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Posts posted by nubreedfan

  1. wink was good. i liked the way he dropped tempo towards the end of his set. a true professional and i respect him for that.

    howells was real good. warm butter smooth mixing. "you don't appreciate me".

    too bad the terrace was so fucking hot.

  2. Thanks so much everyone.

    I prolly should have been more clear in my request, but I won't be in Miami Saturday night, just Thursday and Friday.

    Any good parties on Thursday nights?

    I would prefer to stay away from the big commercial rooms like Crobar and Space. I prefer smaller venues with a good vibe and cool peeps. The only exception is Opium Garden, cause I absolutely love that place.

    If anyone is promoting a good party, let me know and please put me on your list. I'll be hanging with another friend (girl - Sinem G.) from New York. My name is Rich B. I don't care about paying regular cover, I just hate waiting on line.:D It seems like someone is promoting R.E.D. on Friday night.

    Thank you cool Miami headz.:)

  3. Originally posted by ashta

    Ya think?

    Maybe this is because you live in the US instead of Afghanistan or Israel. You might even be dead now now you lived there. You could be one of the "accidental" casualties. Well I guess it would be different if you were living there.

    If something doesn't please Bush, it's "send the planes and bomds". Let's see how many Iraqi civilians die in next few months.

    Also maybe the dEbacles wouldn't exist if it weren't for him anyway.


    The above statement qualifies as the single most incorrehent stream of concience rambling I've ever read in my life.

    You can pick up your prize @ the front door.:)

  4. Originally posted by saigray

    Our last two presidents: Hmmm. Clinton was widely regarded as one of the smartest presidents we ever had, a political genius with a combination of intellect and PR skills with a slight libido problem. Whether you liked his politics or not, "undrestimated" was not a word used (well, it's not actually a word at all but...) to describe him. Bush, Sr. was seen as stubborn and opportunistic, with difficulty in lip-reading, but his VP was the one who couldn't spell potato.

    No other Chief Executive, recent or not, has been as embarrassing to the American public as our present. The head of state should NOT get a open pass to sound like a moron because he's under pressure- a) that's his job, B) he has a staff devoted to making him sound good and this is the best they can do!!! I don't think he could possibly be smarter than I think I am- I am obviously very ooverestimatable in the intellectualizement plateau!

    Lastly, it depends how you measure success. If riding your family's money and coattails to a position you are unqualified for is success, your right. I will never be as successful as good ol' Dubya!

    If you think Clinton wasn't underestimated his entire career, then you know nothing of history or politics, which other than hating, are the two things which you seem to be pretend to know something about. You should prolly educate yourself a little about the political history of William Jefferson Clinton, before you spout off such an a patently ignorant statement.

    Other than in 1996, Bill Clinton was never taken seroiusly in any campaign for which he seeked office . He was crushed in a bid to become a congressman the first time he seeked office. He was voted out of the Governors office in AK in an embarrassing defeat. His own party gave him virtually no support in the democratic primary for the 92 election. It was thought by the liberal intelligentsia that control his party that a "southern good ole boy" would never be electable as President.

    As far as your cacophonous statements regarding the current President, well I'll just dismiss that to your obvious ignorance as well.

  5. Originally posted by saigray

    "This doesn't have nothing to do with reputation," Mr. Bush said, according to a transcript released by the White House. "It has everything to do with the consequences if it fails."

    "If a summit fails, if the president lays it out there and nothing happens, generally the status — the follow-up is worse than the status quo," he said. "And that's what presidents must understand."

    Obviously what a president doesn't need to understand is grammar, double negatives, sentance fragments or the importance of nuance (as a verb, if you will)...

    "He is clearly impatient when interviewers suggest that he should listen to other views of the Palestinians. "Look, my job isn't to try to nuance," he told a British television reporter who tried late last week to equate the terrorism of radical Palestinians with the actions of Israeli occupiers of Palestinian territory. "My job is to tell people what I think."

    Yo, if his job is to tell us what to think, WE HAVE A BIG FUCKIN PROBLEM, cause the US population is dumb enough already.

    The landscape is full of the dead bodies of pundits, politicians, and silly intellgentsia who have undrestimated the intelligence of our last 2 presidents.

    Don't worry, I'm certain George Bush is just a little smarter than you think you are. He's certainly more successful than you'll ever be.

    Quit hating.

  6. I am neither a Zionist or Muslim. I am just a white guy from the Bronx.

    This thread interests me because the discourse that has occurred in this forum between Breaksny and Dusted, with interruptions from others along the way, shows why even all the wisdom of Solomon can't solve this problem. These are ancient conflicts that have manifested in a modern form.

    Breaksny and Dusted are obviously educated (at least in this matter) people who are untennable in their respective positions. The difference is that in the Middle East, this "discussion" would have already resulted in violence.

    I will say that Malone has brought up some well thought out points.

    Breaksny and Dusted:

    Humor me.

    In 20 words or less, what is your HONEST final solution to this situation?

  7. Originally posted by dusted


    You are so right. Europe is just a rotting socialist continent that is rapidly turning into a festering terrorist filled shithole. They have so many Muslims invading them, due to the fact that its the goal of Islam to re-conquer all the lands that they had before, and more. Their plan is to move en masse to Europe and then breed their way into a majority, like they have already done in Marseilles.

    Wow. We could really tread some dangerous ground here. I agree with your analysis 100%.

    Europe carries so much collective guilt, and is so worried about protecting its wealth, that in 50 years or so it will become irrelevant.

    Europe is suffering such low birthrates, that in 50 years, native Europeans will be significant minorities in their own nations.

    It is therefore my belief, that traditional European Nationalism will rise to full strength again within the next 10 years. Yugoslavia was the first example. I don't think Germany, which has a long history of militarism, will allow its nation to disintergrate at the hands of Muslim invaders. Lets see how smug the Europeans are in the next 5 -10 years. My guess is not very.

  8. Originally posted by thughes

    I can't comment on the Middle East, but in Europe I do not think a large percentage of people that the US. The stereotype (in the UK at least), tends to be of 'stupid and blindly patriotic' Americans. I think this stereotype is probably about as accurate as most sterotypes tend to be (i.e. not very).

    The chattering classes of Europe need to get a life. A Continent that has had 2 world wars in the last 80 years and a holocaust, has no business lecturing the US about anything. And before you get all huffy, lets discuss a little place in Europe called Bosnia. Isn't there a War Crimes trial going on in the Netherlands right now?

    The United States has faults, but it is without doubt, the best idea in the history of human beings. Name ONE other power that exercised so much benevolence.

    USA! USA! USA! LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT all you haters.

  9. Originally posted by t0nythelover

    i think the united states is run by old capitalist fucks looking to line their pockets at the expense of others, and that means us too. the us grows enough food to feed the entire world. bet yall didnt know that. yet we still have people starving on the streets. if we were so great there would be no homeless people. how many people have tobacco companies killed, or cars companies that make fucked up products and dont tell anyone. i say its time for a revolution.

    sounds like the Man is really keeping you down.

  10. Originally posted by magilicuti

    yeah, personally i think girls would rather be superficial (meaning just for looks) then materialistic. but the goal is to have both.

    how about i get you some juice and we sell that car and get 2 35k cars so we'll both be bangin:D

    *lol* You're a good sport! Don't worry, I'm just jealous. BTW - I need more than a good cycle.


  11. Originally posted by spragga25

    How am I being ignorant...the facts that given in his case proved that he was guilty and he should get the chair for what he did...period!

    And going to some pro-mumia babble site is going to educate me on why he didn't do it? Come on man - give it up!

    I'm in the same boat as j303j - some of my best friends are officers and have to put up with shit like this everyday...it's a disgrace to police that endure crap like this...Didn't Sept 11 teach peeps about what police and firefighters do everyday - put their LIVES on the line to help...Don't talk to me about ignorance buddy - talk to me about the gratitude you should have for our bravest and the lack of respect they get from people. Because without them - this place would fucking chaos!

    It's a damn shame that I have to even argue about this.

    Common sense always makes the best sense.

  12. Originally posted by roadrunner

    Ignorance rears its head again.

    Please look up this issue before you yell, "Cop killer must die!"

    I'm not going to do the work for you. Just go to google.com and type free mumia or something. I don't know all the facts off the top of my head, but there is a VERY convincing case that he did not do it, and his trial was a travesty of justice. Please look up the facts...

    Yeah, your right. I heard that cop didn't really get shot in the head either. It was all a big joke.

  13. Originally posted by magilicuti


    I was just wondering if you get laid alot. I was thinking about putting my bank account balance and picture of my $70,000 car as my sig cause if I put a shirtless picture of myself as my sig, I ain't gonna get that much action. Just looking for an angle.:)

  14. Divine is no joke. I've heard every top DJ in world spin, and he can match anyone. These loft parties always rock. Lotsa headz and everybody is plugged into the music. I'm gonna be showin up wif my whole Rap star entourage.

    BTW- if I hear Zombie Nation I'm swinging *lol*

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