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Posts posted by whataboutme

  1. New Jersey Borough Bans Outdoor Drinking Games

    POSTED: 8:43 am EDT August 3, 2005

    UPDATED: 8:54 am EDT August 3, 2005

    BELMAR, N.J. -- Belmar has banned outdoor games involving alcohol.

    The so-called "beer pong" ordinance aims to curb rowdy behavior by renters, who swarm the Monmouth County resort every summer.

    Officials say the games expose families to fowl language, disorderly conduct and dangerous alcohol consumption.

    The ordinance prohibits any alcohol-related games or contests on lawns, decks and porches.

  2. Normally, I would not presume to impress my political ideals on anyone, however I feel this issue is worth passing on in hopes of stopping what looks to be another Bush blunder that will continue to affect our nation for years to come.

    In the past weeks, Republicans and Democrats have called on President Bush to nominate a moderate for the Supreme Court –- someone who would honor the legacy of independent Justice Sandra Day O’Connor. But last night, President Bush nominated Judge John Roberts, a far-right lawyer and corporate lobbyist, to fill her post on the Supreme Court.

    We’ve got to stop Roberts. He opposed clean air rules and worked to help coal companies strip-mine mountaintops. He worked with Ken Starr (yes, that Ken Starr), and tried to keep Congress from defending the Voting Rights Act. He wrote that Roe v. Wade should be “overruled,†and as a lawyer argued (and won) the case that stopped some doctors from even discussing abortion.

    Join me in signing MoveOn’s petition to let our Senators know we expect them to oppose John Roberts right now at:


    Please...pass it along :)


    President Bush is a conservative...he is well within his rights to appoint a conservative, the job of the Senate is to "Advise and Consent"......ps, Roberts has already declared that the law and precedent on abortion is well-settled...follow his decisions, you will see that he is a strict interpreter of the Constitution

  3. That's cool I hear you I like to joke around also I don't mean no harm.

    I used to DJ @ Lookers a few years ago unfortunatly I had to stop because of my company I had to travel on bussiness almost every week....sucks I missed alot everyone chill there, that's how met roxy she's a great girl. :)

    It's all good...I'l be there all day Sunday,

    Ricky...you stopping by the TR for the DC/RG bbq Saturday...Ryan and I are coming down Friday nite, heading over to see LV for a few then stooping by Tempts to hear Boris...let me know you''re plans...

  4. Dude where's my car!!! Son what do you really know about the surf. You where still in daddy's nut sack and I was chillin at Surf. Please my liitle nephew

    Unfortunately, I know more than most people should ever...ask Pretty Ricky...BTW, come up and say that to me this Sunday while at Roxy's bar with my boys...You'll need to put nut sacks on your face to reduce the swelling....

    Yo Ricky, what up????

  5. Surf is going to be too packed no fun. JP plays good stuff but a big crowd on the inside willsuck because you can't even get a drink.

    A little suggestion for surf club owners and mangement host the event on the beach all afternoon and night do like a bom fire type setup.

    Example "GOA" it's a hedonisitic beach in India (sort of like surf) has all nite party's on the beach.

    Just concerned with the crowd and my drinks.

    Dude...get a serious clue!!!!

  6. i will move to a blue state... lol

    im not for bush nor kerry... i am for specific core values... which i believe should not be governed by religion...

    i think that's what the results of this year show... not that people want bush or want kerry... but it shows the core values that they embrace, and bush states lean toward religious values and blue states lean towards humane values...

    Bye, Bye!!!!

  7. who is the BEST DWI Lawyer in NJ ? .. I heard of John Menzel from PT. Pleasant ??

    a friend of mine is looking at his 3rd DUi ..

    1 in the 80's

    2nd DUI 2 years ago

    and a third lat month ...

    this is BIG

    For a third or subsequent violation, you will be fined $1,000.00.

    You must attend alcohol awareness classes at the IDRC for 12 to 48 hours. You must pay $100.00 for the IDRC program.

    You must also pay a $50.00 VCCB penalty, and a $75.00 Safe Neighborhood Fund Assessment.

    You will be sentenced to JAIL for a term of 180 days,

    however 90 days of the jail sentence can be served performing community service. You will lose your driving privileges in New Jersey for 10 years

    summer at the Jersey shore.........

    Dude...take it from someone who is a lawyer...notwithstanding the fact that your boy is a retard...he is also fucked...the coviction rate in New Jersey is over 95% for dwis...the only really way to fight the charge is to fight the BAC level....however, if the certification for the machine is proper and he blew a .12 or better you can say goodbye....there is no wiggle room

    I would recommend finding a lawyer in the town where he got the ticket who is very hooked up or political...however, the municpal judge's hands are tied on a 3rd conviction and the judge MUST follow the statutory penalties...the only thing the attorney may be able to do is reduce your boy's jail...other than that you should say goodbye to your friend and tell him to invest in a good pair of walking shoes because he will need it for the next couple of years.

  8. Congrats Becky. The thought of starting that long and aduous road to getting my JD has been bouncing around in my head for a while since im fast approaching my salary cap for my position. There really isn't much else left for me to do in real estate in regards to moving up on the ladder....

    I really applaud you!

    Do not do it....until you practice law for a couple of years you just dont understand the misery associated with it....do not be fooled by the promises of riches!!!

  9. ATTEN:Ceeotter

    1) I am off on Monday (yeah!)

    2) There is no way you are gonna make it there at 12 noon...haha

    3) Are we gonna drink b4 this event?? What time is Jimbo's open?? :pint:

    I'll answer these questions for LV....yes she's going to make and Jimbo's starts pouring at 11 a.m....right in time to start boozing all day

  10. ATTEN:Ceeotter

    1) I am off on Monday (yeah!)

    2) There is no way you are gonna make it there at 12 noon...haha

    3) Are we gonna drink b4 this event?? What time is Jimbo's open?? :pint:

    I'll answer these questions for LV....yes she's going to make and Jimbo's starts pouring at 11 a.m....right in time to start boozing all day

  11. ATTEN:Ceeotter

    1) I am off on Monday (yeah!)

    2) There is no way you are gonna make it there at 12 noon...haha

    3) Are we gonna drink b4 this event?? What time is Jimbo's open?? :pint:

    I'll answer these questions for LV....yes she's going to make and Jimbo's starts pouring at 11 a.m....right in time to start boozing all day

  12. Michael...Where have you been? Give me a call miss you....Oh yeah....Sandy told me Le News.

    PM with your number...I lost my phone....I was in Vegas two weeks ago and then I used this weekend to detox...I'll be down for this weekend and Im off all week...Its been awhile...we need tocatch up

  13. OMG..how do I forget those places....Casa Vasca...it is sooooo small the food is sooooo good...used to go there with my ex all the time...Fornos have not been there in years too ..tha place is great as well....I recently went to Adega Grill...its new owners ...yes?? The food was ....like woah !! Great too.....now I know how I have no $$$ and Im overweight...cause I eat out all the time !!! :cry::):)

    Yeah...my parents both teach DownNeck so I like grew up there....I was at Forno's last Tuesday and its is always hands down the best...even down to the sugar candy lolipop they give you for your expresso

  14. Im typing from my death bed.

    by the looks of things im not gonna make it.

    If i do die, please see to it that you attend the funeral services and the afterparty at circa...no throwing dumplings though.

    Roddigga will be hosting the event and putting the FUN back in FUNeral!!!!

    I also as my dying last wish wanted to profess my undying love for you.


    If i make it through this (the chances are pretty low) we must get together!

    Kosta....Im here for you man...If you need a lawyer to administer your estate, just let me know!!!

  15. up to 72 hours for urine by test strip

    up to 7 days for urine by chromatography analysis

    up to 10 day for blood

    up to 120 days in hair

    unfortunatley ... hair analysis is becoming very popular these days... the cost has come down under 100 bux

    Thanks a lot...

  16. ecstacy doesnt necessarily have to be specifically tested for. It will usually cause a positive hit for amphetamines... and depending on the pill you could test positve for other stuff...

    Could you please elaborate...say for example a friend of my does only c here and there on the weekends; however, not knowing he had just gotten a very important interview, he was out in vegas did c over the course of a couple of days and one pill....how long will all of this be in his system???

    Your help is much appreciated

  17. its not gay its the truth our party owns seasdie this yr

    Dude...its is really gay and after seeing your comment, you're even gayer...how could you own a town???

    I will say, without a doubt, the people promoting XS did an excellent job this summer and really turned it around....BUT, its retarded comment and only shows how naive you really are and it only fuels drama and bitterness....

    Listen, bottom line, the people who are in the scene know and respect each other even when there are hard times...You're just a jackass for making a comment like that and if you have a problem let me know and we will discuss next time I blow through the line at XS and walk in without paying!!!

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