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Posts posted by tribal

  1. yo taariq thanks for the info. im deciding where i should book my trip currently, but i gotta say, even if this bring it on thing costs 200 bucks more, but i have no headache booking it, then its worth it. any former customers have reviews of bring it on? all i see is company people posting shit, any actual customers??

    yo nautilus, im either going mid june or late august for the closing parties. i got summer classes in july. just trying to fit one week of hedonism into a busy schedule. let me know when youre flying out. man i swear i wanna go so bad i got ibizan dreams at night. hehe! ps - parties with DJ Gee @Bora Bora! not baaad at all

  2. shit i get chills just thinking about Space and Pacha! how much do you guys think i should spend for 7 days, with a hotel. Some of you are saying the Bring it On is expensive, i kinda thought it was reasonable. The most popular package they have is 1400 for 7 days airfare and hotels + dinner. im an ibiza virgin so got no clue what a good bargain is. lemme know thanx! im thinking the price should be 1000 for airfare and hotel and the rest is for clubs and chemicals. plus some food here and there. so total im thinking 1300-1400. sounds possible?

    ps nautilus - nice sig tovarish

  3. jews and arabs dont control the media? who does then? one man! Howard Stern <- the shmuck thats responsible for all the media propaganda hehehe.

    seriously, breaksny has a point, i ve been reading both cnn and bbc and bbc is by far more balanced than american media. plus they got Radio 1 and Essential Mix, how can you beat that?

  4. im usually against violence, but this asscheese deserves a nice long beating for saying shit like that. how do people like this even exist? evolution hasnt been doing its job too well. bless the FDNY, the real MEN and real heroes of this nation.

  5. karch, what the fuck are u talking about? show me one news report that says Israel is Good, Palst are Bad! thats bullshit. some stations will obviously be more liberal or more conservative, more pro arab or more pro israeli. They obviously wouldnt show everything, the tv networks never aired the video of the 2 israeli reservists who were slaughtered in front of hundreds. all i keep hearing is everyone is pro israeli and the arabs are not represented. you want to see the real problem, do some research on the arab media and what kind of 'unbiased' news they show. obviously no one is good or bad, but i just dont see how everything is pro israeli as you point out.

  6. hehe love simpsons!

    Bart: "Dad, do you know anything about women?"

    Homer: "Yes son, women like it when you complement them on how they look"

    Marge and Lisa walk into the house;

    Bart:"Mom, Lisa, you look beautiful"

    Marge: "oh wow, how nice, someone is going to get some special cookies tonight!"

    Bart:"Wow dad, that really works! do you know anything else about women?"

    Homer: "Nope, thats about it."

  7. sassa do u really want people to start posting war pictures??? i could post u dozens of palst pictures, with dead israelis. whats your point?? remember a year ago, when those 2 reserve israelis soldiers drove into an arab neighborhood on their way to a base? rememeber what the palst did to them? do u want me to post that? lets just leave it at that

  8. ojay, im not talking about the standard ballistic missile threat plans of the cold war era. the article said bush was planning to use small nukes to wipe out regimes in iraq, nkorea etc. that is hardly an old strategy. even a small nuke is disastrous for global environment.

  9. looks like Shrub's coke sniffing days are catching up to him. the entire administration reminds me of Dr. MAD from Inspector Gadget, all secretive, sinister and cynical of all motivations. This is rediculous. Nixon wanted to use nukes in V.War until kissinger pleaded with him. we dont need a second nixon. the republicans will pay dearly for this.

  10. midiman, whats your point of posting pics of i.soldiers taking pics of their dead enemies. the US special forces and other military groups take pics of their slain enemies as sort of a trophy of the gunman they just shot. "mess with the best, die like the rest" etc. i saw that pic you posted before, many times, all trying to show some sort of proof of israeli aggression or what not. what a load of shit. you want to match pics tit for tat explain these pics.

    is it just me, or does dusted appear to be malone for some reason? just wondering.

  11. midiman, no one is ignoring your claims about israeli misdeeds in the territories, look at the thread regarding an israeli paratrooper i posted earlier. the fact that you fail to understand and take into your thinking is that israelis arent preventing ambulances from moving, not because israelis are evil or want palst to die, but because they learn from the past. many times before, palst used ambulances to carry militants, arms and explosives across checkpoints. can you blame the israelis for searching every vehicle?

  12. woa woa, hold on.

    i just dont understand this concept of double standards against israelis. they dont let arabs vote in their decisions? they dont let palst return to their former homes? why?

    lets take a look here. as dusted said before, which arab govt does what you expect israelis to do? i think people have illusions as to what israel is and should be. for one thing, i dont think it should be a merged entity of israeli-palst population, with one govt. thats absolutely the stupidest thing ive ever heard. this is a pipe dream, just look at whats going on at the ground currently. so israelis should open up their borders, allow a large influx of arabs to come in and alter demographics entirely, displacing any levels of security. not only stupid, but a deadly mistake for israelis. as to the issues of palst having to deal fairly with israelis. do you really consider palst to be at the same level of negotiations as israelis? dont forget why they lost those areas in the first place. dont forget who started the war. dont forget where the palst are today, hardly in a position to demand all their needs be met, thats why its called a compromise, israelis were willing to compromise, palst didnt.

    its true that israel has committed many crimes in the territories, and i think they should withdraw to pre 67 borders, ala King Fahd suggestion. even if they do that, i really really doubt that they will recieve any significant security arrangements for long term future.

  13. ok, this is tiresome. by now this thread is meaningless and void of interesting debate. breaksny is accusing anyone who disagrees with him as a conservative/racist bigot. no vision, no consideration for valid israeli security concerns, so its pretty much the israelis fault right? its all because i dont understand the way PA functions. ok.

    dusted is saying that europe is sinkin beneath its arab immigrants?? alrighty then. wtf, why is everyone either a conservative bigot or a left wing twat? this thread is over.

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