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Posts posted by kjlive

  1. After much consideration and intense close study, I have determined the identity of the sig's creator to be none other than...


    Yeah, you heard me right!

    Though a mild-mannered non-computerer by day, I manage to draw upon near miraculous super powers when inebriated which include, among other things, the ability to swim, rap, fight women in the streets, and create personal and artistic computer signatures.

    Ok, maybe not.

    But I bet I had some of you there for a minute...

    Regardless, I still know who the REAL artist in question is, but these lips will remain sealed.

    And yes, LM, this does in fact constitute a kj sighting.



  2. I'm no authority on any of this, but...

    I think you might have a relatively easy time comparing the US democracy to that of ancient Rome, as strange as that might sound, for the following reasons:

    1. Both republics divided their democracies into executive, judicial, and legislative branches. Balance of power kept both running smoothly.

    2. Both had elements of a mixed government system. In other words, the governments had a little bit of oligarchy (judicial), monarchy (executive), and representative democracy (legislative).

    3. Each democracy did well to accomodate an ever expanding and changing populace, made up of different cultures (think of how big the Roman Empire was before its fall and how many different cultures are subsumed by the American democracy).

    4. There is a clearly defined lineage of philosophy of government that links ancient political thought of Greece and Rome to our current system.

    You can find info on Rome in many places, I'm sure, so it wouldn't be that difficult to track down the specifics for your research. Of course there are some obvious and important differences between these two democracies, but taking a country's democracy from another era might give you an interesting and unique spin on your paper.

    Good luck and I hope this helps.


  3. Ya know

    I don't really HAVE an ass, so to speak.

    Well, it's small. Fits into lots of chairs, which I guess is good.

    So being assy is not something of which I am capable.

    Sassy...well, now that's another story.

    I'd stick with classy for now.

    Dude, I'm so CLASSY.

    haha. o man.


  4. I'm struck by the hefty doses of cynicism all around.

    Can we separate *hope* in the existence of true love from sheer *optimism* in discovering it in our immediate environments/relationships?

    And should we constantly chase our ever-changing perception of love in other people or must a truly intense degree of self-reflection happen first?

    As for love in general:

    Let's not forget there's all those who follow in the Islamic and Judeo-Christian modes who consider Allah, Yahweh, Jehovah, Christ, God to BE love--absolute, undying, eternal, and true.

    Before that, Plato (yes, more yawning if you like) tried addressing the question of defining the true nature of love in his Symposium in trademark open-ended Socratic fashion. He pointed out differences in familial, carnal, divine, friendly (Platonic) love and even opened things up to consider lesbian and gay relationships.

    But more to the POINT:

    I think one of the problems in thinking about what Mugz originally talked about -- i.e. "ROMANTIC" love -- is that the best of it mixes different conceptions of love (sexual, friendship, etc) in such myriad and individualized combinations. Striking a lasting or satisfying balance is a tall order. Takes a lifetime, in many cases.

    Hell, FINDING the love(s) of your life doesn't come easy either. I mean hell, I'm single at the moment...hehe. The blues, in the form of frustration, cynicism, or disillusionment plague us all from time to time. But why not bank on our ever-growing maturity and wisdom and keep an open heart. Based on recent current events, it's better than the alternatives--hatred/indifference--that's for damn sure.


  5. I like the comments, people.

    It's my opinion that our interactions with people are just as much a factor of self-examination as they are a factor of examiniation of others around us.

    I think it takes a lot of courage and effort to constantly and unflinchingly investigate our own shortcomings, fears, aspirations, ambitions, qualities and activities we find important and worthwhile. You can go to different clubs, cultures, countries and find the exact same kinds of people: good, bad, mediocre, amazing. Or you can stay where you are and think critically about yourself and respect the good, avoid the bad. Once the individual gets his/her self together, matters involving other people are easier to handle.

    You sound an awful lot like Shakespeare, Mugz!

    "All the world's a stage..."

    Ok that's enough outta this young kid's mouth for now.

    I'm ghost like Swayze.


  6. Your hand pushes me away

    so that I float into the night,

    then swing back, back from the nebulae

    to our drifting conversation.

    Among the race of star demons

    what I saw out there--

    golden chains, the spindle, sirens

    chanting the music of the spheres--

    blurs and streaks across star-flung

    distances the chain-link fences

    can't fence out. Between

    your hand and the hammock's

    slow rocking the Void

    expands, twisting threads

    tautening, slackening, stretched

    almost to breaking:

    Do you feel that wobble

    of earth's axis, space

    whirling past the ice-capped pole?

    The pines like judges stare down at us:

    What should we recant, here,

    tonight, as if we'd only just begun:

    Off-center already, losing

    equilibrium? The world-soul moving

    through the strung-out stars moves

    in threads that creak and moan,

    breathes between your mouth and mine.

    Pushing me away, you bring

    me home, your attraction drawing

    down the alchemical sign:

    Love draws the soul

    the way a magnet draws iron.

    -Tom Sleigh "The Hammock"

  7. Petrol, I liked what you had to say. What you said about language is a sentiment shared by many who have studied under post "linguistic turn" professors at college. Very interesting stuff.

    I think what LM said is also important. When it all comes down to history and what actually happens to people, women (people of color, gays and lesbians) have historically come up short. Times have changed, but this is still a patriarchal culture we're in, no doubt. And that has real tangible consequences outside of the theory world. This isn't to victimise; we have to all recognise the damage done culturally to women today and in the past and promote progressive solutions that increase our democratic efficacy as a whole.

    I like the dialogue, people!

    Never thought I'd see it on a clubbing message board.

    -Roland Barthes.


    I mean kjlive

  8. You know, I think ass grabbing of any kind in public is just WRONG.

    Just step back from the ass, folks.

    And not to steal any thunder from the ladies...but we menfolk get our behinds grabbed from time to time...by both men AND women.

    Yes, we all have the 'ass grabbin' BLUES from time to time.

    Too bad we don't have names like

    Deaf Lemon Jefferson

    Blind Apple Washington


    Slow Banana Jackson

    or some other combination of bodily disorder, fruit, and last name of a founding father.

    BUT I digress....


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