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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by Felix_Leiter

  1. and the drama continues.....lol i retire from drama
  2. yea cause you get laid
  3. posting on messageboards is a huge waste of time..why do we do it?? I should be reading a book instead
  4. i think "bored" would be a better adjective
  5. i thought she was decent person..till her comment to housediva
  6. wow it took you a whole 15 minutes to conjure up evey little brain cell you have left in that round head of yours that keeps getting slammed into the bedpost from gettin fucked daily by guys that manipulate you into thinkin they are nice guys.... ok..so sexybabyd got a website..oh you're bigtime now...sweetie ill make my own webpage in my sleep...its been over a month since the site and you have accumulated 220.00 for your fake tits....meaning you average about 50.00 a week..in turn coming out to say 10.00 a day....i make at least 10.00 my first 10 minutes of work and i wont lie I do work hard at the office....i get paid to bash idiots like you on CP....see the difference between me and you is I post while on the clock..you post in your free time.....and I make enough "fucking" money that I could buy my girl fake tits tomorrow..and not wait around 2 years for donations from dirty old men....not that my girl would want fake tits though... and when i think about it i prolly was high or something when i spoke to you..but i'll just explain all this to you in person while I make you feast on my balls
  7. yea more of a life..right...with 4500 posts under your belt.....after reading your reply..the 1 thing that stood out the most was when you said "when I grow up"....oh so so true
  8. your reply is one of the most classless things I have ever read...and hear you go preaching about "its how you carry yourself".....you are so dumb..instead of posting whorish pics of yourself for new tits..you should be beggin people to donate to your brain implant fund....and then you have the nerve to swear you are not chinese even though you rock slanty eyes and have "Lee" as your last name..talk about the pot calling the kettle back :rolleyes:
  9. ill eat more than your flesh
  10. for starters.....why do you think they call me the "croation sensation"
  11. one night with me would change it all
  12. hands off......shes mine
  13. everytime i have heard LES...they have never let me down... everyone has their own opinion but if you're gonna bash at least do it with your real name....seems kinda pussy to me oh btw... arcbaby = that is all
  14. cause i wack off to your posts on clubplanet
  15. its time for this thread to die
  16. eddie................BAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM:laugh:
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