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Posts posted by wannabeclubchk

  1. Thanks, tony!

    Niece is 4 going on 34. LOL

    Cheeze is fine, she doesn't know it is CHEESE, and will have a blast in any situation.

    We have plans for the Guggenheim, as the "grown ups" (chronologically!) want to see the Kandinsky's there. But we will keep the options open, thanks!

    What I really need is a restaurant that will be fun for the adults, but not with a "no-kids" atmosphere. Any ideas there? The niece is really, really well behaved, but I would like the whole experience to be amazing for her. Any suggestions on where to eat??

    Thanks again!

  2. Hi all! I may have a great opportunity to bring my niece into the city for the tree, FAO Schwartz, and a museum this weekend. The best thing about my niece is she has more manners than I have seen on most adults. So, does anyone have any good suggestions as to where a kid and about 5 adults can ALL have a good time for lunch and/or dinner while doing the whole trite "xmas in NYC" thing? We will be in midtown, I guess, but don't mind easy subway travel. Thanks so much!!!!


  3. dont forget

    Madonna rubber gasket bracelets

    when Kylie Minogue did the Locomotion and Whitney wanted to "dance with somebody"

    Mork Suspenders


    Sweatshirts with the neck cut out, like


    Roller Sandals with pop out wheels

    Kick 'N' Go

    Chess King

    Friday Night Videos

    Mr. Bill



    Salt 'n' Pepa

    Boy George (and the people who INSISTED he was straight)

    And for the DJ's, I don't know if they still have anything like this but remember Record Pools???

    OMG Panache!!!!!

    Remember Baby O's????

    And the music, I remember weird mixes of everything from "I wanna be sedated" to Rapper's Delight all in the same teen-night! That was a tough time right after the death of disco!

  4. The Miss America Parade in Atlantic City was fabulous!!!!

    51 beautiful women, several thousand barely-talented high school students, some businesses and civic organizations made the promenade down the Atlantic City boardwalk tonight. Amongst Mohegan Sun floats and the Willamstown Band and Drill Team representatives from 51 parts of the country raised their legs to shouts of "Show Us Your Shoes!!!!!"

    Miss Florida sported orange heels with sequined oranges atop, and Miss Arizona had a player piano on her piggies. Some of them had really great footwear, ones you'd actually wear, like Miss Alaska's beaded moccasin boots, and others, like Miss Indiana had a trellis-like contraption, looking more like a cast than a shoe.

    I was told that the "Show Us Your Shoes!!!" tradition started somehow due to the gay fans on New York Ave. having a great affinity for the shoes the women wore. I also heard that it replaced "Show us Your Tits" after some guys got arrested for harassment. I don't know how it came to be. so if anyone can clarify that, please do, but the request is now a major part of the parade.

    I would have to say that Most Beautiful that I saw, from about 25 ft away (yeah, its a REAL BIG boardwalk LOL), would have to be Miss Alaska, Miss Hawaii, and Miss DC. They really all are pretty, well, there was this one whose smile was...unnatural...but I digress... If I were to pick just from the parade, DC or Hawaii would have it.

    All in all, it was a great time.


  5. Beauty, IMHO you are asking the wrong questions.

    In light of the fact that we are *all* going to die someday, perhaps the question you should ask is:

    "What if, when I do die, I look back and see that I was frozen with fear, and didn't take risks, and didn't live life to its fullest?"

    Some things will never be OK. That's just the way life is. Don't look for someone to "make it all better" because some things just don' t get better.

    And some things... well, some things will be ok, some will be great and some will be amazing! It is the balance and range of life that "makes it ok". Highs, lows, and everywhere in between, I hope you learn to enjoy it all.


    <wannabe fades back into the woodwork where she belongs>

  6. I hadn't been out in years before 9/11 happened. So I guess I started going out again at the CP America meetup. 9/11 cemented in my mind that life is too short not to enjoy every minute of it, and not to deny myself what I have wanted to do.

    Thanks and luv to Kitty, Tasty, Spragga, Gabo, JonStephen, Hacker, Chula, ReginaP, and everyone else I met that was so kind and made me feel so welcome, at America and at Float. Especially as I was venturing all the way "up to the City" ALONE. You guys are great, and I had more fun with you than I have had in the entire year (almost) since!!!

    Just wanted y'all to know I still think about you, and am glad I got to meet you. Maybe I'll make it up to the "big City" again sometime. Til then, I will enjoy my wannabe status and live vicariously through your posts!

    And if anyone anticipates coming down to America's Playground, feel free to give me a shout.

    Blessings to all- those who have lost, those who were lost, and those who are remembering.


  7. Originally posted by gabo

    like your not going to pm him your pic ha

    nah, gabo, if it can't be you, I want no other man!!!!

  8. Originally posted by tommyarmani

    Anyone interested can PM me, so pics can be exchanged & a possible meet up can be arranged. ;)

    Ah, so *that's* what this is all about!!! LOL


  9. I am surprised that this hasn't come up more often her eon the sex board.

    I have Tried it and I like it!

    It does take incredible maturity to be able to participate in that lifestyle, you're right.

    It isn't for you if, among other things: you still equate sex with love, you feel you should be the only person who receives pleasure from you partner, you feel you should be the sole provider of your partner's pleasure.

    NASCA.org (I believe that is the site) has a few papers on the subject for more info

  10. Reputation? You mean as in High School? Or as in Professional Reputation in the business community?

    I am assuming you mean the former. As time passes, it won't matter if you were a "goodie-goodie" or "on the other end of the spectrum". IMHO, as we mature, we depend less on others for validation, and define ourselves less by Other People's Standards. Integrity comes from within, by living up to your own standards. Besides, look around at society as a whole. Their standards are way too low! I would rather set my own criteria, and I can acheive MUCH more when I tune out what I "should be doing".

  11. In NJ, there is a programs called the SART or Sexual Assault Response Team. When a victim reports to the hospital, the SART Team is activate. This team consists of a Sexual Assault Victim Advocate (counselor), a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (RN specially trained to collect evidence) and a police officer or member of the Sexual Crimes unit of the county prosecutor. This program has been up and running for a year and 4 months and the results are great. More convictions, more pleas, and less trauma to the victims.

    Is one who is abused more likely to abuse others? Statistics show that a large percentage of abusers *were* abused. However, the statistics do show that a large percentage of those who were abused *do not* go on to abuse others.

    As for the victim's sexual tendencies after being raped, each victim is an individual. Some may become prostitutes, some may be promiscuous, some may become frigid, some may go on to have healthy senses of sexuality. It all depends on the circumstances and the individual's makeup.

    The statistics are staggering. Drug facilitated rapes are becoming very common, with higher conviction rates as women become more aware of the "after" symptoms. The most common sexual assault is by someone you know. The hardest to convict is "stranger" assault. And many of the rape kits in "stranger" assaults may never get processed to compare the DNA with the national database, therefore never convicting the perpetrator, so they are left as cold cases.

  12. ...to be affected, at least imo. The very same words delivered by the same person in the same tone can affect you differently depending on what you choose to feel about things. One can instantly react to something, and that is when we most frequently project our own "issues" or wants or needs onto what another says or does. One can also exercise the gift that is unique to humans, and that is free will. We can choose not to react, but to take the few moments to actually think on what was said and done, and then choose how we act on the information that we were just given.

    Personally, I don't like to give someone else power over me. Not that I wouldn't choose to be affected, like with positive, life enhancing things, but I know it is up to me if I allow it.

    Truth in both word and deed is most desirable, but most often, behavior is the most congruous evidence of integrity or lack thereof.

    Another shameless rambling Wannabe post, in her foolish quest to lose the New Skool designation!

  13. yes, met my sexual match, and it was UNBELIEVABLE!!!!! He was also a good match intellectually, spiritually, emotionally.... yet we aren't together. (Those damn ex-girlfriends!!!) I kind of like having an unrequited love, though, and will always have a special place in my heart for him.

    Since he's gone, I have been REALLY ENJOYING the interview process for a replacement!!!!!!


  14. I haven’t met all that many people from the board in person, yet I feel like I know at least a little of all of you through your posts. CP’ers (but especially sexboarders!) are, among other things, smart, kind, friendly, thoughtful, supportive, fair, protective of their friends, giving, willing to share themselves, creative, ambitious, beautiful... the list of positives could go on and on. You whom I have met in person, MissKittie, Spragga, Tasty, Gabo,

    Regina, Fiery, Lina, Chula, Hacker, Lavender, DJJonStephen, completely cemented that perception.

    It just seems like there have been a lot of posts lately about some, well, painful topics. All I am able to offer is a post sharing some of the thing that I have learned that have allowed me to come through difficult times with pretty good results.

    1. Take Responsibility for Yourself- Every person, place, thing, emotion, thought, desire, etc. is all in your life because you CHOOSE to have it there. When happy, examine what choices led you to be there, when unhappy do the same. Then ask, “What Choices should I be making in the future?” And feel free to examine the why’s of your happiness or unhappiness, especially when you have mixed feelings.

    2. Take Responsibility ONLY for Yourself- You will not ever, not one day of your life, make everyone happy. I can’t emphasize this enough, You are not responsible for other people’s feelings! That isn’t license to be rude, nasty and inconsiderate, but we’ll get to that another time. You will always have to make your decisions based on own feelings, not how your mom will feel or your gf/bf will feel or how your 3rd grade teacher will feel. If you

    merely live up to other people’s standards, your greatness will be limited by their perceptions of who they think you are.

    3. Ask Effective Questions- Effective questions deal with the heart of the matter and are honest and direct, and the answer, while it may not be one that you want to hear, can always be put to use. If you aren’t getting usable information, it isn’t an effective question.

    These aren’t unique thoughts, I know. They are the fruits of study and experience distilled down to an elixir that smacks of common sense. However, it seems all of us, at times, have to remind ourselves of things that are “common sense.”

    And remember, we experience the most resistance when we are making the most progress.


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