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Posts posted by milamber3

  1. sounds good to me, I'll be there (or maybe here if its at our place). Quoth I better see you here, might just have a Heineken or 2 waiting for you. Hope to see all you guys from last year and hopefully some new faces.

    PS. Thanks to everyone on this thread who didn't try and invite everyone to a frat party on the same night as the meetup.

  2. does it have a wire hookup for the computer (serial/usb) or just the bluetooth/modem wireless? Also u said its only available with voicestream in NY, does that go for NJ and PA too? Also I didnt see on the web site is the battery lithium ion, NiCAD or other? It has a very long ass talk time, looks like a great phone

  3. Originally posted by joeg

    Ok, so my test pipe will be here wed. (to replace my crappy restrictive cat, which is clogged anyhow... and killing my boost)

    apparently, all I have to do is "use a 1/4 watt 1000megaohm resistor from radioshack, install that onto the 12v wire of the o2 sensor" to stop the check engine light from going off... we'll see how that goes, I guess...


    a HBC manual boost controller later in the week/next week...

    damn 1000 M ohm you might as well just cut the wire, no current is gonna choose that path.

  4. Originally posted by tastey

    body is smokin´ but the face? i dunno, from that pic she wouldn´t pass my filter

    :eek: :eek:

    something is totaly fucked about your filter then man, cause she is freaking beautiful.

  5. :eek: :eek: What's with all the hate towards Jenn on tis post. She was just bitching about Rutgers fucking with her registration. They pull this shit all the time. She wasnt acting spoiled or elite, I don't know whats wrong with you guys that are dogging her. Oh and last time I checked one person making 100 grand a year is still a fucking lot in my book. kthx :D
  6. Originally posted by saleen351

    when you little boys are done with adding 10hp to a car that needs 200hp more then call me. I'll show you my tail lights all day long..........NO REPLACEMENT FOR DISPLACEMENT...............

    What are u running at the rear wheels, 350-400? I'd know but saleen took the stats for the 351 off their web page :(

    You should come to the next meet up at rutgers and I'll give u a try. I like a challenge.

  7. Originally posted by liteflyr

    heh yes they are.

    finally tekkie! you decided to put the pics up:) i'm definitely saving the cute one of us: you're such a sweetie and your apartment rocks! real glad i made it to one of these things finally. will definitely be at the next one unless there are extenuating circumstances.

    quoth - a definite pleasure meeting you; you brighten my day :tongue:

    alphster - yea i'm still awaiting my praise-shirley thread

    rich/milamber (... i think?) - thanks for being one of the not-too-drunk ones there :)

    dave/maximman - heh sorry i showed up late but thanks for offering to stay with me, i'll see you around james and vicki's place.

    all in all, i surprisingly had a blast even tho it was a mini-meetup. i'll see you all on the 4th, until then :D

    I love it, I get a pitcher of a drink (See Pictures) and I'm the "not-too-drunk one" ahh wheres the justice. Next time I'll have to get on the table and strip :D

  8. Originally posted by dgmodel

    grrrr!!!! i dont want a lot of resonance or cabin noise just exterior, and not even that loud.... hrrrm?

    The borla I have only tends to get loud when I am really hitting it and thats when i want it to be loud so its all good. When i'm just driving normal its not noisy inside at all

  9. Ok wtf is with my eyes, they are glowing red.. thats pretty messed up.. and damnit teklord why cant u take a pic of me where i dont have some stupid look on my face. (yah yah i know i always have a stupid look on my face so dont bother pointing it out) :tongue:

  10. Originally posted by teklord310

    Scare that JennEfer girl away, i hear she rides horses. Can't let that happen. I hear she demanded cherry coke & capt as well. Should I go return it? :eek:

    No way keep the captain, return the cherry coke and get some reg coke for me.

    Ok heres the real question teklord, should I go to SI before the meetup or just relax and forget all about EE2?

  11. Originally posted by teklord310

    I'm thinking about doing jello again, any suggestions?

    I gave u my suggestion last time and it did a whole shit load of good then.. but maybe this time you'll listen. Do some of the jello shots with peach brandy.. its really damn good. Do some with vodka or whatever too for everyone thats not into peach.

  12. Originally posted by teklord310

    Ladies and gentleman!

    I have just received word that Highmay will not be attending this meetup because he will be home in NY. Please forward all hate mail directly to his inbox. Thank you --The Management

    Ahh damnit, now who the hell is going to be the underage drunk that harasses everyone ;)

  13. Hey yarin, tues and thurday are mostly good for me, but can you make the time a little later than the norm for SI. Im sure its not a big deal if your coming to the Si since we cant start without ya anyway.

    Oh, who decided that they defined meetup, and that this isnt one? I happen to think we are all meeting at your place for dinner and shit, hence a 'meet up'. Who'd a thunk it.

    Hopefully you found someone to slash me in tonight and we can talk times over at dinner.

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