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Everything posted by tribal

  1. if u got em, show em. mine is below (hehehe)
  2. you think thats bad? the left wing nuts are truly kooky. check out this post i put up on urban75, a british "progressive and liberal" site. it scares me that people think and act as the people who replied to my post do. http://www.urban75.net/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic&f=3&t=000833&p= leftist fuckers, they thought that i was a right wing asshole for saying what i said
  3. DT is my hero! Danny for President!
  4. scratch my balls (continue the song!)
  5. paramus nj, nice town, lotsa lawns. lots of lawnmowers too. lots of soccer fields. lots of soccer moms too.
  6. watsup kids, i know its way late but i havent got around to posting em, heres a few pics of the djs, just scroll down till u see Area 1 photo links http://www.angelfire.com/dc/tribal/photos/frameset1.html oakey was very mediocre btw
  7. btw, pms stands for Penis Must Suffer
  8. theres this latin girl working at the bank i work at, shes about 7 years older than me, im 20, so i was wondering if its worth getting into, i need this job, pays good, so im afraid of all the shit that could go wrong. she fucking turns me on though! holy shit the temptation. any one have advice?
  9. tribal

    music to screw to

    hahaha, this is so weird, my last monkey session was to George Michael's careless whisper! holy shit, i guess im not the only weirdo who likes it to lite fm also, steve lawlers dark drums 2, as someone has mentioned, 'i am standing in the middle of the dancefloor, all around me girls and boys are taking off their clothes. i feel like i just got high, and the dj, hes playing this music....ohhhhhh yeahhhh!
  10. DT for President. the man is a deity! (we are not worthy, we are not worthy!)
  11. why do they call it commando? oh and chula, other girls should take your lead! u go girl!
  12. dialectics, thanx a mil buddy, im working graveyard now at banc of america, have a whole day of school thur, dont know how im gona get ready for this midterm, but youve helped a LOT, thanx man!!! the only thing is, i dont see how prime implicants help when reducing terms. and so if i find the prime implicants and essential prime implicants of a function, all i do is write down the e.p.implicates + one prime imp.? is that the logic? this is fucking confusing. i had enough shit dealing with binary division and multiplication, this is a hemroid.
  13. hehehe, foolishly i was involved with girls my own age, now i know better!
  14. http://www.stockholm.bonet.se/gotlund/crap/Flash%20filmer/Bin-Day-O.swf airforce come and flatten your home!
  15. having problems with prime implicants. i dont understand how to reduce variables on a 4x4 k-map thru essential prime implicant selection. i got midterm fri, need help!!
  16. hey miss kittie, i pm'd you, i dont know if u got it, name is mike aka tribal, ill bring the hookers.
  17. im just wondering, i have this thing, for older women. im 20, but i always wanted to see what its like with a woman older than me, maybe like 30-35. just a stupid thing i guess, im just curious
  18. im a Leo, i purr too! the sickest song ever! - mi amore dont u know, my love i want u so, sugar u make myself complete, rapture tastes so sweet Vaiio - Rapture
  19. I got this from Debka.com, an israeli independent intelligence analyst group, pretty scary shit theyre talking about. As US-Russian Force Prepares to Go into Afghanistan Mid East is Temporarily Sidelined 2 October, 2001 The most significant feature of the imminent US assault against Afghanistan is the major role to be played by Russian military might, following the new and far-reaching understanding reached between President George W. Bush and President Vladimir Putin. DEBKAfile’s military sources reveal that the Tadjikistan based Russian 201st Motorized Rifle Division was beefed up Tuesday with staff commando units, Pashtun speakers and interpreters. Its members also received American-made anti-terrorist equipment and weapons flown in especially. DEBKAfile adds: The anti-terror alliance has split its task into two parts. The Americans and Russians will go for Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda force in the PamirMountains, while the UK and Western allies will take on the Taliban in south Afghanistan. The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is taking a back seat to events about to explode in Afghanistan. But Israel could find itself in the diplomatic hot seat again once the smoke clears from the initial stages of the U.S. military campaign against terrorism. A hint of what could be in store appeared on the front pages of the New York Times and Washington Post on Tuesday. The newspapers reported, in very careful language, that several days before the September 11 terror attacks in New York and Washington, U.S. secretary of state Colin Powell planned to announce in a speech to the U.N. General Assembly the Bush administration’s support for the establishment of a Palestinian state. The speech, which was never delivered in the aftermath of the suicide hijack-bombings that led to the cancellation of much of the General Assembly session, was to have paved the way for a meeting in New York between President George W. Bush and Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat. Now, the reports said, State Department officials are again trying to find the right time to revive the new U.S. peace initiative. The officials argue that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is hampering U.S. efforts to unite Arab states behind Washington’s global coalition against terror. The Israeli media rushed to report – ad nauseum -- this new U.S. peace initiative, even as several hundred U.S. and British bombers prepare to blast Afghanistan. However, as both U.S. newspapers noted, U.S. policy is set in the White House, not in the State Department. The real decisions in Washington are made by five people: Bush, vice president Dick Cheney, defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld -- whose position has grown stronger since the attacks in New York in Washington -- deputy defense secretary Paul Wolfowitz and national security adviser Condoleezza Rice. The group of five, which is spearheading the U.S. war effort, has given Powell and senior State Department officials a free hand in forging a global anti-terror alliance. The coalition’s sole importance, the decision-makers believe, is to serve as a screen or window dressing for military action in the war. So for now, at least, the sound of the explosions will drown out talk of the U.S. diplomatic move on the Israeli-Palestinian front, but they will not be able to silence completely the murmurs of peace. DEBKAfile’s American and Palestinian experts say the real test for Israel will come after the first stages of the war in Afghanistan. It is possible, our experts say, that State Department officials will eventually try to turn the spotlight back on what they see as the strategic importance of the Middle East and the Israeli-Palestinian dispute. The first stage of this State Department campaign to portray Israel as the sole obstacle to a world anti-terror coalition failed, primarily because of a dramatic change in the global strategic picture. The change was rooted in a new U.S. awareness of who its real friends are. DEBKAfile’s sources in Washington say that as late as the second week of September, U.S. leaders still harbored the belief that a world coalition could play an important role against terrorism. But a quarter-century of State Department policy effectively collapsed after Saudi Arabia, and in its wake the entire Arab world including Egypt, denied the United States the use of military bases on their soil to strike at Muslim Afghanistan. Adding insult to injury, the facilities were built with U.S. know-how, technology and military expertise. The Americans, a practical people, instead of complaining publicly about the snub, acted swiftly, effectively and cleverly. On Sunday, September 23, Bush telephoned Russian president Vladimir Putin and spoke to him for 70 minutes. The moment both men hung up, the world we live in had changed and the strategic situation in all its regions, including the Middle East, had shifted radically. The United States and Russia, two old foes who faced off against each other for half a century, became allies in a move that will influence history for the next 25 years. Both predominantly Christian countries joined in a military, economic and political alliance to defeat Muslim international terror. In one telephone call, Bush restored Moscow to the position of power it enjoyed between the 1950s and 1980s. Pakistan and Turkey will provide window dressing for this superpower alliance – the former because it has no choice, and the latter, out of choice. Central Asian countries, such as Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Christian Georgia are falling in line behind them. The strategic epicenter has now moved from the Middle East and Arabian Peninsula toRussia and Central Asia. This new world alignment sidelines anything Saudi crown prince Abdullah, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak and Syrian president Bashar Assad have to say. The same applies to the words and actions of Yasser Arafat, Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon and foreign minister. Now It’s war-war, not jaw-jaw. New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman put it best in an excellent article on Friday, September 28, headlined “Talk Later”, in which he wrote: “We need to be really focused, really serious, and just a little bit crazy.” In Friedman’s words: “For everything there is a season. There will be a season later on for talking. There will be a season for dealing with other states that have supported terrorism. And there will be a season for promoting Arab-Israeli peace or economic development. But right now — right now is the season of hunting down people who want to destroy our country.” Even Friedman, the New York Times’ High Priest of Israeli-Palestinian issues, says they are not currently on the U.S. agenda. A practical example: In the midst of all this strategic upheaval, Jordan’s King Abdullah showed up in Washington. Bush greeted him warmly and the United States finally agreed to sign a free trade zone treaty with Hashemite kingdom, to bolster its tottering economy. But the king, still living in the past, remains blind like the rest of the leaders in the Middle East to the strategic shift in the balance of world power. He therefore stated that he had received a promise from Bush to refrain from attacking any Muslim country but Afghanistan, including Iraq. Secretary of State Colin Powell was quickly sent to publicly deny any presidential commitment to refrain from attacking Iraq. He went so far as to say that Washington might consider it after its first moves against Afghanistan. Powell, who with his departmental staff has labored long and hard to build an Arab-Muslim wing into the global anti-terror alliance, made no mention of the possibility of American attacks on terrorist targets in Lebanon and later in Iran. Despite the strategic shift, the New York Times and Washington Post reports on Powell’s plans for a Palestinian state should not be dismissed. Israel might be relegated to the sidelines at this stage of the war, but it find itself a scapegoat should the Bush anti-terror campaign go badly. ----------
  20. hells yea! did he get knighted? i didnt know. they should build a monument to the man. i cant believe he fucking said that to prince bin aziz etc. he fucking has huge balls. Guiliani for President! i have infinite respect for that man. fuck prince aziz, that piece of shit had the nerve to say what he did. Rudy is da MAN!
  21. HAHAHAHhahaha!! this is the funniest shit ive read. Ctacbka, bro u are so on the money, my gfriend is from jersey too, and thats the only good thing about jersey. fuck, i live here, i am not proud of that! this drama is fucking hilarious! haha temptations! haahahaaha. oh that and garden state plaza, nothing tops that!!!! tempkid, thanx for making my day bro! :laugh:
  22. yea diggers is the man, fucking pure talent. get Up in Flames (Bedrock Mix) by Satoshi Tomiie, sickest track ever! Also Communicate is one of the best albums i have, excellent stuff, and for that other worldly sound, pick up Northern Exposure - Expeditions.
  23. haha, i think you guys are being too hard on this guy. dude, heres what u do. personally i love eating girls out, dont know why, and 90% of my experiences was very positive, but occasionally you will run into the fulton fish market. in my experience, girls are usually very self-consious about the odor and will shower, clean, etc, before getting down. some girls are not as careful, so its up to you to make sure you both have a pleasant experience. do not go up a be like 'hey your crotch smells, so im not going down', be more indirect and say something like, 'lets take a shower together' etc, and afterward when the hygiene matter is taken care of, you can both enjoy yourselves. most of the times the unpleasant odor is caused by sweat, which is perfectly normal. theres no reason to be immature about it. one other remedy is to suggest to her to shave her pubes, or maybe you can do it for her if the problem persists she may have a medical problem and may need to see a gyno. in any case, this matter is should not keep you from pleasing your partner.
  24. now think how sweet that would be!
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