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Posts posted by ibchad71

  1. it also may be the fact that you dont want anyone you know seeing how crazy your parents are............hhhmmmm as they say the apple doesnt fall far from the tree!!!!!!!!!! your mom and dad would love SOBE.....hell your dad can out party me and you and well your mom can come on here and go by the name "mommafakeass" ....they could hang..........

  2. um....actually LOLA does smell a bit FUNKY when she sweats........ i am thinking it was less than 45 minutes after meeting her that she was asking me to PULL HER FINGER!!!!!!!!! i mean come on now how cool must a HOTTIE be to just rip ass for a guy within 45 minutes.......... she is such a charmer..... for those of you who dont know, the hard work at the GYM does pay off for this girl as her body is SMOKIN'................ of course you cant get too close cuz of the FUNK but DAMN it looks good!!!!!!!!!

  3. i will be in town the weekend of the 19th and 20th.... does anyone know who will be spinning that weekend and where??? Solid plans to visit Crobar and Space.......possibly Liquid also since everyone on clubplanet has had some good reviews of the club...... bringing some CroKiddies from Chicago with me...and a familiar name to some of you LOLAHOTASS...... would love to meet some of you from clubplanet while i am down in SOBE...... you may be asking who the hell is this guy anyway....actually i am noone!!!! just a goofball from the midwest who has been into electronic music since the early 80's ( think SOFT CELL "tainted love" ) you can check out the place i frequent here WWW.OZNIGHTCLUB.COM ....... i am pictured on the DJ pages i am the one running the lights in the bottom pic on that page.... can also see a pic of me and LOLA from my last visit to Crobar at HTTP://profiles.yahoo.com/ibchad71 let me know if anyone is interested in meeting up that weekend and hanging out with us!!! Chad

  4. Bunny was definetly at the Mekka tour last august at SPACE and then Confucius came on after him........Bunny made Paul Oakenfold look like a CHUMP!!!!! Bunny was the HIGHLIGHT of my trip to SOBE!!!!!!! I would almost have to make a return trip if it was him spinning!!!!! BOOK BUNNY!!!!! BOOK BUNNY!!!!!!

  5. i look for places that create the least amount of hassle at the door, HIGH ENERGY LEVELS, quality DJs, Clean sound!!!!, Good Light Show presentations, FRIENDLY STAFF, and if I really want to have a good time I just make sure LOLA is there then I can have fun in a crackhouse and like it!!!!!! Hey POD where can we see some new pics besides the ones you are doing for Cooljunkie???? I have been doing some pics for the club here in St. Louis, would love to have you opinion sometime www.oznightclub.com I took them with a digital camera so the lighting is a little dark in some.....hey its something to do to have alittle fun, but I am definetly no POD.....lol later Miami Freaks!!!! C

  6. um lets see, my old roommate took the test and scored a 61% and I can still call him an ANGEL LOL........... hey Lola any guesses just how warped I really am????? lol you sure your mom and dad will like me LMFAO!!!!!!! C

  7. I would have to agree that the Miami Clubplanet boards have grown alot lately....... not only that but for some strange reason most of the members her have started to get along!!!!! just a few months ago this board was overrun with alot of drama and it has seemed to diappear...... I met a couple of the members from the board on my last couple of visits to south florida and they were very nice people!!!!! Thanks to a board similar to this I have met one of my best friends......... LOLAHOTASS......and yes the name fits her very well!!!!! also met POD very nice guy, kinda busy when he is in a club but for good reason!!!!! he is very talented at what he does....... I know through LOLA that she has met some of you and has given you all 2 THUMBS UP!!!! I am now looking forward to my next visit to SOBE so I can meet some of the Crazy CP people.....If any of you ever travel to the MIDWEST look me up.......ST. LOUIS or CHICAGO!!!!!! C

  8. hey MENG CONGRATS on winning the Dj competition..... thats HUGE getting to play Space and i am glad to see the CP'ers showing their support...... make sme wish i was going to be in SoBe this weekend, but i am off to Chicago to visit Crobar.... Will be looking forward to pictures fron Dan on cooljunkie.com to see how the Party went!! What type of music do you spin?? I help out at a club here in St. Louis, I am working my way up learning the lights and getting some great working knowledge of clubs and some great assisatance with my DJing...... the clubs here are always looking to bring in new faces for a night!! I might be able to point you in the right direction for a slot here in the midwest..... wide variety of music here, Progressive, deep house, house, HARD HOUSE, jungle, drum-n-bass....... let me know if you have any way through the internet where we can hear a set of yours or email me at IBCHAD71@yahoo.com...good luck this weekend!! Chad

  9. POD....great pics! i think the tribute that GPIB makes to you by showing his jealousy is amazing.... if he wasnt jealous of the work you do and the support you recieve from the Boards then he wouldn't be here trying to piss you off!! you have handled the whole situation well and i applaud you!! I had the pleasure of meeting POD throught the Crobar website and actually got to meet him on my last visit to SoBe...... I saw a guy with a camera and took the chance that it might be him.....even though he was working he ttok the time to say hi and even tracked us down later and hung out with the group of us that were there....next time i am in town i hope to see him again and maybe he will be able to hang out with us a little longer..... he didnt have to take the time to talk to people he didnt know, but hes a nice guy and a GREAT photographer....keep up the good work and the great pics!!!! I am still waiting for my pics of Bunny fromthe Mekka TOUR!!!!!!!!!! good luck on your venture with cooljunkie.com.....if you ever want to travel to St. Louis or Chicago and take pics let me know and I will be happy to help out anyway I can!!!!! Chad

  10. cooljinkie.com is a great site....good choice of photographers too...POD is not only great at taking the pics, hes a nice guy as well..... good luck with your site, from what i have seen so far you should do well!!!! Good Luck Dan...who knows maybe someday it will be your pics in a HUGE dance magazine!!! i look forward to some great pics!!! ( if you hapen to snap any of the Big bday bash at Crobar with alot of porn stars in the pic....send them my way the weather here in St. louis is getting cold and i could use a pic of some scantily dressed women!!!) thanks Chad

  11. i recently saw uberzone and crystal method...they put on great shows, but they dont have much energy to thier shows!!! and then again some DJ's these days seem to just be going through the motions.....at the Mekka tour at Space back in august, my favorite act was BUNNY from rabbit in the moon...that was some freaking energy he was playing it wasnt just music..... he fed off the crowd and the crowd fed off him!!! all the people trying to cram back into the club thinking Oakenfold was going to spin inside after his set outside!!! well those people got ripped off by not seeing BUNNY..... he put on a show 100 times better than oakenfold that night and probably got 100 times less money!!! just because the DJ's have the name doesnt mean they earn that ridiculous money they are getting!!!! give me BUNNY anyday!!!!! thats a show!!!! the man flat throws out energy from the stage!!!! thats whats missing from so many people these days ENERGY!!!

  12. lmao i didnt say that was MY IDEA of clubbing..... i have lived all over the U.S. i have been clubbing and listening to Electronic Music for A LONG TIME..... i used to be involved pretty heavily in the underground rave scene back in the late 80's early 90's when that meant someone breaking into a place big enough to hold a few thousand people and throw up a party !!!! i have been to clubs all over the U.S., spent a great deal of time in Orlando, Las Vegas, Cleveland, New Orleans, Memphis, St. Louis,and now i am exploring Miami and next is New York, Chicago, and then off to Ibiza...... i am learning to run the lights at a club here in St. Louis.... i like my music as underground as i can find!!!! i guess this all comes from being the child of a Disco Queen from the 70's thats what i grew up on and i saw how much fun she was having while i was growing up!! so i naturally was intrigued by the club scene!!! not everyone from the midwest wears bibs and chews tobacco!!!! just most of them!!!! C

  13. hey whats up to the clubplanet board...... i was at Crobar to see Dave Ralph..... actually met up with some people from the Crobar Website....one of them for the second time in 2 months..... one of the new people i met is a former Crobar Chicago regular and a great guy!!! the other new person i met was POD...very nice guy!!!! didnt have much of a chance to talk to him, but onmy next trip to miami from St. Louis we will be meeting again.... A few of us have been trying to get the Crobar Miami message board moving!!! have any of you ever checked the Crobar Chicago message board???? that club has some great chemistry with its clubbers!!!! Miami has a great club scene, but the regulars need to start forming some friendships beyond the club scene and sticking with each other...... if the clubs saw a regular crowd develop friendships and becoming an active voice for the club they would respond to it by treating that group a whole lot better!!! the Miami scene is about the VIP, but a group of active clubbers can certainly become noticed and appreciated!!!! I would like to invite all of the Club Planet Board to visit the message board at www.crobarnightclub.com i know POD is already fairly active in the site....... lets make some noise in the Miami Clubbing Scene and make some great new friends along the way!!!!!!!!! I will be coming to miami as often as I can and I would love to see a HUGE GROUP getting together for some great times the next time I am in town..... a few of the Crobar Staff do take notice to the message board and knew who I was from the posts and coments I had left on the board.... check out the site and while you are there make sure to say a BIG HELLO TO MY FAVORITE GIRLIE her handle is LOLA (probably the single greatest person I have ever met.........SHES INCREDIBLE!!!) try it out.... www.crobarnightclub.com look for me more here and definetly more there IBCHAD71 lets make some noise in the south beach club scene..... we are clubbers, we should be the reason clubs are open, lets make it about the music, the friendships and the atmosphere and not about the VIP!!!!!!!!!! Chad

  14. :eek: i was just at Space last weekend, my second time visiting the club in 2 months...hey i am from St. Louis and don't have such a great club at my disposal every weekend!! in august i was at the mekka tour that space held...... that was incredible, although we couldnt get inside due to the crowds waiting to get in..... this past weekend the door staff were incredible, i say if you are having problems getting in you should check a mirror and look at the way you present yourself....... if you go to a club with a crappy attitude you are gonna get a crappy attitude in return!!! walk up, be dressed nice, have some females with you.... shake hands with the peopel working the door, smile and walk right in like the group i was with did!!! as for inside the club...INCREDIBLE!!!! the sound, the lights.....AMAZING.... the music..o.k., but hey i prefer my music a little harder than whats played in miami!!! but for what is being spun there its FLAWLESS!!! DJ Stingray was in one of the rooms when we were there tearing shit up!!!! Roland was laying down some PHAT ASS TUNES in the red room!!! have no idea who was in the main room, but he was laying down some great beats!!! the guys running the lights were amazing!!!! I have seen some great clubs around the country and Space and Crobar and Level in Miami are at or near the TOP!!! feel very fortunate that you have the club scene that you do!!! i live in a small midwestern town where peoples ideas of clubbing is doing the macarena or gettin jiggy with some old Will Smith!!! thank god for ST.LOUIS and the great Music Scene we have or i would be in a mental hostpital...... be glad you have the quality you have in the clubs being run there and if you want the club to change....change yourself first .... clubbing should be about the friendships you are making, the atmosphere you are enjoying and the music being played....... POD...thanks for taking the time to talk to us at Crobar and we will PARTY next time i am in town!!!!! and to the security guy George running the VIP in the main room!!!! you fucking rock dude!! keep that flashlight shining on them hot GIRLIES ASSES BRO!!!!!! Thanks to Space, Crobar and the staffs of both for an incredible evening!!! Chad
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