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Everything posted by Felix_Leiter

  1. I CANT HELP MYSELF........
  2. Hopefully everyone that goes there and supports EXIT will be closed down too. lololol
  3. Sorry but I thought the crowd was the worst part of the night. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE uggh uggh
  4. The worst party I have ever been to period.
  5. hey bigpoppinals, no one was speaking to you so shut the fuck up. I understand that you and bigart go to Crash together and give it to each other in the brown, but seriously mind your own business. You icon says it all, you fucking TOOL.
  7. rapture tastes so sweet
  8. I'd give her a good railing
  9. :confused: :confused: wa happened ??
  10. I dont hate, I just call em like I see em
  11. Exactly its a messageboard. What do you care. No one said that he was giving out songs, why dont you read a little slower next time. Giving out burnt software at a club --> LAME
  12. I'm not disputing the fact that you listen to those songs. All im saying that as an avid music lover, it takes me awhile to soak in a song and then truly enjoy it. You say those are your TOP 75 and that you listen to them in 2-3 days. I dont understand. Do you download a song that is really hyped up, and then after listening to it for the first time, claim it one of your favorites? You cannot possibly soak in 75 songs in 2 - 3 days. It seems to me that you try to be the first one to download a hyped up (cheesy) track, and then claim its one of your favorites because of the hype surrounding the track (a song that everyone on the board wants), so you make yourself appear like you know the music or something. Now i dont care about what you do at EXIT (EXIT is WEAK), but according to your post : FUCK FUCK FUCK, I missed Everything, I missed THe meetup, I missed Justins set, IM so fucken HEated, I came into The club with 5 cd's , LEft the Club with 9, BECause THE Peeople WHo were suppose to meet me at certainly PLaces DIDINT, and i freaking Spent the WHole time Looking for those PEople WHO REALLY NEEDED those programs, ANd they Didint SHOW, SO i ended Up not giving CD's TO anyone and I felt LIKE SUCH AN ASS , when People like LOU Gave me a CD and I forgot to BUrn HIM Software, Because I was busy BUrning Shit for other people, To me, that doesnt sound like someone that would go to EXIT for the music & people ..it sounds more like a chump. What I'm tryin to say is, Dont try so hard, Be Yourself. Its all love.
  13. I agree with Don. Who cares about your unreleased songs? It's like you dont even listen to your Mp3's, you just collect them. Whats the point? I collect MP3's to enjoy the music. I recently read your post of TOP 75?? Come on. You cant possibly listen to all those songs. (btw you do have a lot of CHEESE) Is it that you collect these hard to find Mp3's and flaunt them so you can attain some level of coolness or something? Cause judging from your post about bringing in burnt software CD's into EXIT ( i go to EXIT to dance and meet girls, not to hand out CD's), you sound like a BIG FAT DORK . ERF ERF ERF
  14. STAY WITH ME by Angelic is SWEET
  15. Stay With Me by Angelic is a sweet tune.
  17. Pick up TOOL - LATERALUS --now thats a hot new album. The Depeche Mode wasnt that bad. "I FEEL LOVED" is pretty dope.
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