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Posts posted by roxychic

  1. Hey! Looks like I will be making it to Avalon tonight. I am so happy because the last time I was out was way back in October for the White Party at Venu. The car accident has put a damper on my party life. Anyway...I will be looking out for those of you posted a pic. Here is a pic of me and my sweetie at a wedding.

    Can anyone tell me how to get on a list tonight?

    Look forward to seeing you.


  2. Hey guys

    Which radio stations do you listen to over the net that play dance music?

    My fav's are :



    and a new one I just found - clubradioworld.com (a lot of vocals)

    Just wanted to know if there are any other good ones.


  3. Damn : (

    I am not going to be able to make this meet up. I would love to meet all of you but I have plans. I will be going there next Friday w/a whole crew...maybe I can meet a few of you then??

    Anyway...have fun and dance your little asses off!!!!! :cool:

  4. Uncle

    Are you getting a little jealous because Boston teams are going so well???

    Patriots - WORLD CHAMPIONS

    Bruins - FIRST PLACE

    Celtics - 2nd place

    Out by the first round??

    As far as Red Sox goes...they played a good year. They may not have won the whole thing but who cares.


    Its about time!!!:D

  5. Okay Bx..here is the way it works.

    You have to cook the weed in some type of fat. As long as you do this it will work. What I usually do:

    put at LEAST A tablespoon or so of butter in a pan and melt...then add weed and bring it to a boil. Then just add it to the brownie mix or whatever you want and cook as directed. You can make what ever you want...cake, cookies, pasta if you want. You just have to COOK IT IN A FAT! I usually put in a joints worth for two big choc. chip cookies. That is for two people.

    Good Luck!!

  6. Thanks nycchic24 for all your info. I loved Exit the few times I have been there but if it is latin night forget about it. The thing about SF is that it gets WAY TOO PACKED in there. I like some room to dance my ass off.

    I have not been out in so long due to a bad car crash that I was in Dec 6. I feel like I have been so deprived!! :D But I like Pravda and the Roxy is okay. It is actually way too cheesy now. I have no idea why I kept this name. But all in all the cluns around here are not that great and I am sure that you know this.

    Good info on the train but we will most likely drive in. But its something to think about...

  7. Hey Vikkii

    Well...I just got back to work this week. I was out for 6 weeks due to a car crash. Feeling better now and it is actually good to be back at work as wierd as that sounds. It is pretty boring being home for some long when all your friends are in work. It was nice for a while but it got old.

    I have not been out dancing in SOOOOOOOOO long. I am going out next weekend. Any suggestions. I feel so out of the loop:rolleyes:

    Originally posted by vikkii123

    Hey roxychic where have you been? How are you doing?

    I'd have to agree with you about Brady def deserves to start!!! :D

  8. Easter Candy..:laugh: That is defintly something to look forward to. But honestly..all this cold weather is making really want to move to San Diego. I love it there....hot but dry..no humidity. Or how about Hawaii?? What a beautiful place.

    Chula...you like the cold?? Woa....you must be a skiier??

  9. Hey Chula

    I got to this hell hole about an hour ago and I am already itching for 4:00 so I can get the hell outta here and start my weekend. I just wish it was not so shitty out. Here in Boston the weather is nasty. How's it there??

  10. Hello

    My friends and I are planning on coming to NYC to go clubbing in a couple weeks. I have not been since last August and I was told that a lot has changed. I loved Exit and SF was pretty good. What is Exit like on a Sat. now? What are the other good clubs on Sat. nights and what time do they close? Any other info is appreciated.


    P.S. If anyone know some good deals on hotels in the city let me know!! :idea:

  11. Hey

    My friend has a whole bunch of pills with a star logo on them. I think that they are white. Anyone have any info on these? I would check pillreports.com but their site is no longer running:(


  12. Originally posted by vikkii123

    :letsgo:To the Boston board??? It's been so dead!!!! Where is everyone????:confused::mad2:

    Hi Vikki

    Yea...this board is slow...and has been slow. I have been out of work for a while. I was in a really bad car crash w/my boyfriend. Some idiot ran a stop sign and smashed into my boyfriends truck causing us to flip. We are okay. My neck and back are messed up.

    So that is why I have not been posting as much. I hope that I can get my ass back to work soon.

    What is everyone doing for NYE?????????????????????


  13. Hi Meta

    There are alot of clubs in the Boston area other than Avalon. I used to go there alot but I don't go there anymore due to the fact that it gets way too crowded. Anyway..the Roxy is good on Saturday nights. In order to get into Rise you have to be a member or a member has to sponser you. If you can get in...it is a great time. As far as Man Ray...I have never been. I am not sure they ever have a regular club night.

    I like Pravda. It used to be the Mercury Bar. It is right in the Alley. The music, people and vibe is great. Another great club is Tilt. It is in Saugus on Rt. 99. Both Friday and Sat. night are good and the DJ's spin house but I like Sat night better there. It is an older crowd and Manolo spins....(GREAT DJ)! Well thats my advice....have fun



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