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Posts posted by tribal

  1. ghost, the reason your country got bombed was because mr.milosevic decided to do a little spring ethnic cleansing. i personally think the albanians got a free ride in that conflict, the KLA was a total terror group just like the IRA, ETA and Hamas. yet, our pres mr.clinton hailed them as 'freedom fighters'. goes to show you how personal interest affects decisions.

    as unbound said, fighting for freedom is like fucking for virginity

    anyway here are the pictures from the rally today


  2. yo guys i was there around 12-2, me and a friend went in to the protest area to interview some people for a school newspaper. ill post up the pics in a few hours. let me tell you, i went in there trying to be completely impartial to both sides, both people are suffering, but then i saw the little Palestinian kids running around with placards of swastikas and yelling 'death to Israel, death to USA', at that point i realized peace in that region is a myth. ill put up the pics once i get home. very sad day, theres few other things i wanna say but i got no time right now. ciao and PEACE to all

  3. isnt it funny how everyone has an excuse for shitty sat scores? (forgot calculator, got stoned the night before, bad case of hemroids,... etc)

    hehe ok so i got an 1180 , BUT i also have an excuse, you see, halfway into the test, i spilled my big ass mug of coffee onto the test paper, so i had to rewrite everything. fuckers! i felt like an ass too! :(

    so whos the smartest cookie here anyway? seems like dr0ne's got the edge.

  4. bro were goin on aug 15-22, its a nice penny, altogether about $1400 for a week, if you wanna go, u better book soon, or its gonna be completely sold out. i got my deal with STA travel, theyre pretty good, a student travel company, they help u out with discounts, ids, insurance in case u OD, and etc, www.sta-travel.com check it out, or u can do the bring it on thing as well.

  5. heres some, theres tons of it elsewhere you wont find stuff like this in the Guardian, thats why its good to read both sides. Debka.com is biased as well, just like Guardian, i try to mix both perspectives. but dont kid yourself, the palst police isnt there to police their citizens.

    Arafat Races… Bush

    DEBKAfile Special Analysis, 5 March, 2002

    Tuesday, between 02:15 and 09:00 hours Israel time, Palestinian terrorists slew 5 Israelis and injured 63 in attacks in Tel Aviv, Afula and the Tunnel Road leading out of Jerusalem. Each time the level of bloodshed hits a new and intolerable high – as it did last Saturday and Sunday – it gets worse.

    By upping the pace of terror attacks and killing more Israelis, Arafat is throwing a gauntlet at the feet of US president George W. Bush - namely, he will prove he can topple Ariel Sharon before the Americans even get started on overturning Saddam Hussein.

    DEBKAfile’s military, intelligence and Palestinian sources report Arafat is determined to turn his confrontation against Israel into Saddam Hussein’s front line against the United States. Certain the Americans will fail, he is standing solidly behind the side he expects to win, Iraq – and challenging the losers, the United States and Israel.

    This is a repeat of Arafat’s 1991Gulf War performance. Then too, he advised Saddam to tie his strategy to the Palestinian problem, whereupon the Iraqi ruler defined his 1990 invasion of Kuwait as the first round in the war of liberation for Palestine.

    To help Saddam, therefore, two weeks ago, Arafat unleashed two of his private militias, the 30,000-strong Tanzim and the al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades – who are in close communication with Iraqi military intelligence - for the current terror offensive against Israeli targets, scaling the level of violence up every three days.

    In the small hours of Tuesday March 5, a Palestinian armed with an M-16 assault rifle, a long knife, hand grenades and a bomb-belt, climbed onto the MaarivBridge in south Tel Aviv and opened fire on the traffic passing below and two of the many restaurants nearby. When hand grenades began flying, a Tel Aviv police officer, Salim Barakat, 33, from the Druse village of Yarka, Galilee, performed an outstanding act of bravery that stopped the rampage of terror: he gave chase and tackled his quarry at close quarters, upon which the Palestinian slashed his throat. Salim Barakat’s last action before he died was to shoot the terrorist dead.

    Arafat’s spokesmen appearing over the media on Tuesday made no bones about their objectives. The Palestinian Authority has declared war on Israel, they say, and aims by means of terrorist strikes to kill as many Israelis as possible and bring down the Sharon government.

    Sharon’s handling of the crisis shows hesitancy. With the Arab League summit due to convene on March 28 in Beirut, he is reluctant to play into Arafat’s hands and confront Palesitnian violence with all the strength at Israel’s disposal, lest even moderate Arab rulers, like those of Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait and Qatar, turn their backs on the forthcoming American campaign against Iraq. His hands are also held tight by his dovish Labor coalition partners, the defense and foreign ministers, Binyamin bin Eliezer and Shimon Peres, who oppose permitting the army to tackle the Palestinian offensive head-on. A Labor walkout, by enfeebling the Sharon government, would also weaken the pro-American Middle East front and devalue Israeli military support for a US military offensive. A former general, the Israeli prime minister is also aware of the cost in bloodshed – military and civilian - of a full-scale war campaign against the Palestinians.

    Arafat is aware of these constraints, but by piling on the terror day by day, he may push Israel too far. If Sharon is driven into a corner, he will have to take the gloves off or lose his seat.

  6. Guardian is a good paper/webmag, the only problem i find with it is that its very biased in terms of the mid east conflict. those 'police officers' for example, the ones who surrendered, arent actually the police per se like the NYPD. what the guardian doesnt say is that a vast number of these 'security personnel' aided and participated in attacks on jewish towns and cities, as well as letting key terrorist figures out of jail, and not arresting and trying known murdrerers. initially after the Oslo accords, it was hoped that this security force would be like a Palst police unit, controlling and stabilizing the civilian population. when the intifada broke out, instead of trying to enforce the law and arrest criminals, many of these 'officers' actually helped groups like Hamas and islamic jihad, carry out suicide bombings inside israel. guardian is again, very biased in this case. frankly, it doesnt surprise me how the israelis are acting, considering what arafat has been doing the past few weeks. how many bombings can you take before you start to protect your own citizens.

  7. somuch mass, you are a fucking anti semite, so shut your trap. the issue here is both sides are aggravating the problem. to call sharon a criminal and arafat an innocent is plain incorrect, arafat has a proven connection to know terror groups, the very same ones that blew up kids at Pacha, pizzerias, restaruants and all the rest. what has to be done is for sharon and arafat to be replaced as Solana has suggested. they have a bitter feud going back to the lebanon war. once again, i propose my ganja solution.

  8. ok since both sides are stubborn and angry bitches, i say we do what shouldve been done long ago. load up approx. 50-60 C-130 cargo planes with a few thousand kilos of prime grade ganja (or hashish), light up those babies, and drop em in the conflict areas. pretty soon Ahmed and Shmuel will be singing Sublime songs together, and peace will come over the middle east like a massive munchie attack. cmon, tell me this isnt brilliant!

  9. yea i know sonicinf, its just that it gets personal for me. i got family living in south jerusalem, my cuz is in the army, been there in 95. i pisses the shit out of me when the liberals start painting a biased and distorted picture. yea fuck it youre right, im gona go smoke a cig.

  10. this thread should be called Sharon a war criminal, Arafat a lying terrorist shit.

    whats your point breaksny?

    heres an interesting article, looks like Arab-Israeli war #4 is about to begin, scary shit.


    Unusual Military Movements in Arab Countries – Despite Israeli Assurances

    29 March: Israel’s extended military offensive against Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat’s Ramallah stronghold, launched Friday morning, March 29, quickly took on a wider regional context. By afternoon, DEBKAfile’s military sources began to pick up signs of unusual military movements in Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

    They may reflect the growing nervousness among Arab leaders over Israel’s announced partial call-up of reservists and preparations for a full mobilization, despite the Passover holiday. The first announcement of 20,000 reservists to be called up was stepped up later to 30,000. Arab governments were already put on edge by the upheavals attendant on US preparations for its campaign against Iraq,

    At the same, Arab political and military chiefs refuse to tolerate any Israeli move that might physically harm Arafat or isolate him, a tactic they regard as tantamount to taking the Palestinian leader prisoner or placing him under house arrest.

    Anticipating this sensitivity, Israel conveyed its assurance to Washington in good time for relay to concerned Arab governments that the IDF call-up was solely aimed against Arafat and his terrorist apparatus and had no wider goals.

    In a further series of messages conveyed through Washington, Israeli provided additional clarification of its Ramallah operation.

    The military operation was vital, Israel explained, not only to isolate Arafat and cut off his terror machine, but to uncover the vast stores of secret weapons he has amassed in violation of the Oslo Framework Accords he signed with Israel in 1993. Israel intelligence had learned that Arafat hid these forbidden depots beneath Palestinian Administration buildings in the government compound in Ramallah. As Israeli tanks and bulldozers advanced through the compound during the day, huge tunnels came to light containing an array of weaponry, including anti-tank and anti-air missiles – apparently only one section of a many-branched storage system.

    Under the headquarters of Col. Tawfiq Tirawi’s Palestinian General Security Service, Israeli elite units turned up a large bunker in which were stacked hundreds of M-72 LAWS (Light Anti-Tank Weapons). A similarly packed store was concealed under the Palestinian Authority prison, also captured by Israel forces.

    Bunkers under Arafat’s offices were found to contain electronic surveillance devices for tracking Israeli military movements, as well as detailed diagrams of the bases and movements of senior Israeli officers stationed in the Ramallah region, with notes on the security details guarding them and their routines. Also found were aerial maps of at least one Israel air base.

    Israel’s military and intelligence command ordered military bulldozers to systematically break through suspect buildings in the compound for two purposes: To uncover the illicit weapons stores and to leave Arafat isolated in his undamaged office and living quarters amid the ruins of his compound.

    Israel’s assurance meant to calm, had the opposite effect. Sharon’s declaration that the military operation could last weeks did not help soothe edgy Arab nerves either.

    Moderate Arab leaders are additionally concerned lest Saddam Hussein or the Lebanese Hizballah opt for opening a second front against Israel to ease the pressure on Arafat. The Iraqi ruler is capable of shooting missiles or suicide aircraft over Israel’s main cities, while the Hizballah’s newly-supplied rockets can cover most of northern Israel up to a point south of Haifa – and area with a population of nearly a million.

    If either attack came to be, Israeli would strike back against Iraq and Hizballah bases in the Lebanese Beqaa Valley.

    Faced with this potential scenario – not to speak of the complications of an American attack against Baghdad - Arab leaders do not want to be caught unprepared militarily. Hence the military movements.

    The nature of the American response to these developments is anyone’s guess. Would Washington lend Israel’s military moves full or partial support? How would it react to an Iraqi or Hizballah attack on Israel and how far would the Americans go to integrate this unfolding Middle East chapter into the broad US global war on terrorism?

    DEBKAfile ’s military and political experts say it is too soon to offer definitive answers to these questions. The highest authorities in the US, Israel and Arab governments may be called upon to make such decisions at very short notice - within days or hours. In view of these uncertainties, Israel’s action against Arafat and the Palestinian Authority already has an impact on world financial and oil markets. The dollar is strengthening and oil prices, which have been rising slowly and steadily for the past several weeks are continuing to climb.

  11. you gonna teach her to ride the train? bitch, have u ever been to russia? they have the most beautiful metros in the world, not some piss smelling rust shit like the NYC subway, their subways are works of art. you are very dark in terms of your knowledge in cultures and places other than US. i feel sorry for u. at your age u should learn that by trying to control the environment in which your wife will live, will only make her yearn more for what she really wants. u got issues, take care of them before u drag another person down with u.

  12. no promises of paradise? take a look at this

    LONDON (March 25) - The suicide bombers of the Aksa Martyrs' Brigade are educated, middle-class, and led by a second-year university student in international relations, according to Lebanese Muslim writer Hala Jaber, who recently spent four days with the group.

    In an article published in the London Sunday Times yesterday, Jaber, author of a book on Hizbullah, provided a unique insight into the profile, recruitment, and mind-set of the killers.

    She described traveling to Gaza, where she was blindfolded and driven for 20 minutes to a secret location for her meeting with brigade leader Abu Fatah and a group of brigade members, two of whom have been selected for the next suicide attacks.

    When she arrived and the blindfold was removed, she found herself in a room strewn with cushions and loosely covered sponge mattresses. Pictures of the Aksa Mosque adorned the walls, and heavy floral curtains blocked the windows.

    Shortly afterward, a group of brigade members arrived - all masked, dressed in military fatigues, and carrying Kalashnikov rifles - and sat on the cushions around an oil lamp that illuminated the room.

    Abu Fatah said the Aksa Martyrs' Brigade, which is loyal to Palestinian Authority Chairman Yasser Arafat, has no shortage of volunteers.

    He said a specialist unit is responsible for selecting candidates; another unit is responsible for selecting targets.

    Anyone younger than 18 is disqualified, as are married men with children and anyone without a sibling who may be a family's sole breadwinner. Only those who "excel militarily and show steely composure in stressful situations" are likely to be chosen, Abu Fatah said.

    The young men must be reasonably religious and understand the meaning of "martyrdom and jihad." They should also be of a build and shape that will enable them to mingle with Israelis, disguised if necessary in a kippa and wig with payot(side curls), as they wait for the moment to strike.

    Abu Fatah observes candidates over several days as they go about their business in public and at home. If his assessment is "positive," he informs them of their selection.

    This is followed by an intense 20-day period of religious study and discussion between Abu Fatah and each candidate, as verses from the Koran about a martyr's attainment of paradise are constantly recited.

    "The candidate," wrote Jaber, "is reminded of the good fortune that awaits him in the presence of prophets and saints, of the unimaginable beauty of the houri, or beautiful young woman, who will welcome him, and of the chance he will have to intercede on behalf of 70 loved ones on doomsday. Not least, he is told of the service he will perform for his fellow countrymen with his sacrifice."

    "Of course, I am deeply saddened when I have to use a suicide attacker," Abu Fatah said. "I am very emotional and at times I cry when I say good-bye to them. These are educated men who... would have had the potential of being constructive members of society."

    When the bomber's preparations are complete, another member of the unit arrives to accompany him on the final journey to his target.

    While his fate has been well-established, the suicide bomber is told the precise nature of the attack only minutes before the operation - whether he will be a bomber or whether he will attack a target with grenades and guns until he is shot dead.

    If he is to be a suicide bomber, he straps on a hand-tailored vest filled with about 10 kilos of explosive and five kilos of nails and metal about 15 minutes before being dropped off at his target. At that stage, he is then given his final instructions about the precise point at which he should detonate himself.

    "The later he knows, the better for the martyr, since he will not have much time to think of the target nor to experience doubts," Abu Fatah said.

  13. just a random thought

    consider this:

    there are many places on earth that are poor and under developed from Asia, to Eastern Europe to Africa to S America and offcourse the Mid East

    now consider this

    why does the Arab world have such a problem with the western civilization? many here keep blaming our govt and policies for Arab anger, which is a partly correct assumption. But by that assumption, people in asia, africa and e europe would be joining into al qada-like groups to attack us, yet they dont.


    there is a fundamental flaw with the Arab world that condones and even encourages the actions as seen by that asshole's head on the pavement. Yes not all muslims/arabs support that, BUT enough do, for it to be considered a problem. As ive said before, i think the arab world needs their own Renaissance-like turning point, where they stop preaching anti western/israeli hate, arm their kids with 'martyr' propaganda and develop viable industries and fucking educate their people. how long can the entire region sit on its ass, bitch about 'american imperialism' and the evil zionists, before picking themselves up and trying to improve their situation. the way they are going right now is sadly not going to improve a thing. the region is in the dark ages at this point.

  14. really? so why is there no widespread condemnation of these acts by the mufti like there is a condemnation of the pedophiles by the Pope? everyone keeps repeating the mantra 'oh they are a small minority, and other muslims consider it a sin'. well thats just not how it really is. Ive never ONCE heard any muslim intellectuals reject or try to debate the ethical use of suicide bombers. not once. i guess its not a sin when 'infidels' are killed.

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