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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Posts posted by nightstar01

  1. Hi everyone,

    I will be visiting Miami this weekend. I wanted to know where all the househeads have been hanging out at??? Where can I find Soulfuric or DHM at??? I don't live in Miami anymore and I am lost! I really need info. I know I missed Mark Farina last week, but I am hoping that I could find something good. Thanks a bunch, Zuly

  2. Hi everyone...so I am getting ready to head out tomorrow morning...I have a whole day of driving ahead of me!!!!

    I am hoping that I will bump into anyone that looks familiar!!!

    Hi Meng and Stogiey and lavisdeldiablo!

    I am planning on going out on Friday Night....what is everyone going to be up to??? Hopefully I'll get to see someone!

    BTW...I'll let Lee know that you guys all remember him too :o)

  3. Hi guys, the ones that know me! Yes, it's me Zuly...I have not signed on to this since 2005...hope I am still welcomed around here.

    Lots has happened since then, me and Lee...have moved to South Carolina but I will be visiting the weekend of WMC....this was not planned...I guess it was just meant to be :clap2: I am still trying to convince Lee aka...ga2.....to go with me. Maybe you peeps could help me!

    Anyways I am truly missing Miami and I will only be able to go out one night and one night only. So I have to make sure that I pick something good. My choices are the 23rd or the 24th of March....any good ideas???

    For the peeps that knew me and Lee the best, we are truly househeadz...open to any recommendations :)


  4. Originally posted by a-ron

    Im trying to read this tread at the library while doing some homework and this little old lady keeps gasping every time i scroll down and another naked picture is on the screen.... hold on I think im getting kicked out.

    I totally agree with ya.....that's why I rarely check the board any more.

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