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Everything posted by kilg0retr0ut

  1. one flew over the cuckoo's next clockwork orange barton fink (and vanilla sky was in a position to seriously challenge these three up until the final 15 minutes)
  2. i would bet a pretty substantial amount of money that the front door will tell u that scott project is a special event
  3. in no definitive order ... 1: mo hawk / previous years 2: suzanne palmer / hide u (johnny vicious mix) 3: embargo / scream (attack mix) 4: freesom / first strike 5: 16c+ / under 4ever (original) 6: max linen / soul shaker 7: critical phase / phase one (futureshock mix) 8: powerdove / september soul 9: fuse / nt 10: signium / first strike
  4. what in the world do colbrunn and delucci have 2 do with anything? they're bench players. you would have started colbrunn over grace? delucci over sanders? give him some credit for making a good call with barajas over miller instead johnson is pitching on saturday night. nobody asides from you would even consider bringing him last night and compromising him for game 6. albie lopez didn't do too well when he came in the game either. maybe brenly deserves some criticism for pulling schilling a bit too early in game four, but i fail to see where he deserves any for last night.
  5. limelight may have the best djz of the mega-nyc clubz pre-5 AM saturday nightz but the place has been absolutely dead the last couple of times i was there ... no more than 250 people, topz, in the entire place, not just the main room, at any one given time ... soundfactory, pre-9 AM, is the polar opposite ... far far far too many people jammed in far too small of a spot ... i'm still yet 2 comprehend why so many people think that going somewhere and being utterly unable 2 move until long after the sun comes up is a good time ... the place garnerz itz good reputation from what happenz there on sunday 9 AM until closing, but earlier in the morning/night going there is just stoooooopid
  6. i went last night just 2 see boris too ... and he really wuzn't all that good ... i don't understand this guyz inconsistency ... one time u see him it'll be the craziest shit ever, then the next time it'll put u 2 sleep ... i'm not sure how much he actually dj'ed last night though ... i know he wuz up in the booth the whole night but it looked like the guy with the cowboy hat on up there wuz doing a lot of the work
  7. speaking of limelight ... could they place have been any deader the last two saturday nightz ... there couldn't have been more than 250 people in there, topz, at any time
  8. i went and it wuz going great ... then they turn on the lightz at 4:30 and tell everybody 2 get out ... 4:30!??!?!?! how fricking ridiculous is that?
  9. i'll have 2 try the realm ... itz definitely not sal dano, this is a much "harder" song ... thanx 4 trying though ...
  10. djboris.com in the audio samples section ... the first set from 2-3-01, can anyone id the song between eleanor rigby and wasteland (begins to come in at about the 24:30 mark, lyrics: i've got something for your mind, your body and your soul. this is something you don't ever wanna turn down so come with me and i'll bring your dreams to life) thanks in advance 2 anyone who can help me out, john
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