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About xolizox17

  • Birthday 10/17/1984

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    DaNcInG*** n SoCcEr
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xolizox17's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by italianchris19 Ohh shit my bad i was thinking of this other kid who was a year old then me named justin volpe. But i know who ur talkin bout the one wit the audi? No..actually hun scooby or w/e was wrong =/ i was talking about justin and ryan volpe..they went to VSN..ryan is a senior hes 17 and justtin graduated i think hes about 21-22 now...but ne wayz..where u chill by? are u hot? (haha not that that matters!!!=) well g/g ttul
  2. well im on my way out.. talk to ya lataz:)
  3. oh werd...datz hot..yah there good kids..justin hot haha..ummmm =/ only 17 but...whateva =) itz all good
  4. AcTuaLLy Nooooo......Im NoT F*Up..Soo..way to TrY n Be FuNnY...BuT it TRu* i WiSh i WaS
  5. Yooo...cHrIs YoU WeNt To V.S.North? and u lov clubs* ....Do YoU KNo JuStIN AnD RyAn VoLpe>?!!?
  6. WhAdd Up ChRiS?! Some of Ma FrIeNdS Go To NasSaU, YaH ZaChaRy'S iS igHt* =) HoW Old r ya? oH ya N i Liv In FLoRaL PaRk WeLL Im oUT...HoLLaAa BaK~*!
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