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Posts posted by bluespring

  1. Originally posted by mane

    Blue spring,

    here is the situation, in the mail you will receive an invitation to appear to court on a specific day. Usually at 8:30 am and in some

    towns they also have night court that starts at 6:30. be sure to

    to check your letter to make sure.

    Once you get to court, you will have to look up on the bulliten board, usually located next to the court room, and verify that your name is listed to appear that day. Before court starts you

    are usually advised to speak with a prosecutor who's office is located somewhere in the court. usually down the hall or something.

    You proceed to the Prosecuters office and wait in line to speak with him, they usually call your name. Once they call your name

    you go in and some rather grotesque individual with Bad breath greats you and offers you a deal. The deal will be as follows.


    of whatever you got.

    if you got a 4 point ticket you will get 2 points.

    if you dont agree to those terms you may reschedule a trial at a later date in which the Police officer will come in and testify against you, from which you will be found guilty and get nailed for

    all points and fines and court costs.

    You may also try and get a lawyer, but for 4 points I wouldnt waste my money considering he will charge you 300-500 dollars which isnt worth it considering you do the caclulations and see how much your insurance will increase.

    Once you make the plea of guilty you will get half the points, whatever fines and the 30 dollar court costs.

    Pay the fine and court costs. then wait one month.

    after a month of your court date. Go to any Triple A agecy

    (AAA) and find out what days they hold defense driving classes.

    Usually its once a month in a near by town. You register for

    this driving class and take the class, usually runs the whole day.

    once you succesfully competed your driving class you will receive a certificate. You must then send this certificate to the New Jersey divison of Motor Vehicals and to your insurance company. This certificate entiles you to 1 or 2 points reduction on you driving record.

    hope this helps.

    This is very thorough. Thanks for the advice. It's very very helpful. I don't think I will hire a lawyer either. I am hoping the point will get reduced or I can pay a higher fine without getting points off my license.

  2. Originally posted by carguy19

    Speeding tickets cannot be reduced unless you plea and can prove you are not guilty,

    If you were on radar or paced you're fuct though unless the radar or speedo weren't calibrated in the last 6 months.... not likely if it's state PD...

    My brothers a cop so this is accurate info

    expect to pay 7-1000 to have a lawyer take you to ct

    :( more and more bad news.

    I want to be positive I will go to court.

  3. Anybody knows how to plea not guilty for a speeding ticket in NJ to avoid getting points on the license and to avoid paying the fine? Do I need to get a lawyer for the court? What should I say in the court?

    I have a NJ driver license.

    One more question, suppose I had NY driver license before and got a speeding ticket and 4 points off my NY driver license. Now I moved to NJ and got a NJ Driver License recently. Got a speeding ticket, again. This is another 4 points off the NJ driver license. Does that mean now I have 8 points off my NJ driver license? Or NY points don't carry over to NJ?

    Thank you.

  4. Originally posted by cotoncandydream

    Well I have confirmation that The DaVe may venture back from Vermont just for the ARC gig. His first time even in ARC was on NYE when S&P played :D

    What!!! Dave was the one who played before S&P before NYE.... He sucked big time. Tired to hard. No connections between tracks... really bad. Need more practices.

  5. Originally posted by wallflour

    No, not quite

    To hear what Corsten sounds like (and I wouldn't say it's goa, but I could be wrong), go to:

    http://www.clubglow.com (go to "Audio" if it doesn't automatically play, or if it's someone else's set)


    This is the Tsunami you're probably thinking of: http://www.tsunami-trance.com

    Thanks. :D

    I will try to listen to it when I get home. No speaker at work. Tsunami-Trance is the one I am thinking of. I found out they are having a NYE party. I might go if I could get my friends to go. GOA party is more fun, IMO.

  6. Originally posted by allishara

    I work right around there - on Montgomery Street.

    There are pretty decent Happy Hour places around here like Rosie's, Oddfellows, and Markers in Harborside.

    If your lookin for nitelife - definitely not in JC - well, not until Sandbar opens up. Which also has a great happy hour.

    Im all about the happy hour. :pint:

    Have fun!!

    I am very close to Grove Street, too. I know where Montgomery street is. I have low tolerence, so happy hour is not a big thing for me. I am all about FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD. :tongue: I just want to at least find out where are the good restaurants first. I am in JC which is very close to Manhattan, I can always go to the city for nitelife.

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