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About bashingbitch5

  • Birthday 01/01/1950


  • Location
    New Bitch City
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Oh sure since YOU asked me, let me get right on that. I'll post what I want, where I want and the last person I'll be taking orders from would be YOU. Now run along Piglet!
  2. First stop trying to capitalize on the name diesel, there's only one who can carry the name and his name is Vin. I highly doubt you compare. Second, if you'd like to know about football, I'd be glad to tell you, what would you like to know? I can't get enough of watching Rickey Williams, he's one talented mofo! Michael Vick is like perfection, although not so much this week. Bengels suck! And the Eagles just blow my mind, third-string quarterback & still going strong!
  3. Oh please you twat, like you didn't know that! Did you giggle & twirl your hair at the same time????
  4. Yes I'll get right on that....
  5. Why would you even want to take it back? These people are nothing but a bunch of horny toads lookin' to get laid! Oh you're a hottie, Noooo, YOU're a hottie, :drool: Uuuuuuggghhhhh!!!! I don't think any of the other girls would even consider coming back. Time's they are a'changin'!
  6. This board sucks ass now! Hottie of the month? Are they kidding???? :rolleyes:
  7. Yes the fundraisers for the FDNY and the NYPD are more front & center & bring more attention, but for the most part, a lot of the fundraisers have been for the victims and families of the attack not just the FDNY & NYPD. The victims & families of the attack I'm sure will get insurance through the companies that they worked for plus like I said there have been and will continue to be fundraisers for ALL. The only reason the one group receives more praise is because they went in there KNOWING what was going on, so they are being praised for their bravery. It's not that the other people weren't brave, it's just that they didn't have a choice. That's not to diminish the lose of their lives though, it's just a fact.
  8. Cause Staten Island and London are jackass-free right????? brilliant statement
  9. I've said it once and I'll say it again, your an asshole! And I'm sure all the jewish chicks are relieved to know you think their hot, too bad for them your not. Why must you spread such negativity throughout this board? It's one thing to cause a little bit of drama it's entirely different to be a racist and a bigot. do you see what's going on in the world? The last thing we need is more people like you. :blown:
  10. Funny too, cause it was right after I responded to the little muffin man.
  11. Hey didn't I see your ugly, sweaty ass at SF Saturday? I thought you were bad at Temps, but God at SF the horrors! :eek:
  12. What car would that be, the 1986 Mustang LX? You really deserve to be put to sleep you know that? What's wrong w/you? Actually what's wrong w/me for constantly asking that question? You shouldn't even be mentioning the Jersey board, considering NOBODY likes you there. Your ignorant, your rude and you have nothing going for you. No hair, no job, no life. Normally I'd never say those things to a person but you have no redeeming qualities, I can't even feel bad about it. And trust you, your mother's a real estate agent? Who cares what your mother does, what does that have to do w/anything? who are you to judge any religion? What kind of person are you? Maybe if you tried to be a better person, better things would come your way!
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