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Posts posted by crystelbella21

  1. My sob life? I far from having a bad life, everything is looking up for me. You made the idiotic comment saying, "and dont even come back with that im going to school bullshit." SO I GUESS GOING TO COLLEGE AND GETTING A DEGREE IS BULLSHIT? SHUT YOUR MOUTH. You claim to have all this knowledge of music but then say you are not a house-head? So which one is it hun? Yeah I am another dj in the mix, and I do it sober unlike the 100000000000 dj's that do all sorts of drugs. (no offense to any other dj's that do drugs or stay sober when they spin, to each his own) Im done with you, tell grandma im still waitin for those biscuits though, any day now........

    Im still lmfao that going to college is bullshit.........lololololololololololol

    i'm actually the one that said i'm not a "house-head.. although i do listen to house" and yes i know alot about music, since i went to college for it.. and i especially know about the genres that i listen to.. which exceed JP ;)

  2. played out haahahah its only played out when all the the clowns from the tri state area hit all the same parties yr in and yr out and dont try something new

    only bad part recently wit the wmc is them doin it on the biggest week of spring break. they need to do it like they did in 04' 1st week of march or yrs back in feb

    that is exactly why its played out to me.. i'm not a house-head.. yes i do listen to house but its not my fav. genre @ all.. i'd rather go to a few events outside the states.. musically its more fun to me.. i dont need to fly to miami to go to the same parties here with the same damn people...

  3. u might want to research me before u speak about me.. cause u couldnt be any further from the truth.. i would defend ANY dj that i listen to the way i defend JP.. they work their asses off.. and not u or any other person has the right to knock them.. u dont like their sets.. DONT GO

    as for the conference.. lol please that has been played out for years now.. u will NEVER see me down there

  4. Holy shit! $250 a person? Who was the DJ?

    So for 6 people you spent $1500? What did you get? Did you drink it all?

    it was ivano bellini & mike whitemore... its a complicated story.. my friends got a table and some how they only made reservations for 8 people and there were 14 of us.. .so they had them set up at the tables overlooking the dancefloor and in order for us to get the table next to them we had to pay for 8 people

    lol we still have water bottles full of grey goose & redbulls in the fridge...

    lol and no i'm not rich i almost choked when they told us the price

  5. whatever man i like jp but his fans need to get off his dick and go see some other fuckin djs. its funny only jp fans responded to this thread but all the critics know im right. you guys are the clueless ones just too clueless to even realize quality music if it smacked u in the forehead. sorry jp i was happy to hear u did so well but your army has turned me off from you. u wanna talk to me about class? go look at everyone on the jp board, most of them cannot go out sober. if u cant go out with any drugs u shudnt go out at all. good jp threw a good party, too bad his crowd will always be filled with dirt bags, ppl that go because its the cool thing to do, ppl that go to get fucked up out of their mind, and the small small majority: people that actually go for the music and the whole experience. i dont even do drugs but i bet all u defending jp were cracked out, so you cant even give a review unless u were sober.

    you can say all u want about people on JP's board.. but if you are gonna call me out specifically u better know what ur talking about...

    ur 20 years old.. i can guarantee all the dj's u like.. i've seen on a regular basis since probably when u were in elementary school.. generalizing people because you want to prove your point.. proves nothing except you dont know who & what your talking about..

    what did i say to you or about you that got u upset? seriously your taking message board life wayyyyy to seriously

  6. 95% of the JP threads on CP about his parties talk about how much he ripped it...check the archives for NYE threads, or his WMC threads, or his BDay threads. You seem like you can criticize him when you want, but look at your fellow JPE members/JP fans, they won't. They think everything he does is gold and that he shits lucky charm marshmellows.

    what other people do and say is NOT my problem

    and why does it get to u??? IGNORE THE THREADS!

  7. How is it hypocritical???

    My mistake then...

    here its hypocritical because u say we say all his parties are good [which in my case is definitely NOT true] but at the same time u say all his parties suck.. not for nothing that is being hypocritical

  8. Because it could be the worst party in the world, and you guys would still say he's the king of NYC. That's why CP hates on you guys.

    the biggest hypocritical statement u made.. now ignore me and dont post to me anymore.. btw u NEVER id'd anything of mine and JPE

  9. during this track, i remember just looking at the people around me just like watttttttttttt

    my jaw was on the floor

    whats ur username on JPE by the way?

    lol everyone's jaws were on the floor.. i couldnt move for 10 minutes cause i was in shock! lol

  10. i never said anything about bashing cp, im going by monthb's qoute of lou because i didnt read jps board but how are u supposed to take this?

    "NOW every fan JOIN CLUBPLANET >>>>

    and let them have it . ......................." HARD but with CLASS "

    come on now, be serious sweety

    u seem like a nice girl

    like musikal said the bashing started here...

    how many threads in the past few weeks have their been bashing JP to shreds? is it necessary .. NO! every dj's have their flaws and their strong points.. i'm sure some of the dj's u like.. i would pull my hair out listening to.. we are 2 different people with different likes and dislikes

    jp had an amazing party.. why cant it just be left at that.. you realize that some people on here have to be right with their opinions and stoop to very low levels in defense

  11. once again just statin my opinion not tryin to start shit but...who is lou b to tell everyone over on that board (what to post) & to flood cp with jp threads? i bet the jp team would be furious if someone made a thread on clubplanet telling everyone to go over there and start bashing jp. please dont tell me u disagree? its very childish in my opinion and its not like jp needs more publicity as it is.

    he didnt tell us to bash CP & he didnt tell us to flood CP with JP threads.. so again i will say stop taking his words out of context

  12. This board goes to shit when there's threads like this. We've argued for the past 4 pages...over what? Nothing. Nothing is solved. Happens like this in every Jp thread. Noone agrees to disagree

    maybe if u just let people have their opinions without trying to make urself right by bashing them.. it wouldnt turn into a wasted argument

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