Taco Tango Washing your Fingers
  10. I got these from a website, some are pretty damn funny hehe Answer the Bone-A-Phone Assault on a Friendly Weapon Backstroke Roulette Baiting your Hook Batting Practice Bash The Candle Beat Off Beating the Bait Beating the Bishop Beating the Dummy Beating the Snake Beating the Stick (Please no more "beat") Beating your Meat Being your Own Best Friend Bleed the Weed Blow Your Load Bludgeon the Beefsteak Boppin' your Bologna Box the Jesuit (16th-17th century!) Buckin' it Buffing the Banana Buffing the Wood Burping the Worm Butter Your Corn Calling Down For More Mayo Calling All Cum Carrying Weight Cast Off Changing your Oil Charm the Cobra Choaking Charlie 'till He Throws Up Choke the Serriff and Wait for the Posse to Come Choke Kojak Choke your Chicken Civil War Cleaning out your Rope Clean the Pipes Clean your Rifle Clubbing Eddy Couch Hockey for One Cracking the Fat Crank the Shank Cranking Cranking For Cum Crank Your Cordiano (for Joe - the man with forearms like Popeye) Crown the King Cuff the Carrot Cuffing the Puppy Cum The Scum Custer's Last Stand Date Miss Michigan Date Mother Palm and Her Five Daughters Devil's Handshake (Catholic School) Diddle Dishonorable Discharge Disseminating Doddle Whacking Doodle Your Noodle Do The Dew Drain the Dragon Drain the Monster Drain the Vein Dropping A Line Dropping Stomach Pancakes Firm Your Worm Fist Fuck Fist your Mister Five Against One Five Finger Knuckle Shuffle Five Knuckle Olympics Flogging Your Dong Flogging Your Log Flute Solo Flying a Kite Fondle the Fig Freeing the Willies Frigging the Love Muscle (British) Gallop the Antelope Gallop the Maggot Getting In Touch With Your Manhood Getting In Touch With Yourself Getting to Know Yourself Personally in the "Biblical Sense" Getting Your Caps Peeled Giving it a Tug Giving the John Hancock Grease the Pipe Greasing your Bone Hack the Hog Ham Shank Hand Job Hands on Training Hand to Gland Combat Hand Work Having a Roy (Australian) Have it Off Have One Off the Wrist Hitchhike Under the Big Top Hitching to Heaven Hit the Ham Holding All The Cards Holding Your Sausage Hostage Hone your Bone Hump your Fist Hump your Hose Humpin' Air Ironing Some Wrinkles Jack Hammer Jack Off Jackin' Jackin' the Beanstalk Jag Off J Arthur Rank (British rhyming slang - wank) Jazz Yourself Jelly Roll Jenny Macarthy Jaunt Jerk Off Jerk the Gherkin Jerk the Johnson Jiggle the Jewelry Jimmying your Joey Killing the Beast Knock the Top Off Knuckle Shuffle on your Piss Pump Launching the Hand Shuttle Leakin' the Main Drain Loping your Mule Making the Bald Guy Puke Making Nut Butter Making Yogurt Mangle the Midget Manipulate the Mango Manual Override Masonic Secret Self Handshake Massage your Muscle Massage your Purple-Headed Warrior Measuring For Condoms Meeting with Palmala Handerson Milking the Bull Milking the Lizard Milking the Monkey Milkywaying Moulding Hot Plastic Nerk your Throbber Oil the Glove Oiling The Pogo Stick One Handed Clapping One Man Show One Man Tug-O-War Pack your Palm Paddle the Pickle Paint the Pickle Pain the Walls Pam Anderson Polka Pat the Robertson Peel Some Chilis Peel the Banana Peel the Carrot Petting Your Dog Playing With Dick Playing With Susi Palmer and her five friends Playing With Your Noodle Play Pocket Pool Play the Organ Play the Pisser Play the Piss Pipe Play the Skin Flute Play the Stand-Up Organ Playing With the Snake Playing Your Instrument Play With Yourself Plunk your Twanger Pocket Pinball Pocket Pool Polish the Chrome Dome Polish the Rocket Polish the Sword Polish your Bayonet Polish your Helmet Polish your Piece (please - no more polish euphamisms) Popping the Porpoise Popping The Purple Pimple Pound Off Pound Your Flounder Pound Your Piss Pump Pounding your Pud Pudwhacking Pud Wrestling Puddin' Pull the Root Pulling The Wire Pulling Your Goalie Pull Off Pulling The Piss Pump Pull the Pole Pull the Pope Pull Your Pud Pull your Taffy Pumping For Pleasure Pumping For Power Pump the Python Punchin' The Clown Punchin' The Munchkin Punishing Percy Punishing the Bishop Ram the Ham Ride the Great White Knuckler Rolling The Fleshy Blunt Roman Helmet Rhumba Ropin' the Long Horn Rope the Pony Roughing up the Suspect Rounding Up the Tadpoles Routin' for the Yankees Rub One Out Rub the Unicorn's Horn Runka (Swedish) Scraping Your Carrot Scratching the Itch Seasonin' Your Meat See Mrs. Palmer & Five Daughters Self Love Sending out the Troops Shaking Hands With Abe Lincoln (Please - no more "Shaking Hands") Shaking Hands With the Governor Shaking Hands With Shorty Shaking Hands With the Unemployed Shake the Snake Shifting Gears Shine Your Pole Shining The Helmet Shooting Enemies Shooting Putty at the Moon Shooting Sherman Shucking Bubba Slam the Hammer Slammin' the Salami Slappin' Pappy Slapping the Clown Slap Boxing the One-Eyed Champ Slap My Happy Sacks Slap the Salami Slapping the Cyclops (Please - no more "Slapping") Slapping your Chub Slinging Jelly Sloppy Joe's Last Stand Sloppy Sign Language Stroke the Stallion Smacking your Sister Snap the Monkey Snap the Whip Snapping Your Carrot Spank the Frank Spank your Monkey Spear Chucking Spreading the Mayo Spunk the Monk Squeeze the Cream From the Flesh Twinkie Squeeze the Lemon Squeezing the Tube of Tooth Paste Squeezing the Burrito Staff Meeting Stall Clapping Stir the Soup Stroke Off Stroking It Stroking your Goat Stroke your Poker Taking a Shake Break Tame the Wild Hog Tap the Turkey Tease the Python Tease the Weasle Tenderize the Meat The Erky Jerk The Sticky Page Rhumba Threading a Needle Throw off a Batch Throwin' Down Thump the Pump Tickle the Elmo Tickle the Pickle Toss Off Toss the Boss Toss the Turkey Tugging your Tapioka Tube Tugging your Toobsteak/Toobsnake Tug of War with Cyclops Tuning the Antenna Turning Japanese (UK - one step beyond wanking) Tussle with Your Muscle Unwapping the Pepperoni Varnishing the Cane Wailing Walk the Dog Walking Willie the One Eyed Wonder Worm Wank (British) Waxing the Dolphin Wax your Jackson Wax your Weasel Wax your Willy Whack Off Whack Your Tack Whip the Dummy Whip your Dripper Whipping the One-Eyed Wonder Weasle Whipping the Pony Whipping the Window Washer White Water Wristing Whizzin' Jizzim Wiggling your Worm Winding the Jack In The Box Wonk your Conker Working a Cramp out of your Muscle Working your Willy Wrestling the Eel Wring Out your Rope Wring Your Thing Yahtzee Yank My Doodle (It's a Dandy) Yank Off Yank the Yodle (submitter says it's a black guy thing - will somebody please explain this one to me) Yank your Crank
  11. This is right on point. Don't plunge into a routine until you first establish what body type you are. It helps you determine what strategy you should be taking at the gym; otherwise you could be spinning your wheels. I've been at my current gym for three years, and there are people there who have not changed a lick since I first noticed them three years ago because they aren't doing what's best for their bodytype. So once you figure that out then you can implement a split like fierydesire recommended. You don't HAVE to go five days, but it would be terrible if you did either. I work and go to school so a three day split is ideal for me. Most important thing though is diet. Don't put that to the side. If you want mass you might have to add more protein to your diet among other things. There are endless web sites and books you can look to in that regard. If you wanna talk about supplements like creatine, make some headway at the gym and then post another question. I think persons who can best maximize the potential of creatine are those that have been working out for a while. If you wanna get a better sense of what your body type is and what that means for you go here, and good luck: http://www.muscleandfitness.com/training/p/3218.jsp
  12. A year ago, before joining Clubplanet: Five months after joining Clubplanet: For all you've done for me CP, thank you. Hey girly.
  13. Tell me about it. Have slept 6 hours in three days.
  14. Ditto. I've been single for 5 years and have no qualms about it whatsoever. I choose it to be that way; it's not cause I can't get women. I have many close female friends that fill any void of loneliness I ever may feel. When you're single, you're almost entirely responsible for your own happiness. When you're in a relationship, you're happiness is often measured by how healthy your relationship is. I just don't like that idea of relying on someone for my happiness. I like the fact that socially independent. And I don't like how relationships are emotional rollercoasters--too much of a headache. Plus I get bored easily--the novelty factor wears off quickly on me most times. But hey, if a relationship comes my way, I'll adapt, but I'm certainly not actively pursuing anything---it's not something i NEED, it's something I expect I'll stumble upon in the future. Back to work. :book:
  15. The game is like Crack, sooooooo addictive. If you haven't tried it and you have an addictive personality, I suggest you stay away at all costs. After 26o games I exercised some discipline and quit with a 1644 rating learning new words such as crwth, cwm, xi etc. I'll take all on all challengers after finals.
  16. Why all the hostility? There's no need to argue. Just remember one thing about arguing dz: Have a sense of humor. Peace.
  17. deeprock

    Favorite Cologne?

    Most used by me, in order of preference: 1. Cool Water 2. Curve, Claiborne 3. Le Male, Jean Paul Gaultier 4. Dolce & Gabbana 5. Acqua di Gio, Armani
  18. Correct. The age of consent in New York is 17, but under federal law a minor is someone under the age of 18. (This is good review for my final). Child pornography is defined under federal law as: "any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct, where - (D) such visual depiction is advertised, promoted, presented, described, or distributed in such a manner that conveys the impression that the material is or contains a visual depiction of a minor engaging in sexually explicit conduct . . ." The key term is highlighted in red. Now, what does that term mean? "(E) lascivious exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person" (E) applies to Daniella's boobers. The Supreme Court views the term "lascivious exhibition" to mean "a depiction which displays or brings forth to view in order to attract notice to the genitals or pubic area of children, in order to excite lustfulness or sexual stimulation in the viewer." And to be clear, boobers = genitals under this law. So, a website faces prosecution and fines up to $50,000 per day if it displays images of minors depicted in a way that excites viewers. And if you downloaded Daniella's boobers onto your hard drive, you can be prosecuted too for possession of kiddie porn. It's irrelevant that the funbags are not fully displayed. Conclusion: this is kiddie porn under federal law!
  19. -I’m cynical -I’m somewhat shy -I overanalyze situations too much -I get depressed easily -I procrastinate -I attract gay guys and transvestites -I don’t want to grow up, but I have no choice; my life is moving so fast -I can’t stop reading these boards even though I have massive paper due soon. Just shoot me.
  20. Ditto on "The Funeral". Also "DJ Shredda - Kettensage The Crow A2 Mix" and "DJ Darkzone - Power and Energy."
  21. Nitrous kills any pain during the procedure, but afterwards it hurt like a mother. Was on codeine for a few days. Definitely helps, but yeah, it still does hurt.
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